But What About ...?

The new thing for mainstream media actors, useful idiots, and common everyday dumbfucks to have conniptions about is "bothsidesing" or "both-sidesism."  "Bothsidesing refers to the media or public figures giving credence to the other side of a cause, action, or idea to seem fair or only for the sake of argument when the credibility of that side may be unmerited."  It's just another tool of censorship for the immature, logically-challenged minds of those plugged into the "Leftrix."  #fuckyoucrackerhesaidfinepeople

When an entire ideology is based on propaganda and the proclivity of sheep to not want to or not be able to think for themselves, any information in opposition of said propaganda must be marginalized or eliminated altogether.  Given that the braindead zombies don't actually think for themselves, simple facts and logic easily stop them in their tracks.  #1984in2024 #factsarewhitesupremacistdogwhistlesyoucrackerassbitch

Obvious facts and basic logic almost always contradict the propaganda.  Those facts and that logic must be eliminated.  #censorshipisnecessarybigot   Another relative of bothsidesing that leftomatons like to complain about is "whataboutism."  Though it has been around for years, this is another evil thing Donald Trump is blamed for.  It is commonly used when talking to a logically impaired individual to rightfully call out his/her/whateverthefuck hypocrisy.  #fatmanisinlovewithputinandyouknowithonky

So given that both-sidesism and whataboutism are bad things but only when used against the Leftrix, former ideologue all-star Jon Stewart needed to be limp-wristed, left-handed, bitch slapped back into line recently.  #howdareyoujon  Pointing any critical lens at the Biden Harris administration is out of bounds and must be stopped, even if it was in jest.  #yougotjokeshonky

With this latest slip-up, they might need to rethink chiseling Jon Stewart onto the Mount Rushmore of late-night "comedians" along with Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and Bill Maher.  #comedyisaboutmakingfunofrepublicancrackerscracker

Jon Stewart had the audacity to temper his Donald Trump criticisms with criticisms of su-su-su-saint Joe Biden.  #itsachildhoodstutteryoufuckingableistasshole  #ithoughtyouweregoingtosingsussudio  #pumpthebrakesphil

MSNBC expert of something or other, Jacques Berlinerblau, opined about Jon Stewart's self-censoring after outrage from the Leftrix zombie horde.  #dontbeflippantyoufuckingantisemite  You can tell he has a great sense of humor by just looking at him.  #hesabighitatparties  #hisexpertiseincomedyisunrivaled

According to the expert on humor, Jacquescoostow, "critics" were upset at Stewart for dangerously and inappropriately perpetuating "both-sidesism" when it came to dragging President Joe Biden and Donald Trump in equal measure.  #howdarehecriticizescrantonjoe  

"Every time you tell a Biden joke you are unsafe.  I don't like you because you're dangerous!"  #thatsrighticemaniamdangerous

In response to the backlash, Stewart's most recent show was strangely absent of any Biden jokes.  Comedic savant, Jaquesson Bringerblammo, has imparted his sage words of wisdom to consider.  "Comedy doesn't have to be 'fair and balanced.'  Comedy, I submit, must be aware of its own brute power to shape and influence perceptions.  Comedy isn't a suicide pact; to mock Biden and Trump as if they merited exactly the same amount of abuse is dangerous."  #hegetsit  #getthisguyasitcom  #watchoutjerryseinfeld

Did you listen to (read) the words that were coming out of Biglemmingboner's mouth?  "Brute power," "influence perceptions," "suicide pact," "abuse," and "dangerous."  He sounds like someone with his finger on the pulse of comedy.   Psychologists and cultural anthropologists should study this man's sense of humor.  Apparently, comedy has little or possibly nothing to do with laughing at things that are funny.  Comedy is about influencing perceptions about one guy being good and the other guy being evil.  #itsfunnybecausehesfat  #trumpmeritstheabuseasshole

Blazingblumpkin details specifically the problem of evil orange people with their sights set on absolute power.  "It ain't the aughts anymore.  Trump isn't some George W. Bush, or John McCain, or Mitt Romney.  This mediascape is much more vulnerable to weaponization by cunning bad actors with authoritarian hankerings."  #obviousjokesaboutafeebleoldmanareathreattodemocracy

