Seriously, does anyone actually care about the Emmy's, the Grammy's, the Golden Globes, the MTV Video and/or Movie Awards, or the Oscar's?  #filmbuffsdohater  #cardibdoescrackerassracist  #wapisapparentlyafeministanthem

If you are in one of those industries, you probably care.  #stophatinoncardibhonky  The problem is that the self-identifying victims of the world are always searching for things to throw tantrums over.  #fuckyouwhiteprivilegedoppressor

The Motion Picture Arts Academy is as good of a target as any.  All those rich white racist men making white privileged racist movies using whites to portray everything in their systemically racist white centered worldview.  And we must not forget those bigoted honky dudes are also evil misogynists.  #fuckingwomenhatingcrackerasses

The latest scandal by this evil cabal of tiny-dicked pale faces involves the snubbing of Margot Robbie and director Greta Gerwig for their seminal work in the life-redefining, once in a lifetime, blockbuster masterpiece, Barbie.  If you hadn't already been gut punched by this heinous example of the supreme evil of white men, I'm sorry for ruining your day.  This is probably the best proof of the existential terror threat of white supremacy that the Biden administration is constantly droning on about, even though both Margot and Greta are ironically white and cisgender.  #whitecisgenderfragility

Let's dive into the details of this despicable hate crime.  From its inception the Academy Awards #akkkademy  has had 5 nominees per category except for best picture.  In the 1930s and 1940s, 8 to 12 films were nominated for best picture.  After those early years, the best picture category was also reduced to 5 films.  In 2009, the Academy began nominating 10 films for best picture.  #10films5directors  #wheresthequityinthat

This year, those evil misogynist Academy assholes had the fucking giant man balls (as opposed to Dylan Mulvaney's feminine woman balls) to nominate Barbie as one of those 10 best pictures while simultaneously not recognizing Margot Robbie as one of the 5 best actresses or Greta Gerwig as one of the 5 best directors clearly displaying their true colors as women-hating misogynists.  #feminizethebulge

Never mind that Justine Triet was nominated as best director.  #tokenwoman  To add insult to egregious injury, Annette Bening was nominated for Best Actress for her role in Nyad, a film not even nominated for Best Picture.  #whataretheythinking  How fucking dare they nominate one old white bitch while excluding another younger white bitch.  #pumpthebrakescrackerilikewhitebitches

Here's an interesting perspective from Rachel Johnson, "Consider the important evidence first.  The Barbie movie is made by, and stars, Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie, aka the Women Who Officially Saved Cinema.  Yet the Oscar nod goes to... Ryan Gosling!"  #fuckthepatriarchy  #heclearlyiskenough

MSNBC cultural critic, Ani Bundel, added her 2 cents, "Although "Barbie" was nominated for eight Oscars on Tuesday, including best picture, the high-level snubbing of the movie's lead actress, Margot Robbie, and female director, Greta Gerwig, has fans and critics alike feeling like the academy missed what "Barbie" was saying."  She further whined "The optics of two of the eight nominations for an openly feminist movie going to Ryan Gosling, its male lead, were hard to ignore and added to the frustration."  #shesmadashellandshesnotgonnatakeitanymore

They both conveniently leave out the details that Ryan Gosling was nominated as best supporting actor along with the assigned-female-at-birth, America Ferrara, for best supporting actress.  But those details contradict the "patriarchy is bad" and "fuck the misogynist" narratives they are creating.  #spokenlikeapieceofshitwhiteman

This brings us to the nominations for best example of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). A few of these courageous misogyny whistle blowers are being recognized for their selfless and tireless work in finding a way to inject the "fat, orange, racist, and evil narrative" into any story.  #hesaidgrabthembythepussy

Rachel Johnson tied the Barbie evil-man narrative to American politics.  "Nikki Haley wants to be president of the United States - but she's doomed.  We all know it.  Even though she's quite good, in that she's a sensible, fit, sentient female rather than a shambling superannuated bloke determined on a vanity grudge match."  #orangemanbad  #nikkiwho  #nikkiminaj

