Democracy is on the Ballot

We are living in weird times, strange times, some might even say end times.  #dachickensarecominghometoroostcracker  The world is becoming increasingly divided by design from the shadow overlords.  #tinfoilhatmoron  Common sense is no longer relevant because it is apparently racist.  #fuckyourwhitesensehonky  Real solutions to actual problems can't even be discussed because we are constantly derailed into arguments over bullshit like the femininity of a "woman's" penis and testicles, and its right to be in previously vagina only spaces.  #eatshittransphobe

Attention dumbfucks! the issue isn't about keeping women out of the men's spaces.  It's about keeping men out of women's spaces.  No one cares about a woman masquerading as a man in men's spaces.  You show actual patriarchal misogyny when you prioritize men over women.  #iknowyouarebutwhatamibigot  But, I digress.  #morelikeregressneanderthal

One side claims to be for truth, justice, and the American way while the other side claims that all of that is systemically white supremacist and evil.  #checkyourselfbigot  One side wants to punish criminals for committing crimes while the other side feels that the punishers are the true criminals, and all prisons should be emptied onto the streets just not the streets that they live on.  "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me."  #oohscary  #sweethairbrothaorisitsista

You are supposed to believe that a man is a chick if she/they think it, and a woman is a dude if he/they tells you to call he/they "Bubba."  Homosexuality is preferred, prideful, normal, and good according to them, but if two individuals with penises are sexually intercoursing each other it is heterosexual as long as one of the individuals claims to be a woman.  #itsnotgaywhenhercockisinhisass  #talkaboutacryinggame

The best part is that you aren't limited to the pseudoscience of man or woman based on your objective biology and genetic makeup.  #freedom  "Sometimes the clothes do not make the man."  #singitgeorge

You can be neither (non-binary), both (2 spirit) #whatabout3ormorespiritsbigot, or a constant changing mix of both (gender fluid).  My apologies for being so closed-minded, you can also be something that you made up that no one has ever heard of.  #soundsperfectlyreasonableasshole  #toinfinityandbeyond

But, no matter how many genders you believe exist, you still are limited to a choice between two old, white, narcissistic, cis-male assholes to lead the country you live in.  Let me let you in on a little secret, which ever one "leads" the country, you still lose.  That being said, there's no doubt who the dark overlords are betting on.  A similar conundrum would be to question who the casino owners want to win when you go to Vegas with your new fool proof gambling system, "you or the house?"  #81millionvotesyoufuckinginsurrectionist  #everytimeyoulosejustdoublethebet

USA Today Opinion columnist, Rex Huppke, is dropping knowledge on fools.  So, Biden was recently on Seth Meyers' "widely successful" late-night talk show where he fell back into old habits by plagiarizing Meyers' opening monologue lie about Trump forgetting his wife's name.  Rex states the obvious that Biden was wrong but "who cares?"  He then attempts to roast Trump for caring about the slander from a dishonest dementia dumbfuck and responding to Biden's mumbling version of the lie.  #stoppickingonhischildhoodstutteryoufuckingableist

"The radical left Democrats are at it again.  They're constantly making up stories about me because their candidate is a mental and physical basket case.  There's never been anything like it.  He's also the worst president in the history of our country.  He went on a very poorly rated show last night, and he talked about Donald Trump and his wife, I don't know the name of my wife."  #thatbitchisnomichelle  #bitchisntevenadoctor  #everhearofpersonalspace  #backawayfromgrampa

He was referring to the fact that at CPAC, where I had a sold-out speech, the biggest audience they've had in years, I think maybe ever.  I made the statement that Melania was very popular because when I mentioned her name, the audience went wild.  I then looked at the two people, man and wife, Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, and I said, 'Wow, they really like the first lady.'  So, this got taken as the fact that I thought Mercedes was the first lady, has nothing to do with that."  

"These people are really dishonest.  They are absolutely something.  They have a horrible candidate who's a horrible president.  They make up things constantly.  You take a look at when I use Barack Hussein Obama and I interject him into where it's supposed to be Biden, and I do it purposely for comedic reasons and for sarcasm because a lot of people say that Obama's running the country, not Biden, because he's sleeping all the time.  They say, 'Oh, he had trouble getting off a stage.'  I have no trouble getting off a stage.  Anybody that watches what I do at rallies would say, 'Wow, that's amazing.  He can go two hours without a teleprompter, not making even a little mistake.'  Very few people, maybe almost nobody, can do what I do."  
#whatanarrogantbigot  #braggingabouttalkinglikeitshuhhuhhuhhardorsosososomething  #fuckyoustutterist

"So, here's the story.  The disinformation of the Democrats is unbelievable.  They do it because they have a horrible candidate."  
#potcallingthekettleblackcracker  #whythekettlegottabeblack

"Don't associate me with the mental midget that you portray because I want to tell you, he should not be leading this country.  And hopefully on November 5, he's not going to be.  We're going to have a big election, we're going to have a big victory, and we're going to make America great again.
"  #racistdogwhistlingagainmuch  #shoutoutotfireblaster

According to sexy Rexy, "It takes staggering gall to question the 81-year-old current president's mental acuity while sitting back and applauding a 77-year-old man who just burped up a rambling two-minute screed about how everyone is amazed by his stage stamina."  It seemed to me that the screed was mostly about the dishonesty of democrats and the fact that Joe Biden is a dishonest and pathetic absolute shit-show of a president.  #shutyourtrapyoudisinformingwhitepieceofshit

Never mind the continuous stream of stumbles, mumbles, and gaffs from the oldest and most pathetic politician in modern history, slowly stammering out a plagiarized lie is apparently more virtuous than accurately defending yourself from the lie.  The lies flow out of democrats mouths like illegals flow out of Mexico.  #theborderissecurexenophobe

Let's pretend for a moment that a politician's word meant something.  #welcometofantasyisland  It doesn't, but if it did it would be very telling about the politician if his word was unintelligible.  Would you rather have an old, unapologetic, arrogant asshole who is for America and for the Constitution or an even older, weaker, arrogant, asshole who is for Ukraine and for anyone who wants to enter the country at the expense of America?  #thegrownupsareinchargenowasshole  #inchargeofthedestructionofamerica

"But Democracy is on the ballot in 2024!"  The fact that there is an election is an example of democracy, but "no" dumbfuck,  "Democracy is not on the ballot!America is a constitutional republic.  Our representatives in government are democratically elected to then create laws guided by our Constitution.  #democracydemocracydemocracy  #wemustdefenddemocracyeverywhere

But you must always remember that Good Ole Scranton Joe needed to run for president in the first place because the Big Fat Orange Racist said, "there are fine people" when talking about neo-Nazis.  He's the savior of the Black people!  How's he doing three years later?  #apparentlyzelenskyidentifiesasblack Also, don't forget the wise words of our heroic leader from 2020, "If you're having a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."  #comeonman  #whatareyouajunkie  #iamseriousfolks  #iaintjoking  #iknownothingaboutmysonsoverseasbusinessdealings  #fatheroftheyear50yearsrunning  #slightindianaccent  #weekendatbidens  #corvettesarecool  #inhisprimehewaspathetic  #wellpasthisprime  #letmeseeyougiveitatryjack  #fullacademicscholarship  #graduatedwith3degrees  #lookfat  #pushupcompetition  #readingishard  #spendspendspend



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