Cool Ain’t Cold

How dare companies create products that will be desired by the people.  #youonlycareaboutwhitepeoplebigot  What would we do without those really cool blue "BUILD BACK BETTER" hats or all the "INTEGRITY" t-shirts with that young stud supermodel Joe Biden on them?  #settledownladiesheismarried

Oh, you're telling me that those t-shirts don't exist?  Of course they don't, because there is zero demand for them!  Successful companies create products that are in demand that people buy.  Ask Hunter he knows about companies and selling something that foreign businessmen want.  #thesmartestmanjoeknows  Companies that create products that don't sell cease to be companies.  We are a free market capitalist country.  #gottoomuchofasupplyofsystemicracismcracker. #capitalismequalsracism

Cigarettes are inherently bad for everyone involved except for, of course, the tobacco companies themselves.  Cigarettes are still legal to be produced and sold.  Alcohol is harmful in many ways as well.  It is still produced sold and has advertisements all over the place.  The use of alcohol and tobacco products can cause death.  #takeresponsibilityforyourchoices

Pharmaceutical companies can be argued are bad in the same way, but there is a stated medical reason for taking their products.  #bigpharmacaresbigot. It's possible and recommended that one maintain a healthy weight with diet and exercise.  Some how many people have cracked the DaVinci code and can achieve this without prescription medication.  #dontbeafatfuckingovereatinglazyslob  That hasn't stopped pharma companies from creating drugs for weight loss.  #soundslikethinprivilegetomecracker

Let's dive a little deeper into one particular weight loss drug, Wegovy.  I wonder if there are any side effects?  Actually, per their website, there are a few possible side effects.  Let's take a look.  #iwonderiftheymakeyousmarter

Possible thyroid tumors including cancer #dontbelievethehype, Pancreatitis, Gallbladder problems including gallstones, fever, and jaundice #aslongastheydontmakemeorange, increased risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), kidney problems including kidney failure #nobiggie, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, serious allergic reactions, change in vision in people with type 2 diabetes #visionisoverrated, increased heart rate, depression or thoughts of suicide.  #extrasuicidal  #seemslikefairtradeoffs  #luckilyreallyfatpeoplerarelyhavetype2diabetes

Those side effects Big Pharma might argue are rare and almost never happen.  Let's peruse the most common side effects.  Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, stomach (abdomen) pain, headache, tiredness (fatigue), upset stomach, dizziness, feeling bloated, belching, gas, stomach flu, heartburn, and runny nose or sore throat.  Imagine having any two of those common side effects and working out remembering that you must diet and work out in addition to the drugs for it to work.  #24hourfitnessherewecome  #wearadiaper

Keep in mind that these side effects are for medicine.  You can take a "legitimately" prescribed medication and die as a result.  I'm sure that if you looked closely at the adverse side effects data for Wegovy, you could easily conclude that this "medicine" disproportionately effects the BIPOC community.  By today's standards, doesn't that make the creators of Wegovy racist and therefore white supremacist?  #fuckingmonsters  #dontevengetmestartedonopioids  #racismcausesobesityneedingdrugsthatcausesideeffectsbecausedrugsareracist

The interesting thing about white people is that they are conveniently racist or not racist whenever the overlords want them to be.  The validity of the claim is irrelevant.  For example, you can take a white man who has had a long public life to scrutinize and find him to not be racist.  Then one day, you decide that you don't like this person anymore, and then you deem him the Grand Poobah of White Supremacy.  On the other hand, you can take another white man who has had an equally long public life to scrutinize and know that based on his repeated actions and affiliations that he is racist, but you ignore it and refer to him as the model for empathy and racial justice.  #youcannotgoto711oradunkindonutsunlessyouhaveaslightindianaccent  #gonnaputyallbackinchains

