Is it possible to be so dedicated to an ideology that you render yourself retarded?  #thatwordiscanceledyouhatefulprick  I would have to say "Fuckin' A right, you can!"  "Right (quite right), you're bloody well right.  You got a bloody right to say."  #supertrampmuthafucka  #crackerasshonkeys

Welcome to Dumbfuckistan, keep a close eye on your belongings.  There may be some teens wandering the streets.  I'd like to enter into evidence MSNBC contributor, Brian Tyler Cohen.  You are going to enjoy his political commentary.  Keep in mind, he is being totally serious, and he is not purposefully crafting a humorous piece. #babylonbeeheisnot

He laments about the meanie Republicans, all their media counterparts, and their criticisms of good ole everyman Scranton Joe.  "Not only is he in the throes of mental decline, but he's also the apparent mastermind behind an entire crime family but can't remember his own name.  Does it make sense? No. Does it have to?  Apparently not."  #joejoehesourmanifhecantdoitnobodycan

So apparently people who are masterminds can't get dementia when they reach their eighties?   One completely nonsensical statement by a logically challenged idealogue, in his mind, simultaneously disproves Joe Biden being a criminal and someone suffering from dementia at the same time.  Are you automatically a mastermind if you are a criminal?  #areyousayingcriminalsarestupidyoucrackerassracist

"But what I will do is point out the obvious, glaring hypocrisy of both Republicans and many in the media who relentlessly hammer Biden on his age, his mental acuity and his fitness to serve when those same people are conveniently silent when Trump says things that are far worse."  Hey Bri, what's worse accidentally saying two when you meant three or stating "For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power." when referring to the nuclear supervillain Vladimir Putin?  #ithoughtnumberswereracistanyway  #itsjustregimechangenobigdeal  #bidenisabadass

"The truth is that if this was actually about Biden's ability to fulfill his duties as president, you don't have to sit around and play doctor; all you have to do is look at how he's been fulfilling his duties as president.  I don't need to see the results of Joe Biden's next colonoscopy to be able to see the American Rescue Plan, which saved the U.S. economy after Covid (The economy was saved?  #newstome); to see the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which put people to work after the "infrastructure week" punch lines of the Trump era; to see the gun safety law, the first gun bill passed in three decades; to see the Chips and Sciences Act, which has led to a boom in American manufacturing; to see the PACT Act, which gave desperately needed health care to our veterans; to see the Violence Against Women Act reauthorized; to see a record 13.5 million jobs added #addingismath  #mathissupposedtoberacistright and the unemployment rate hit a 50-year low."  #americansaviour

Wow!  Were you impressed by that massive list of all the successes of Joseph Robinette Biden?  #fuckyeahinsurrectionisthonky  It's kind of like a jilted idiot lamenting all the great things about his ex-girlfriend.  She was so hot, so smart, great in bed, and loved to go out to fancy restaurants.  Hey dumbfuck, what about all those guys she cheated on you with, the fact that she spent all your money, she lied to you constantly, and eventually told you to "fuck off"?  #shewasthebest  #shewaseverythingintheworldtome  

Consider the following facts when grading the "young and spry" Joey.  Stairs are his mortal enemy.  #goodthingthreeknoockdownrulenotineffect

Speaking in understandable English isn't a given.  #howmanytimesdowehavetotellyouthathehasastutter  #ablist

His brain can't hold on to too many significant details, so he needs printed directions for everything.  #payattentiontothebulletpointsdummy  #whenindoubtshutthefuckupdummy

His working memory is filled with so many of his fabricated biographical tall tales he forgot that years ago he admitted that they were all lies.  #facingoffwithcornpop  #desegregatingamerica  #bigrigdriver  #gettingarrestedseeingnelsonmandela  

He can't answer anything without a script, so he never allows for impromptu questions when the press is around.  His press secretary does have a script but can't answer questions either.  #dumbanddumber

He sometimes forgets to shake hands with foreign leaders while getting directed by his handlers how to exit the stage.  #wakeywakeynohandshakey

Other times, he remembers to shake hands with stage ghosts.  #heseesdeadpeople

He randomly whispers, randomly yells, and sometimes stands silently forgetting what to say.  #dynamicspeakerwouldbeanunderstatement 

He has done absolutely fan-fucking-tastic things for the economy!  It was Ukraine's economy, but what the hell, you can't win them all!  #ismasterofeconomicsanotheroneofhismanydegrees  #hopefullythatcastlehaselevators

He refers to his criminal addict son as the smartest person he knows and touts his love for his son while claiming to know nothing about the details of his life.  #hisstatedignoranceisproofthathecares  #leavelovablejoealoneyoufuckingasshole

Routinely, he has trouble finding the exit and then exiting a stage.  #watchoutforthesandbags  #retraceyoursteps  #youcandoitjoey

But at least he hasn't confused Jeb Bush for George W.  #heaintheavyhesmybrother

"But what I will do is point out the obvious, glaring hypocrisy of both Republicans and many in the media who relentlessly hammer Biden on his age, his mental acuity and is fitness to serve when those same people are conveniently silent when Trump says things that are far worse."  #bidenisawesome  #why  #trump  #bidenisagreatleader  #why  #trump

"Again, we don't have to guess whether Biden is capable of doing the job, because he's quite literally already doing it - and I'd argue doing it more effectively than any other president in modern American history."  #watchootalkinboutcracker  #gethimbigmike

"And I have every ounce of faith in the world that Americans - who, yes, may certainly recognize that Biden is old -won't make that a higher priority than the fact that his opponent is a dangerous, anti-democratic authoritarian currently contending with four indictments and 91 criminal charges and whose most recent act as president was to incite an insurrection against our own government."  #getmuggywithit

Dangerous, anti-democratic authoritarian criminal insurrectionist?  #orangepieceofshit  Brian must have been late for a trans rights fundraiser or something.  #fuckyoutransphobe  He forgot to trot out the racist xenophobic white supremacist trope.  #hesaidtherewerefinepeopleonbothsidesbigot  It is one thing to hate the other guy.  Unfortunately for you, hating the other guy doesn't mean your guy is good.  #stopsayingguytransphobe  #patriarchicalfuck  

Everyone gets it.  You don't like fat rich white men whose skin color identifies as a jack-o-lantern.  #trickortreat  #trumpkin

So, by default, you have to support the guy who you've attached your self-worth to.  Your fragile self-esteem can't reconcile with the fact that "your guy" is definitively the worst president ever!  Instead of admitting the obvious, you go "full retard" and claim that he is the best ever including being better than your lord and savior, Barack Obama.  #youdidntthinkitthroughdidyou  #thinkingisnotyourstrongsuit  #ohyeahthinkingisracistright  #democratandfullretardisthereanydifference  #redundant


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