Editor's note- American society's laws and policies are guided by a founding document called the Constitution.  The mainstream disseminators of knowledge are trying to convince you that this fat, orange, authoritarian, autocrat demon is dead set on following the Donald Trump dictates found in the Mar-A-Lago HOA, and he wants to impose a bunch of fascist bullshit called "law and order."  #thatshitshouldbemockedyoudumbmotherfuckinhonky

According to Blinkingbozo, Biden is off limits to mockery, and it's imperative that Trump is ruthlessly mocked.  This double standard just further illustrates the fragility of their ideological house of cards.  It is clear that both Biden and Trump are well springs of comedy material.  #theabbottandcostelloofpoliticalnarcissisticbuffoons  It's awesome, good, and required to eviscerate Trump and anything conservative ad nauseum, but don't even think about hinting anything negative in the general direction of Biden or the democrats.  #talkaboutfragility  Bottom line, stop using weapons of mass destruction i.e. comedy.  Only the left gets to do that.  #comedycontrolnow  #ammendtheconstitution  #nofreespeechforthosecriticizingtherulingclass

Calling Trump an authoritarian autocrat while pushing for censorship is Alanis Morissette level song material.  #isshepervertedlikeme  Disregarding the founding document to illegally change voting procedures to make it easier to tally millions more "votes" than even the GOAT, El Jefe Barack Husein Obama, doesn't seem shady at all.  Ignoring border laws to open the floodgates at the southern border to millions of "newcomers" to usher in a one-party political system seems rather autocratic.  #thefatorangehonkyistheautocratcracker  #ibethegets150fuckingmillionsvotesthistime  #goshyouguysareflippinidiots

WORD OF THE DAY- au-to-crat-ic
adjective  autocrat- noun
relating to a ruler who has absolute power, taking no account of other people's wishes or opinions.

Immature people's lives are based on propaganda.  #thinkingishard  They aren't mature enough or mentally strong enough to value thinking and knowledge, so they operate from spoon-fed information derived from "authorities."  Nefarious entities know this and use it to their advantages.  Anyone can say he is the "good guy" and the other side is the "bad guy."  #whataboutwomenmisogynisticasshole  #whataboutnonbinarytransphobicasshole  When information is readily available, it's harder to grab the attention of the masses.  When information is limited or censored, the programming happens almost automatically.  #cantfoolmecrackeribewokeasamotherfucker  #votingforsomeonewhocanbarelystayawake

The party in power/"good guy" is constantly trying to limit actual factual information from becoming available.  The state-sanctioned information coincidentally portrays themselves as the "Saviors of the Universe" while indicating that any opposing view is a reincarnation of Hitler and the Nazis.  The authoritarian playbook dictates that you "accuse the other side of that which you are guilty."  #motherfuckerwantstobeadictatorondayone  #hesaidit

Anyone with a functional frontal lobe and working eyes knows that whoever is currently running the United States, that person or cabal, is not the "good guy."  Furthermore, given the attack on the conservative "bad guys," the agenda becomes readily apparent with just a little bit of that "hard" thinking.  Clearly, that is too much to ask of from 80 some odd million people.  #seesaypwodway  #nospeakadaingles  #greatreplacementnazicrackerassbitch  #apparentlydoctorscannotpanderinspanish

If you are worried about the degradation of society, the current path to ruin that we are on, the devaluation of our currency, the rise of AI robot killing machines, and/or the increasing ineptitude of our "leadership," just chill out and listen to some tunes from your iPhone played through the speakers of your Tesla while you're perusing the federal calendar noting all of the LGBTQIA2S+ events while running your AC to survive the extreme heat or the heater to survive the extreme cold or whatever atrocity you are suffering from caused by the climate change created by the F150 driving cis-gendered racists.  Might I recommend the Five Stairsteps.   "Ooh child, things are gonna get easier.  Ooh child, things'll get brighter."  #sweetusapantsbro  #ignoranceisbliss  #thegovernmentreallycares

Or conversely, you could doomsday prep the fuck outta your house and load up on guns and ammo to get ready for the impending Road Warrior/Terminator apocalypse that is just around the corner. #hititcreedence  #iseeabadmoonrising  #thanksdeepstate  #gonnastartbedazzlingmyshoulderpadstoday  #shouldigowithfeathersorfuraccents  #ikindafeellikeeveryoneisgonnagowithblackandgray  #imgonnagowithearthtones  #itmakesmyeyespop  #combatbootsortrainers  #icanseeanargumentforeither  #myasaultriflegameisweak  #thatsgonnacomebackandbitemeintheass  


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