Bust a Deal Face the Wheel
We just had the third anniversary of the viciously violent and brutal attack on our sacred "democracy." Side question, "Do your parents let you open one present on Insurrection Eve?" #fuckyoucracker We've all seen the horrific footage of those evil insurrectionists breaking the hell out of that front window. #becarefulofthebrokenglass January 6, 2021, when hordes of armed bloodthirsty savage insurrectionists stormed the capitol to end "democracy" and usher in the fat orange authoritarian autocrat's evil reign over us all for infinity. It was very much like the origin story in a comic-to-screen, dystopian-future, science-fiction, horror movie. #theorangemenace #thefatorangeblob #shitler #supervillain #cornpoponsteroidswithafaketan
The big question resulting from the events of J6 is, "How stupid are you?" #saywhatcracker "Your ability to use your brain, are you clinically retarded?" #what Maybe there is a language barrier. "English mother fucker, do you speak it?" You read that correctly. "How actually fucking braindead, mentally-challenged, dumbfuck stupid are you?" #gonnawhoopyourhonkyass
Most Dumbfuckistani don't even know that there were multiple states with a member from the House of Representatives along with someone from the Senate to legally challenge those votes from several specific states. #andyourpointhonky Democrats almost always attempt to challenge elections when they lose but can never get representatives from both houses to sign on. #systemicoppression The Constitutional legal challenges were in place and happening. And then, magically, all of those legal challenges vanished into pepper-sprayed air when the "armed insurrection" began. Once those several "Trump supporters" broke that window, all bets were off. #worstdayinamericasincethecivilwar #megamagamuthafuckas
According to Representative Ruben Gallego a Marine corps veteran, "Thousands of rioters stormed the center of our democracy with hopes of preventing the certification of the 2020 election." Ironically, what those "rioters" actually accomplished was the prevention of the preventing of the certification of the 2020 election. #thatsconvenient Gallego also recalls the brutal assault of over 100 law enforcement officers. "Capitol Police fought like hell to protect us." Is this the same Capitol Police that removed the fences to let people in? Or is it the ones that were escorting people around the Capitol? #ohthebrutality #oneofficerwasbludgeonedtodeathwithafireextinguisher #wrongagainasshole
"Tragically, several of them died in the aftermath of what happened at the Capitol that day; many more still live with physical and mental scars that will never fade." They have been trying to pin deaths on January 6th from the second a red hat was spotted on Capitol grounds. No one was killed at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, unless you count Ashli Babbit who was "gunned down" by a bumbling Capitol Police Officer in zero danger. #shewasacrackerassbitchanddeservedtodie (side note- There is video footage of that "killing." If you haven't seen it, watch it. I'm just saying.) I'd love to see one "physical scar that will never fade" from any law enforcement officer on Capitol grounds from that day. #funnythatthereiszeroevidenceofscars #myrashidentifiesasascarskinabnormalityphobe #seeingthatmanywhitepeopledoesleaveemotionalscarscrackerassracist
"These lies have no place in government." types Gallego. This coming from an idealogue whose entire professional government existence depends on lies. Actual violent protesters who fire-bombed buildings, attacked and injured thousands, looted businesses, and killed people were peaceful protesters, but those seditionist assholes shuffling through the Capitol with artificial hips, rheumatoid arthritis, Velcro-strapped orthopedic shoes, and American flags were violent insurrectionists. #crackersbecrazyhonky #whataboutthehornsguycracker
I agree, "lies have no place in government." Unfortunately, the "government" doesn't hold the same ideals. If we were to remove the lies from government, our current "government" would cease to exist. Our "government" is not serving the interests of the American people. Whose interests they're serving is up for debate as long as you understand it's not us. "No, no, no, it ain't me, babe." #amenbobby
An easy rule of thumb to live by in today's world, especially in Dumbfuckistan, is "When the government says something," the odds would indicate that betting on "it's not true" would be a smart wager. #brightlightcity #youreabigwinner #vegasbabyvegas #doubledown
Let's review a few key pieces of evidence to support that position. #morebullshitdisinformationfromyoucracker
1. As per the government, men and women don't really exist given that men can be women, women can be men, or either can be neither. Therefore, any laws/rules/regulations barring anyone from anything based on biological sex is transphobic and subsequently evil. #herewegoagaincracker #brokenrecord #stophatingontheshemalesbigot #youhadagoodrunladies ##getbackinthekitchenandletthetranswomenplaysports
2. As per NASA, the United States totally flew to the Moon several times. That feat was achieved on spaceship thingies that resembled children's arts and crafts projects made out of old tent poles, scrap siding, and aluminum foil, #popsiclesticks #aluminumcans #elmersglue but it definitely happened you conspiracy theorizing asshole. #thefoilwasgoldhonky The fact that there is very little data to quantify the missions combined with our inability to make it to the moon today in 2024 is of no relevance. #wecouldwejustdontwantto Apparently, NASA absent mindedly destroyed the technology or can't replicate it for some unknown reasons. #theyvemovedontomarsidiot #theirdogatetheschematics
