A Flippin' Skit
Why didn't anybody tell us about this? #waytogosnl
So, we are finally here. What used to be called election day and is now more commonly considered the continuation of the election three months, or season, or something. #ittakestimetocountvotescracker
Polls will close today and the fifty fuckin' billion mail-in votes must be postmarked by today. We could know the winner tonight if there is a landslide. #kamalagonnarollthatorangedevilhonky Just four years ago you might remember that Orange Hitler was winning almost all (but definitely enough) of the swing states when we went to bed on election night. #nightynight Then as if by the magic of Santa Claus when we woke up that morning, all of those states were declared for the sharp as a tack, running circles around his much younger staff, Joey Biden. #wesaveddemocracy #theadultswereincharge #howhasthatworkedout
So as to the current WWE event, Harris v. Trump. Trump increased his support by some 3 million after being the president when he ran in 2020. Amazingly, under the radar, politics best kept secret and everyman superstar Joseph Robinette Biden shattered all records for any election in the history of the universe. #lottaenthusiasmforthathero He eclipsed the atheists' version of the second coming of Christ, Barack Hussein Obama by millions and millions of votes. #barackisthegoatracist
Remember folks, we're talking about the preservation of democracy. Not a joke! If you want to continue to build back better and develop an opportunity economy, you must get out and vote. And by vote, I mean vote democrat! If you are a mega MAGA domestic terror threat to the homeland, please don't vote. #sityocrackerassdownandshutthefuckup
Democracy means democrats in power. #obviously When republicans are in power, it's a fascist autocracy! So, for the good of the abortion industry, for the good of good people like George Soros and Bill Gates, for the good of the Mexican cartels profits, and above all for the good of Obama, Pelosi, and Biden please vote Harris as many times as you can. #widespreadelectionfraudhasbeendebunked #biglyingcrackerassbitch
My prediction- pain! #letmeshowyouwhatarealmanislike #dontgivehimastatuegivehimguts
Harris 302 electoral college votes to Trump's 236. In the popular vote, a new universal election record will be achieved with Harris tallying some 85 million votes to Trump's paltry 77 million. #kamalaharristhepoliticalgoat #kamalacamachoisthereadifference #abortionsforeveryone #yougetanabortionandyougetanabortion #mencangivebirth #pricegougersareshakingintheirboots #soonyoullbeabletoubereatsfentanyl #itwasagoodrunamerica
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