That brings us to our beloved menthol cigarettes.  According to the CDC, menthol cigarettes are "victim identity" group killers.  Bottom line, if you identify as a marginalized victim then you are more likely to smoke menthol cigarettes based on the CDC's expert analysis.  This is yet another reason for a man to not identify as a woman or want to sodomize or be sodomized by another dude.  #barackmustbeamentholman  #michaeltoo    

Oh no!  Big Tobacco is racist, homophobic, and transphobic!  They produce and sell addictive products that sicken the customers up to and including death.  That is a shocking turn of events!  We were all duped by them.  #myeyesareopennow  No longer will I think of Big Tobacco as a philanthropic not for profit necessary health resource juggernaut.  #allrichwhitemenareracistcracker  #exceptjoeofcourse

Does the CDC consider victim identity group members more stupid than "normal" people?  Do the tobacco companies?  Per the benevolent CDC, their "aggressive" marketing campaigns suggest so.  #smokingiscool

If only some super empathetic, not at all racist, very competent, extremely intelligent politician with unquestionable integrity would fix this existential threat to all the helpless marginalized victim identity group members.  #herehecomestosavetheday

In 2021 the Biden Harris administration announced that they would ban menthol cigarettes.  #joejoehestheman  #gonnabitchslapbigtobaccolikehedidcornpop  In 2022 the FDA issued a proposed rule to accomplish the ban.  Then the ban was supposed to happen by the end of 2023.  Unfortunately for all the taken-advantage-of victims of Big Tobacco's delicious menthol products on December 6th the ban was delayed.  The earliest the ban can now happen is March 2024.  #promisesmadepromisesforgotten

The president of the NAACP, Derrick Johnson, wrote "President Joe Biden's administration is sending an unacceptable message that Black lives do not matter."  #itshardouthereforapimp  #slavestomagazineadvertisements  #domagazinesstillexist

DJ is sending the offensive message that "Black lives lack the intelligence and strength of character to make good life choices for themselves, so the government must step in and banish things that dumb weak muthafuckas can't stay away from."  #watchyourmouthcracker  #dontfuckwithmykoolshonky  

Some people happen to love the soft drink Mountain Dew.  #dothedew  In some parts of the country, dumb poor white kids drink so much Mountain Dew that they rot every tooth in their heads out.  #talkaboutmushmouth Mountain Dew is effectively poison, but it's delicious.  Is it the government's responsibility to ban Mountain Dew?  #ofcoursenot  Are the makers of Mountain Dew aggressively marketing to poor dumb white kids?  #theydoaggressivelymarkettheirproduct  #stupidlittleracistcrackers

At some point, everyone must take responsibility for his/her own life.  #whataboutthosewithdifferentpronounstransphobe  

Personal choices are just that.  You want to argue that it's your choice to fuck without protection, use abortion as birth control, bang underage boys, drink poison, chop off your dick and balls or your breasts, eat fast food until a coronary explosion, smoke marijuana  #snoopdogg, compete as a female cyclist, drink alcohol until your liver says no mas #shoutouttorobertoduran, loot Home Depot/jewelry stores/wherever #reparationsmuthafucka, if sent to jail be housed with women, but allowing you the option to smoke menthol cigarettes is over the line!  #dontfuckwithmywinstonsbigot

In closing, the government needs to protect victim groups from the racist, homophobic, transphobic entities which include, among many others, tobacco sellers.  In this specific instance, protection consists of banning the product that these groups want.  #donttakeawaymymuthafuckinnewportsmuthafucka  The other products from these tobacco sellers are just as dangerous, but those products can stay on the market.  The clear message is "You elected us to protect your stupid asses because you are weak and pathetic victims.  We are your saviors.  So, sit down, shut up, and let us virtue signal that we care about your dumb asses so you'll continue to sing our praises and keep us in power."  #chillouthomey  #haveasmokeandrelaxjustnotmenthol  #fentanylseemstobealltherage. #lastpostof2023. #cantwaitforthe2024shitshowtobegin


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