3. The number one threat to the homeland is white supremacy. School shooting here, church shooting there, mall shooting over yonder, night club shooting in that one state, concert bombing/shooting/whatever in another place. Spin the wheel, change locations, and do it all over again. It's kind of distracting when they happen. #thingsthatmakeyougohmmmm I wonder what will be next. Funny thing is none of these "tragedies" are because of white supremacy. How many evil white supremacist events happened in 2023? Thousands? Hundreds? Tens? Any? #getbacktomewiththedata How about we check with KJP? #shesaysitbestwhenshesaysnothingatall #seriouslystoptalkingyoulyingassbitch
4. You must take the COVID vaccination and must get on the infinite booster schedule. #spikevax Those that take the COVID vaccination cannot get COVID or spread COVID. They were really pushing those experimental drugs hard even on young kids all the way down to infants. Populations that had near zero risk from COVID. #wearethegovernmentandheretoprotectyou That government proclamation didn't age well. #itwasaglobalpandemicasshole #zeroadversesideeffects
"I've been boosted 5 times." "Have you had COVID?" "Yeah, three times. I was lucky that I didn't get severe cases because I was boosted." "Totally, you could have died." "I know people who died." "That sucks! Why didn't they take the vaccine?" "They did luckily. If they hadn't been vaccinated and boosted they would have died a lot harder." #stopbeingflippanthonky #welcometothecemeterypal
5. The border is secure. Did you know that individual states cannot enforce immigration laws? According to the rulings of federal courts, including the US Supreme Court, immigration laws can only be enforced by the federal government. The current administration continuously sets records for illegal immigration. For fiscal year 2023 which ended on September 30th, CBP encountered 2.47 million. America is the place to be! We're like a Las Vegas casino. We never close and neither does the border. #nohumansareillegalassholebigotmotherfucker
So, by government statistics, illegal immigrants are stampeding across our secure border in record numbers like hordes of zombies in the Walking Dead. The inept federal bureaucrat, Alexander Mayorkas claims to have "operational control" of the southern border. #talktothehandcracker The law defines "operational control" as meaning "the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband." #fentanylanyone
Speak up if you believe that we have operational control of the border. "And the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains within the sound of silence." #thankssimonandgarfunkel #niceafrohonky #imeanstopstealingourlhairstylescrackerassbitch #culturevulture
6. The economy is booming (inflation is transitory). This is being told to you by people in government who spend money that they don't have and in turn, inject the system with more money whenever they want. There is nothing transitory (not permanent) about a government that permanently overspends (the deficit never decreases- 34 trillion and rising) and routinely prints money to fool the poor idiots who like the idea of "free" money. #moneymoneymoneymuhnayyy #makeitrain #frontrowatthestripclub
Good luck on your retirement, boomer. You spent fifty years working, budgeting, saving, and preparing for your retirement. All that money you put away so that you could sustain yourself until your eventual exit from the planet isn't going to cut it, gramps. You may have paid your bills and took care of your obligations for your entire adult life, but your government doesn't give a fuck about economics, responsibility, or any of that kind of white supremacy racist shit. #responsibilityisracistyoukkkmotherfuckkker You failed to factor in that your elected representatives are solely looking to get paid at your expense. #zerofucksgiven Each one of those dollars you worked year after year for are now worth pennies. So, good luck with all the jobs you will have to work until you die. #mimimumwageistwentydollarsnow #usethosebillsastoiletpaper #orgetwarmbyabonfire #itsbettertokeepbusyanywaySo, in closing, if you are an ally of men pretending to be women making you a misogynist, #translivesmattermore
if you are into NASA and look forward to the next manned space mission making you naive, #thereisvideoasshole #capricornone
if you have PTSD after J6 and fear white supremacists making you a misinformed pussy, #larpdorks #liveactionroleplaying
if you've lost track of how many times you've been boosted along with wearing any version of a face mask while driving alone in your Prius making you the enemy of drivers everywhere, #greenmeansgoasshole
if you believe that CNN, MSNBC, mainstream media, and the government care about you making you a mentally handicapped sheep, #insulttoretardedsheep
if you believe everyone in the World should be able to live in America without any legal process while not opening up your home for illegals to live in making you a hypocrite, #micasanoessucasa
if you believe in the "money fairy" and basic economics makes your brain hurt making you immature with a childlike brain, #hesgotthemindofachild
then keep your thoughts, words, and opinions to yourself and please don't vote because you and your comrades are the problem. Put down the Bud Light and prepare yourself for the end of the world. #doomsdaypreppersgottherightidea #getreadyforthunderdome "We don't need another hero. We don't need to know the way home. All we want is life beyond, the Thunderdome." #riptina #maybemelgibsoncansaveus #wwmgd
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