Talk About Blurred Lines

Have you ever experienced waiting in a long line?  #ofcourseihavedummy  "Did someone say lines?"  #shutthefuckuphunter  #endofquote

Let's say you are at Six Flags Magic Mountain on a sunny Saturday in the summer and you are super stoked to ride Scream.  #alliterationbitches  You are looking at about 2 hours of line time.  It's safe to say that no one wants to wait in a line for anything especially ridiculously long lines.  If there was a fast pass for life everyone would want it.  #itscalledwhiteprivilegecracker

The thing about lines is that you will eventually reach the end and achieve the goal at some point provided that you stay in line and the thing that you are in line for doesn't sell out or close.  Retail stores, Denny's for breakfast, street lighted intersections in traffic #getoffyourphoneandpayattentionasshole, stadium sporting events, the DMV, concert metal detectors, urgent care, bathrooms at large events, drive-thru fast-food, etc.  In all of these situations, you take your spot in line and wait it out.  #thewaitingisthehardestpart  #dontmeantobepetty

But then you have the narcissists to deal with, more casually known as "cunts" clinically classified as "fucking cunts."  #suchanoffensivehonky  The narcissists are selfish fucking hemorrhoids that think that they are the only ones that matter.  More specifically, they couldn't care less about you or anyone else.  Unfortunately, with the decline of humanity they are becoming more prevalent with each passing day.  #zombieapocalypse  

The speeding dick head that weaves in and out of freeway traffic without a turn signal tailgating one car so that he can cut off another car because you see he has got to be somewhere coupled with the obvious fact that you are irrelevant.  This is the same asshole that will speed down a merging lane passing dozens of cars in line to cut in at the last moment.  Another preferred method is to drive on the shoulder in traffic to reach an off-ramp a quarter mile ahead.  #freeforall  #idowhatiwantwheniwant  #youthinkicareaboutyou

There are different methods to cutting the line depending on the situation that you must be aware of.  At amusement parks, you simply get a group of assholes together and climb the rails, walk ahead of people as if you are joining your friends at the front of the line.  In more intimate settings you instantly create a relationship or fake one with someone in line and begin a conversation crafting the illusion that you are joining a friend.  #magic  #weknowwhatyouaredoingandwedontlikeit

Oftentimes the scam involves getting permission from the person being immediately cut.  That person generally ends up being a spineless pussy and gives them the OK.  In that situation there is only one acceptable course of action.  Tell the person, "Go fuck yourself!"  It's so nice that you took it upon yourself to absolve the cutter while fucking the tens or hundreds of people in line that are doing the right thing.  If you think it's alright for someone to cut the line in front of you, then everyone behind you should get to cut you as well.  Simply stated, if you want to give that person your spot, then you take theirs at the end of the line.  #startingtogetthepicture  #ohsonowyoucareaboutlineintegrity

In most of these line scenarios everyone eventually makes it on the ride, off of the freeway, through the intersection, taking your driver's test, etc.  But what about when there are only a limited number of spots.  Let's say there are 10 people in line for the last ten tickets to an event or the last ten pieces of cake at the staff birthday party.  #iwaspromisedapieceofcake  Another individual shows up and joins the 8th person in line.  The 9th person in line is a cuck and allows the cut to happen.  Who loses?  The cuck doesn't lose because he is now the 10th person and still gets the last ticket.  Clearly, the original 10th person loses at the expense of the cutter and the asshole that allowed it to happen.  #howdareyou  #icouldburnthisplacetotheground  #bitchontherightdidntpassthecake  #likesheneedstobeeatingcake

How about college scholarships for sports?  #whatyougettinathonky  Colleges have limited numbers of scholarships for each sports team.  Let's say the men's volleyball team gets 10 scholarships and the women's volleyball team gets 10 scholarships.  That sounds pretty fair some might even say equitable.  #stoptalkindowntomecracker  In today's Dumbfuckistan, this "unfair" system is being challenged.  The mindless herd of zombies are upset that there aren't enough men being allowed to jump the women's line for scholarships.  Their number one villain is that cis-female big mouth Riley Gaines. This unreasonable transphobic asshole doesn't want men getting women's awards (trophies, scholarships, etc.).  #transphobiccrackerassbitch #butdatassthough

