Portrait of a Serial Propagandist- Paul Waldman
MSNBC.com is a treasure trove of the official narrative propaganda. Talk to any democrat who thinks he/she/it/ze/zer/zima/bud/budlight/etc. knows politics because of all the "research" she/shim/sham/it/blip/blop/blammo/clown/clownself/etc. has done and a significant portion, if not all of that "research," will have come from MSNBC or similar sites. #ionlygetmynewsfromnprcracker
Paul Waldman is an elite level opinion writer for the New Dumbfuckistan regime. Below you will find excerpts from his two latest pieces for MSNBC entitled "How not to have a psychic meltdown when you see the new Trump-Biden poll numbers." and "You can talk about Biden's age. Just not like this." #stoptalkingyoubiglyingracist
"While political reporters obsess over the anger and resentments felt by blue-collar white men in Rust Belt diners, liberals' emotions are seldom considered worthy of the same kind of exploration." #letusallcryfortheliberals
Here's a reality check, Paul. #realityiswhitesupremacistcracker We are constantly told about the plight of the BIPOC community and their never-ending struggles in a dangerous, deeply racist, and systemically oppressive country. We are also simultaneously being told about the similar plight of the LGBTQIA+MAPMRCSingMFingIDGAF community. But according to the Wald-man, political reporters are only obsessed over conservative white male assholes. #honkeysbewack
"I can give you chapter and verse to detail why it is that a former president who faces four separate criminal indictments, who attempted to overturn a lawful election, who oozes corruption and dishonesty, and who has made clear his intention to practically dismantle the American system of democracy as soon as he gets the chance, is nearly an even bet to take back the White House." #mommymommyicantsleepithinktheresatrumpinmycloset
"Four separate criminal indictments!" "Made clear his intention to practically dismantle the American system of democracy." The only party dismantling the American system of democracy is the Democrats. The evil "autocrat" Donald Fat-Orange-Fuck Trump did nothing in office to dismantle democracy. The Biden-Harris regime and more importantly those that are pulling the strings from the shadows, on the other hand, have been attempting to actually (not practically) dismantle our democracy. #therooftherooftheroofisonfirehonkey #wedontneednowater #letthemotherfuckerburn
We should just execute that fat orange turd, right? My favorite line is, of course, accusing the orange devil of attempting to overturn a "lawful" election. It's lawful. It's the most secure. It's the only true, secure, and lawful election in American history. If you oppose any of those totally accurate statements, then you are a "BIG LIAR" on top of being a scum of the earth racist shitbag. #liarliarpantsonfire
You might be wondering how the most secure election in American history was achieved. The following list of simple election protocols might seem counter-intuitive but ask any democrat and she/heezy/it/demonself/furry/bozo/lizzo/etc. will explain it further if you still don't understand. #logicisracist
1. Mail ballots to as many addresses as you can regardless of the resident being an eligible voter. Election ballots become as prevalent as grocery store mailers for the week's sale items and coupons. #themorethemerrier
2. Remove most of the racist time restrictions on when the ballots will be counted. Allow ballots to be mailed in or dropped off months in advance or a few days after the election. #whateveryouprefer #yourpreferenceisallthatmatters
3. Remove any security protocols (voter ID, signature match, etc.) verifying the voter eligibility status of collected ballots. In order to uphold democracy, all ballots must be counted, and a ballot's validity must not be questioned. #ablm #allballotslivesmatter #inadditiontofuckthepolicefuckthedmv #jimcrowrunsthedmv #endracismthanksnfl
4. Use "impenetrable" electronic voting machines that are totally "hacker proof." Paper ballots aren't very reliable. Paper ballots also disproportionately disenfranchise the BIPOC community because of some reason or another involving white supremacy. #yougotthatrighthonkeyassbitch
Voila! An avalanche of ballots were counted. Americans were so fired up to vote for the "spark plug" Joe Biden that he received the most votes in the history of human civilization! The most secure and the most voter turnout for any election ever! #twofer #doublingup #noisaidbuttplughesheinous
"I can tell you why Biden gets no credit for bringing the economy back from the depths of recession." "I can explain why, despite the fact that he has literally the best one-term job creation record of any president in history; inflation has fallen to 3%; and he has signed legislation providing some of the most important investments in decades, most Americans think Biden has done a poor job on the economy." #obviouslybecauseofwhitesupremacy #butjoeyiswhite #uhhhhshutup
Someone please explain how the economy is in good shape. #deadcrickets #diedofstarvation #newfoodsource Food costs, energy prices, mortgage rates, home costs, rental costs, what cost hasn't gone up? "One-term job creation record." If an employer fires a bunch of people and then decides to hire them back were jobs created? #oneofjoesmanycollegedegreeswasinjobcreationiguess
That totally natural pandemic is the gift to Democrats that keeps on giving. Apparently, Trump destroyed more jobs than any president in history, and Biden the Creator created more than any president in history. #wwjbd #joeyisdaman #assholetrump #destroyerofworlds #supervillain
