Stop the Insanity!

All of the people complaining about the ins and outs and what-have-yous regarding the social structures involved in living with other humans fairly and equitably need to calm the fuck down and listen to reason.  #gofuckyourmommacracker  Humans, by the way, are either male or female (given that a very small minority are intersex.).  #herewegoagaintransphobe  #gingerphobeaswell

The necessary information when dealing with society is biological sex.  Gender is irrelevant.  To begin with, the word "gender" is a meaningless term that has no place in any conversation about public policy.  Gender has about as much relevance as unicorns.  Furthermore, any proposed public policy containing any gibberish regarding gender must be shit-canned immediately and the lawmaker proposing such dumbfuckery must be terminated.  #yourefired  #doublegingeralert  #hairandskin

Let's step back for a moment and reference what the term gender is currently defined as.  Gender- the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.  Ponder that definition for a moment.  Reread it if you like.  #wtf  

Gender is determined by biology, especially when biology is disregarded.  #makesperfectsensetransphobicinsurrectionist  The first seven words defines the word easily.  Unfortunately, the following thirty-three words contradicts and wipes away the only part that could be considered a definition rendering the word meaningless.  "Male or female sex" is simple, clear, meaningful, and is scientifically verifiable.  "Especially when considered with reference to whatever the fuck you want to say regardless of anything verifiable completely overriding and disregarding the biological reality."  #anotherwordtoperfectlyillustratedumbfuckistan

No matter how libtarded a person is, he/she/xi/jin/ping/whoop/dee/fucking/doo/etc. can understand why the WNBA exists.  #toshowcasewomensbasketballcracker  

Shim/sham/bozo/dumbo/sleepy/grumpy/etc. knows the reason for women's divisions in any sports leagues.  #spoileralert  Generally speaking, men/boys have physical advantages over women/girls.  #fuckingmisogynist  Women's and girls' sports leagues were created to allow women/girls to have an arena to compete fairly in sports against their peers (other women/girls).  #soundslikeyouretalkingdowntomecracker  #ofcoursethemostinterestingmanmisogynist

The really dim-witted of the whining class will claim that there is no difference between biological men and biological women in a futile attempt to justify biological men competing against biological women.  They will also go so far as to call you some version of a hateful racist everythingophobe for believing anything otherwise.  #fuckingwhitesupremacistsciencedenier

Those same gender scientists are interestingly not clamoring to end the evil segregation of sports.  If there is no biological advantage, men and women should and need to play together.  This hateful misogynistic patriarchal segregation must end now!  "Women in sports are equal to men in sports!"  #repeat #startthechant

"UNIFY ALL SPORTS!  UNIFY ALL SPORTS!"   #endthisapartheidnow  #fuckyousegregationists

Here's a quick question for anyone in the camp that believes biological men don't have a physical advantage over biological women.  Who would be disadvantaged if all segregated women-only sports were eliminated?  #ofcourseyouwanttoeliminatewomenssportsasshole  #crickets  #doyouneedalifeline  By the way, women have never been banned from men's sports.  #feministsoftheworlduniteandtakeover

WNBA players could now make the big bucks in the NBA, right?  The misogynistic NFL owners would then be required to stop discriminating against all the bad ass women football players unfairly being kept out of the league.  All the ass kicking women MMA fighters will get to really show their stuff against the misogynists hiding behind their championship belts in their respective weight classes.  #cantwaitforthoselasvegasodds  #legalizeddomesticabuse

As with anything on the immature left, there is no intelligent thought to be found.  #logicisracist  The feminists who are generally hive-mind leftists are caught in a conundrum.  What started as advocating for equality for women now must morph into the exact opposite of that.  #transwomenarenotonlywomentheyarechampionshiplevelwomen

According to feminists, men have opportunities to play sports as a career, so women need to have opportunities to play sports as a career as well.  Fast forward to now, men who aren't good enough to play sports as a man can now not just play but dominate sports as a woman.  Current leftist feminists believe that a transwoman (biologically advantaged man) must be allowed to take a woman's place on the women's sports team because of feminism.  #transwomenarewomencrackertransphobe

Once again, this entire fake issue is created by devolving society by way of destroying language to cause problems out of nothing.  #makingloveoutofnothingatall  #makinglove  I wonder why such a fake issue is being promoted as one of the defining issues of our time?  #translivesmatterasshole  #keeparguingamongstyourselveswhilewetakecareofafewthings

Leftists love to bitch and moan that pretty much anything anyone says in opposition to them is a dog whistle for racism.  #cuzitiscrackerassracist  A tactic used to distract you from whatever issue-related argument that they are currently losing.  The term "gender" is a dog whistle for dumb fucking illogical fantasyland morons who have never met an actual fact that they believe in.  #factsareracistwhitesupremacist

