Harmful (fill in the blank) Rhetoric

 Oh America!  What has happened to you?

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."  #evildisinformation #misinformation  #hatespeech

We went from a country based on the right to say whatever you want no matter how stupid, mean, or ill informed you are to a country where you can only speak the approved propaganda.  You can still be stupid, mean, and ill informed (in most cases it's required) just make sure that you are parroting the mainstream democratic party line talking points.  #theyarecountingonyourstupidity

Every now and then someone actually says "Fuck it all!" and tells the "truth."  Case in point, Andrew Tate.  He is living and speaking "his" truth.  The problem is that his truth is controversial but more importantly contradictory to the Leftrix  #leftistpropagandamatrix #labelingnonsensicalbullshitmytruthusedtobeok

Rachel Leishman is jumping for joy at the banning of Andrew Tate from basically all social media.  #doesntshelookhappy  "And I hope it keeps on happening and no one has to listen to your nonsense anymore."  I didn't realize that some people in society were being forced to listen to his opinion.  #forcedcompliance

"I am the eye in the sky looking at you.  I can read your mind.  I am the maker of rules dealing with fools.  I can cheat you blind."  #youdownwithapp  #youknowme

I also forgot that people weren't allowed to state opinions any more.  #fuckyoumysoginist  #allcrackersmustbesilenced  If you don't want to listen to Andrew Tate, then don't fucking listen to him!  #crybaby  Most people don't even know who he is.  #svengaliinfluencertomorons

So, who is Andrew Tate?  It simply doesn't matter who he is.  I somehow escaped the mandate Rachel thinks exists that required everyone to listen to Andrew Tate.  Until recently, I didn't know that he even existed.  I don't need to know what his opinions are to know that he can have whatever fucking opinions he wants to have.  #firstamendment

He could and might very well be the biggest male douche bag the world has ever seen.  Although that would be a tough feat to pull off, because we all know Hunter Biden exists.  #doimakeyouhorny #internationalmanofmoney  #onebilliondollars



#joyreidispissedshecantbeincluded  #mysogynistpatriarchyracists

Let's review some opinions.  Shall we?  SPECIAL NOTE-  Some of the following opinions are not actually opinions at all but statements of fact or misstatements of fact.  If I were to state, "In my opinion INSERT PERSON HERE is a criminal,"  said person is either a criminal or not a criminal so it's not an opinion.  Prefacing a verifiable statement as an opinion doesn't make it so. 

Joe Biden is the greatest president of all time.  #authorunknown

Donald Trump is a big fat orange white supremacist.  #thatisobviousinsurrectionist

Electric vehicles are better for the environment.  #mycarispoweredbyhopeandchange

American pipelines are bad, but foreign pipelines are not just good, they're great!  #foreignfossilfuelsarefantastic

"Transgender women are WOMEN."  #fuckingarighttransphobe

If a person is not intelligent enough or competent enough in his prime to be president of the United States of America, then he definitely shouldn't be president 30 or 40 years after said prime.  #silveralert  #heisshakinghandswiththeairagain

Honesty is a virtue.  #honestyisracistyouwhitesupremacist

"The withdrawal from Afghanistan couldn't have gone any better."  #focusingtoomuchonstudyingwhiterageiguess

Borders in America are white supremacist Jim Crow relics that must be destroyed.  While borders in foreign countries are essential, and we must financially support them forever.  #youbetterstandwithukraine  

Non-college educated citizens that work hard to support themselves, their families, and the country (with their taxes) should pay for anything that the elites deem appropriate especially their apparently worthless college degrees.   #shouldntcollegestudentsunderstandthatnothingisfree  

"Hillary Clinton is a beautiful, sweet, and kind lady."

Michelle Obama is a man.  #thatdiditcracker  #preparetodie

Dr. Jill Biden is a great doctor and should be surgeon general as stated by the brilliant Whoopi Goldberg.  #alltalkandnobrainaction  #weneverclaimeditisthecorrectview  #pointingoutstupidityisracist

Requiring identification to vote is evil and white supremacist.  #thedmvisracist

Mathematics is racist.  #thecorrectansweriswhateverisayitiscracker

2 wrongs make a right.  #weliketothinkthatinfinitewrongsarerightaslongaswearedoingthem

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is an American Hero.  #everythinginvolvesrussiarussiarussia  #sonowsmarthasbeenredefinedapparently

Logic and reason is the enemy of the stupid and evil.  Try talking sense to hardcore ideologues.  The last things they want to hear are facts and logic.  Everything is opinion based on feelings and versions of reality crammed down their throats by the overlords.  #yeahbutheisanarcissist  #yeahbutheisfat  #yeahbutrussiarussiarussia

Don't worry.  You'll be told what to think.  Don't worry.  We'll give you money to stay home.  Don't worry about having a spouse to support you.  We'll give you extra money for more kids.  #wecare  #doyoulikecandy  #howaboutfreemoney

Do very much worry about getting sick!  Stay home in isolation unless you want to kill grandma.   Take our shots if you want us to let you participate in society.  Do worry about systemic racism!  #comingtogetyouwhitey  Do worry about people who think America is good especially if they have American flags!  #patriotismequalsracism

Isn't it interesting that those that can't define words and concepts that have existed forever are trying to limit everyone's ability to speak.  When you don't know how to drive, you have no business on the freeway trying to pull people over.  #slowlane  #drivethrulane  


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