"Like many on the left, I will never again be seduced by the inspiring feeling of hope and belonging we felt when Barack Obama was elected in 2008. But the emotions of 2020 were supposed to be less naive. When Biden won, it felt like a return to sanity. Yes, this abominable person temporarily took hold of our political world, but in the end the electorate did the right thing and sent him packing." #abominableorangedemon
The electorate did the right thing? #whatchootalkinboutwaldman You sure about that? Does anyone really believe that over 81 million people voted for the most feeble-minded man to ever attempt a run for president absolutely crushing the vote totals of the democrats' lord and saviour Barack Obama (69.5 million and 65.9 million)? #didyoueverheartheoneaboutcornpop #joeknowsaboutroaches
"As infuriating as it is to admit the electorate may choose another Trump term, the only answer may be to hold on to that truth." #survivingasharkattack
So, the electorate is right when it elects Biden, but wrong when it elects Trump? Sounds like someone isn't in favor of Democracy. Apparently, democracy only works when elections elect democrats. #damnstraightcracker
"Rejecting reality only replicates Republicans' errors that led to Trump's rise. Exercise your reason, stay informed, understand what's happening in all its detail. But at those times when you want to scream in fear and anger, don't think you're being foolish or irrational. It just means you can see what's in front of you." #everythingisracist #everythingsuckswhenyouliveinamerica #republicansareracistcriminals #weareherewecare #justgiveusallthepowerandyourlifewillbeawesome
"Exercise your reason" translates to abandon actual reason for "your reason," and live in your fantasyland utopia. #liveyourtruth #dontlikerealitythenmakeupyourown
"Stay informed" translates to stay in your echo chamber and disparage any opposing views as conspiracy theories and big lies. #msnbctellsmewhattothink
"Understand what's happening in all its detail" further translates to memorize the approved narrative and don't try to think about or actually understand anything. "In all its detail" means disregard details in all instances, because details reveal the truth. #detailsarewhitesupremacistdogwhistlescracker The only details that matter are the ones given to the sheep on cue cards and teleprompters. #gofuckyourselfsandiego
"But at those times when you want to scream in fear and anger, don't think you're being foolish or irrational" means start screaming white supremacy, systemic oppression, authoritarianism, or simply racism. You know that you are being foolish and irrational. Your irrationality and your unhinged "logic" are your only weapons. Get loud and crazy, because the only way to not appear as the loser that everyone including yourself knows that you are is to get the other side to quit. #lalalalalaicanthearyou
In yet another pro-Biden think piece from the Waldmeister, he writes "We've seen little to indicate that Biden is suffering any real cognitive decline." "Neither in his public appearances nor in any behind-the-scenes reporting have we learned that he's forgetting important information, falling asleep in meetings, becoming confused, or growing erratic in his decision-making." This is evidence of the worst case of Trump-can-do-nothing-right/Democrats-can-do-nothing-wrong Syndrome that I have ever come across. #joeyjoeyhesourmanifhecantdoitnobodycan #hesjustrestinghiseyesbigliar
We don't need to know what's happening "behind the scenes" because we see the scenes! He can't walk, can't talk, doesn't know which way to go, can't answer real questions, doesn't know who to call on for scripted questions without a cue card, and when he gets lost in front of a microphone without a teleprompter his cognitively impaired brain defaults back to long disproven lies (made up stories) about his background. #tophalfofhisclass #threedegrees #bigrigtruckdriver #gotarrestedseeingnelsonmandela #foughtfordesegregation #knowsnothingabouthowhisonlylivingsonearnsmillionsofdollars
According to P Dub, in 2016 "it became clear that (Hillary) Clinton hadn't committed any transgressions more serious than the kind many others have been guilty of- including her two Republican predecessors as secretaries of state." If her transgressions weren't serious, why did she go to so much trouble to destroy the evidence of these unserious transgressions? #bettertodestroytheevidencethangetpunishedforthecrimes
In summation, the following is a short list of the facts of life according to the mainstream propaganda narrative. #youtakethegoodyoutakethebad #butitsallbad #pipedownracist
Anything a Republican does is a crime. #russiarussiarussia #impeachment When a Democrat does the same thing or oftentimes something substantially worse, it's perfectly fine. #yeahbuttrumpskidsarecriminals #yeahbuttrumpskidsareassholes #yeahbutfillintheblanktrumpsucks
Anything a Republican says is a lie. #dontforgetracistcracker Democrats are incapable of lying, so go fuck yourself you big lying insurrectionist piece of shit! #amencracker #democratstotallycare #theysaywhattheywantyoutobelieve #stopconcerningyourselfwithrealityandbelievewhattheysay #theecononmyisstrong #pricesarelow #inflationistransitory #votedemocrat #onepartyrule #transwomenarewomen #menmakegreatwomen #opinionsfromciswomenirrelevant #totallysafeandeffective #effectivefordepopulationmaybe #thegovernmentcaresaboutyou
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