Anyone seriously using the term gender non-ironically must be categorically ignored or mercilessly ridiculed until they voluntarily choose to permanently shut the fuck up.  #adverbsmuthafucka

Gender is an irrelevant concept when it comes to sports.  Sports leagues are based on biological sex.  #fullstop  #endofstory  #shutthefuckup  Women's sports teams weren't created because individuals who liked to knit sweaters and bake muffins felt disenfranchised by the beer drinking auto mechanics that wouldn't let them join in in their "reindeer games."  If you like the smell of potpourri, enjoy wearing pastel colored yoga pants, and love your plum-colored lipstick, it doesn't make you eligible for the WNBA.  #hateisnotagoodcoloronyoucracker

Talent and ability in basketball is what gets you into the NBA.  Talent and ability in other sports will get you into the other professional sports leagues as well.  There are a certain number of available roster spots in every sports league.  Women are not excluded from any professional sports league.  There isn't an evil cabal of misogynistic owners and GMs keeping women down by not drafting them onto their teams because these awesome female athletes have girl cooties.  Owners and GMs draft the best players that are available to them.  #capitalisticmisogynisticpricks

If we are now going to consider men that say they are women as women, what do you think is going to happen to women's sports?  #endtransphobia  Here's a few predictions.  The WNBA will become more exciting.  There will definitely be less layups and a hell of a lot more dunking.  The locker room will look like a gay porn shoot.  Biological women will become less and less a part of women's sports.  Women's sports will become a second tier delusional men's sport. #minorleaguebaseballwithmakeup  #usfl  #twnba  #moreprosportsthatnoonewantstosee

According to the non-patriarchal left, men make the best women.  These shemales are also way more important than the out-of-date traditional females.  Society must be skewed in favor of delusional men at the expense of women.  #whohateswomen  Can a leftist woman please explain her support of men eliminating women in sports and other walks of life?  #ithinkimalonenowtheredoesntseemtobeanyonearound  #childrenbehave  #tiffanyinthehouse

So, moving forward, we have several options to address the very small minority of men who want to dominate women's sports.  There are 4 groups to consider the implications for, the men/boys (close to 50% of the population), the women/girls (close to 50% of the population), and the two new categories we'll call confused men/women (close to 1% of the population).  #howcanwefuckupthemostpeoplepossible


If you buy-in to the argument that men do not have a physical advantage over women and that your mind dictates your sex, we end the apartheid that humanity has engaged in forever.  #patriarchalmisogynistpricks  The women-only sports created under the now determined false pretense that women are different from men and at a physical disadvantage will be eliminated for obvious reasons.

IMPACT   sm-no change, sw- huge negative, cm-huge negative, cw huge negative  NET NEGATIVE

stable men- no change

stable women- practically eliminates their opportunities for sports participation

confused men masquerading as women- also eliminates their sports participation except in the rare cases when they are good enough to compete with other men

confused women masquerading as men- also eliminates their sports participation except in the even rarer case when they are good enough to compete with men


Given the same argument about no physical advantage, women's sports will still be allowed to exist, but participation in women's sports is open to anyone claiming to be a woman. 

IMPACT   sm-no change, sw- huge negative, cm-huge positive, cw huge negative  NET NEGATIVE

stable men- no change

stable women- begins a process that will systematically eliminate biological women from women's sports

confused men masquerading as women- huge benefit, allows inferior men athletes to take over women's sports

confused women masquerading as men- lessens their opportunities to compete in the women's divisions, no impact in regard to the men's division participation because they were never not allowed to compete in the first place


Biology dictates a person's sex not a person's thoughts, feelings, or delusions.  Therefore, anyone can compete in the biological men's divisions (the current system) but only biological women can compete in the biological women's divisions.  You can still believe you are anything that you want to be, but competitive sports participation is dictated by your biological sex.

IMPACT   sm-no change, sw- huge positive, cm-huge negative, cw no change NET POSITIVE

stable men- no change

stable women- keeps their divisions fair and upholds the reason for women's sports in the first place

confused men masquerading as women- requires them to compete against other men

confused women masquerading as men- no change as women were always allowed to compete against men if they are good enough 

#twomostinterestingmanmemesyoufuckingasshole  #whataboutthemostinterestingwoman  

So, in all scenarios stable men aren't affected at all.  The impact is felt by women.  Pathways 1 and 2 all but completely eliminate women from sports either immediately or over a number of years.  Pathway 3 protects women's sports.  You either care about women or you don't.  You down with Pathway 3?  #yeahyouknowme #whatkindofphobedoesthatmakeme

It is important to note that requiring a person to compete in the correct division is obviously the right thing to do.  #whataboutthosethatdontidentifyasaperson  Anyone disregarding the lives and well-being of women in favor of a small group of mentally unstable men can go fuck themselves.  #makesuretouseprotection  #youdontwanttobecomeabirthingperson  #reproductiverightsasshole #oryoucouldshutthefuckup


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