Similar things are happening in today's society at the direction of the elites.  If you are not for transpeople doing anything they want, then you are an evil anti-LGBTQ+IA2SWTF...ETC harmful marginalizing bigot asshole.  The mindless zombie herd also includes actual competitors peddling the trans propaganda and cheering on men cutting to the front of the line.  Female cyclist Kristen Chalmers has championed the rights of men taking the place of women in her sport.  She wrote, "We refuse to be falsely presented as victims in a manufactured controversy driven to further alienate and marginalize those most vulnerable within our community, in service of rampant and harmful anti-LGBTQ+ legislation."  #delusionalmenaremarginalizedvictims

She further displayed her mental incapacity by writing, "We speak for ourselves: inclusion makes our sport and community stronger.  Everyone is welcome here. Trans women are women."   She actually only speaks for herself and other zombies like her.  #brainswedonthavebrains  This was after she got third place behind 2 men.  #stopmisgenderingcrackerassbigot  I would love to hear from every other female cyclist who was destroyed in this race by these men.  #theyarewomennowcracker

Who is the "ourselves" that she is referencing?  She was speaking/writing individually in a manner that demonstrates a disconnect between her mouth/fingers and brain.  She broke the number one rule when speaking/writing.  "Think before you speak."  But if that rule was followed, idiot idealogues would all have to be mute.  #mimetime #noneedforxformerlyknownastwitter  #whatawonderfulworldthiswouldbe  #singitsam

What community is she referring to?  The anyone who can ride a bike community?  Is Lance Armstrong welcome?  By testicular count he is more female than most transwomen.  Are high school boys welcome?  Again, if you aren't going to say something meaningful then keep your fucking mouth shut. #stopaskingracistquestionscracker

When non-athletic men and women speak about sports, they should have their mouths taped shut like in a hostage situation.  When programmed athletic men and women idealogues want to ruin athletic competitions and leagues at the expense of those that the competitions and the leagues were created for, those dumbfucks need to be banned from the sport and also entirely ignored.  Being pro-women used to be the fad and was not only acceptable, it was required.  Now, pro-women is bigoted and hateful, because being pro-fake women is the new requirement.  #theyarerealwomenyoufuckingtransphobe

How many actual women or actual girls need to be disenfranchised before this fucktardation is recognized for the pernicious evil that it is?  But they are marginalized you fucking bigot!  Women are the OG of the marginalized, dumbfuck!  #stopstealingourtermscracker  Women's sports were created so that women had a place to do sports!  And no matter how many times you chant your stupid fucking propaganda, "TRANSWOMEN WILL NEVER BE WOMEN!"  #itsscience  #imabouttogomedievalonyourtransphobiccrackerass

In the new doctrine of Dumbfuckistan, cis-women and bigoted men are oppressing transwomen.  By not letting delusional men kick the shit out of women in the arenas specifically designed for them (women), formerly marginalized victims, women, are now evil oppressors.  #youredamnrighthonky

How dare you oppose her obviously feminine cock in your locker room.  #vaginasonlyisoppressive  How many heterosexual men want to line up to date a transwoman?  #zeroline  If you are an uncomfortable Karen then you can use a different bathroom or piss in a broom closet.  #somewomenstandtopee  #nostandupurinalsnopeace  

If you haven't noticed, the recruitment campaign is in full swing.  The marketing department dedicated to growing the fake woman population is on another level.  Talk about the "Great Replacement Theory."  #fuckoffwhitesupremacistconspiracytheorizingcracker  That shit is played out.  The "New Great Replacement Theory" is that of men replacing women.  #fuckyoutransphobe  #menmakethebestwomen  A misogynist says what?  #crackerassmuthafucka

On second thought, fuck it.  Moving forward, let's chop off all the dicks of those babies assigned male at birth and sew them on to all those babies assigned female at birth.  #realworldsolutions

There won't be a lot of births to deal with anyway.  #thankspfizermodernaetc  That way in the future we don't have to argue about whether men can get pregnant or if women can father children.  We won't need asinine new terms like "birthing people," because conception will be impossible.  The best part is that there will be no more tedious lines at the abortion clinics.  #gofuckyourself2024  #istandwithrealwomen  #comearmageddoncome  #definitelyfuckingantistupidpeople  #talkaboutexistentialthreat 


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