Melanie McFarland is the odds-on favorite to take home the "Fuck Orangey" statue with her work for Salon.  "Nearly all the significant societal woes we're dealing with in 2024 are the result of great swaths of American voters, men and women alike, deciding that 2016 wasn't the right time for an over-qualified but not likable enough woman to become president.  Patriarchy put the other guy in the White House, a philandering racist and sexist who tried to overturn the legitimized results of the 2020 direction (she probably meant election but give her a break she's a woman after all) has also been deemed a rapist by a civil jury in a lawsuit brought against him by journalist E. Jean Carroll."  #fuckyourmisogynyasshole  #lookslikeatextbookcaseofmisandry

Funny thing is that he wasn't deemed a rapist by a civil jury.  I encourage anyone to research this case and ask yourself 1) do you think this happened? and 2) is the alleged defamation (Trump denying it happened is the "so-called" defamation) worth $83.3 million dollars?  #fuckingfatorangedefamingracistrapist  While you are doing your research, make sure you watch the video of E. Jean Carroll with Anderson Cooper on CNN.  Apparently, rape is sexy according to her. #tiktokismyprimarysource

I wonder why she waited over two decades to expose this "rape?"  I will add this.  Her account of what happened is perplexing.  It is not impossible that it happened.  That being said the absence of details in some parts of the account and the presence of super specific details in other parts of the account are interesting.  The conveniently timed court cases decades removed from the alleged incident aren't very perplexing.  #fucktrumpatanycost  #ishunterthecourtroomartist  #electioninterfererssaywhat

Any fucking sexual assaulting/raping asshole should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  #prosecutecriminals  This includes all offenders not just the orange republican ones.  The problem is that there is no justice.  #andjusticefornone  Christine Blasey Ford is a "believe-all" woman.  #fuckcavanaugh E. Jean Carroll is a "believe-all" woman.  #fucktrump Tara Reade is a "crazy lying ass bitch" woman that you must not believe, and you should mock and ridicule her.  #goodolescrantonjoe  #whythedescrepancy

Arrogant narcissistic assholes are definitely the types of men to rape and/or assault women.  I have a solution to that problem.  #forcedsexchangeandincarcerationinamensprison  It doesn't matter if you are a man, woman, neither, two-spirit, a paramecium, non-binary, a mushroom, a yeti, an axylotl, a furry that thinks it is a human, or any other ridiculous delusion.  If you are a fucking piece of shit, then go fuck yourself.  #ifyouwanttohurtsomeonestickwithyourself

Fuck the patriarchy!  Fuck the matriarchy!  A man isn't always better than a woman, and a woman isn't  always better than a man.  But we all can agree that a transwoman is always better than an old-fashioned, standard, vagina-possessing woman. #uptopcaitlyn  #menmakethebestwomen  Ain't that right, Stu?  #itstruehehassemeninhim

To be honest, there are a few things that transwomen are not very good at.  "You'd better not shame my entirely feminine penis, transphobe!" #unlessyouwanttoprocreateofcourse  #barefootandpregnant  #somethingatranswomancanneverbe

The fact that Barbie was nominated for awards at all should be considered a huge win.  #haveyouseenit  It wasn't garbage, but best picture?  #silenceofthelambsitwasnt  #helloclarice  Just count your blessings that transwomen haven't fully taken over the female awards categories yet.  We all know that transwomen are amazing actors.  #transwomenarewomentransphobe  #actressesyoufuckingbigot  #stopmiscategorizingthemtransphobe  

"I see the bad moon risin'.  I see trouble on the way... There's a bad moon on the rise!"  #preachitcreedence  #sayanythingreferenceatthetop  #thewachowskisisters  #nomentalhealthproblemsthere  #moveitalongjusttwochickslivinglife  #niceracks  #stopobjectifiyingthosebitchescracker


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