I Know You Are But What Am I

Is it possible to disagree with some aspects of life on planet Earth and not be vilified and accused of hating it?  #gofuckyourselfhater  When someone uses a term to insult, mock or disparage someone else, does that mean that person hates the term they are using to mock or disparage?  #gordonramsayhatesdonkeys  #rippeewee


Granted life would be better if everyone got along.  #worldpeace  #goodjobsweetie  For that to happen, we would have to all think the same.  Who wants to live in a groupthink society?  #thinkaboutitbeforeyouanswer  Who would get to choose the approved thoughts?  #billgatesofcoursebigot  The fact that we are able to think for ourselves (some of us at least) makes that short sighted, make-believe "utopia" impossible.  #ithoughtdiversitywasagoodthing  #notdiversityofthoughtinsurrectionist

So given that we all are individuals with the ability to think for ourselves (well most of us or at least some of us), those that want to cry "racism," "sexism," "transism," or some version of a new "phobia" about anything that doesn't mesh with their simple-minded worldview need to "zip it, lock it, and put it in their pocket."  #inotherwordsshutthefuckup  #insultsarehatecrimes

I have yet to meet a person that hasn't insulted another person or group.  Kids do it.  Adults do it.  Pretty much everyone does it.  #infinitywrongsdontmakearightasshole  If I was to stereotype a political group as the one most guilty of insulting its opponents, it would easily be the donkeys.  #fuckingdonkeyphobe  

I mean democrats.  #insulttodonkeys  The entire Democratic platform is based on "we are not white supremacist, transphobic insurrectionists like the Republican assholes."  #wecarewhileyouhateyoufuckingracist

The tried and true choose us because "the other side is filled with fucking bastards" democratic approach.  #bastardphobes  "Our policies are complete dog shit that benefit us (not the us that includes you) but we're pretending to be on your side while lying about the other side hating you.  The other side hates you too, but not in the ways we are saying."  #lyingliarsgonnalie

Can we all agree that all of us (with maybe a few exceptions) engage in insulting others?  This isn't a "what's your truth?" question.  It's a "what's the truth?" question.  Now that we are all on common ground, why do we insult others?  #insecurity  #lowselfesteem  #selfloathing

When one crafts an insult or a put-down the obvious goal is to damage the target with words.  The closer the put-down is to something the target doesn't want to be associated with the more damaging the put-down. Calling someone who loves going to the theatre a "theatre nerd" isn't a good put-down.  #wickidwassogoodright

Calling a body building enthusiast with very little intelligence a "meathead" isn't a good put-down either.  #doyouevenliftbro

Both "put-downs" are pretty accurate characterizations and are not perceived as negatives to the targets.  In both of those cases, the insulter isn't automatically a theatrenerdophobe or a meatheadophobe.  #startingtopissmeoffcracker  Most liberals seem to suffer from an intense case of phobophobia, #makesuretowearyourmask but only when describing their enemies.  #stopattackingusyoupieceofshit

One of the most damaging put-downs for young men is being called a "virgin."  When the hormones start raging, sex is almost all we think about.  Questioning a man's ability to get laid cuts like a knife.  "Oh, it cuts like a knife.  But it feels so right baby"  #youhaveproblemsbryan

There are always a few jerks that claim to have had sex in middle school.  Be it true or not, the real assholes wield the "virgin" insult like Conan the Barbarian's massive sword.  #notallofushadmodelgirlfriendsincanada  At least for men, sex is a very defining characteristic.  #thatsureisabigsword

Viewing something as negative and using it to insult someone doesn't make that person a whateverthefuckophobe.  According to merriam-webster.com transphobia and homophobia are irrational fears of, aversions to, or discrimination against homosexual or transgender people.  Anyone who doesn't wholeheartedly buy-in to the trans/homo movements is labeled as an evil trans/homophobe.  Seems like a very insulting practice coming from the pro-world-peace utopians.  #complyorberidiculedandshunned

When verbally sparring/talking shit to an enemy, insults are the usual weapons of choice.  When men do it, masculinity and sexual prowess are the usual big guns.  What started in school as accusations of virginity or being like a girl escalates to allegations of homosexuality in adult life.  Again, this line of attack is used on heterosexual men.  #homophobicmisogynisticmeanieasshole

Calling a heterosexual self-described tough guy anything involving male homosexuality qualifies as an assault weapon/weapon of war of insults.  Calling an ultra-macho Casanova type a "cock sucker" is as brutal as it gets.  Does that mean the person wielding that weapon is a cocksuckerophobe?  Absolutely not, heterosexual men love female "cock suckers."  Homosexual men love male "cock suckers."  It's the context related to the target, not a hatred for the subject.  #youarenotfoolingmehomophobicracist

Those that cry the most about words being deadly weapons use those "deadly weapons" as their primary form of communication.  If you oppose their ideology, then you are a racist, white supremacist, authoritarian, extremist, misogynistic, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, insurrectionist, Uncle Tom, conspiracy theorist big liar to name a few.  #andwhowouldhavethought  #itfigures

Refusal to comply with ridiculous ideas and practices is not hatred.  Even if it was hatred, deal with it.  As free-thinking individuals, any person is allowed to think whatever he/she/whateverthefuck wants.  You are allowed to think that chopping off your dick and calling yourself Gwendolyn makes you a woman.  I'm allowed to think that that is fucking nuts (don't forget the testicles) and feel sorry for all the "Gwendolyns" buying into that insane bullshit.  #nicerack

Some people are hateful pricks.  #hatefulprickophobe  Some people are kind and generous.  Evil people pretend to be kind and generous while they do evil shit in the shadows.  One guy calls a woman a "fat pig" and is called "a bulbous orange piece of shit," "an overflowing garbage bag full of orange dildos," "a giant condom filled with 300 pounds of orangutan shit and Cheeto dust," or something similar.  #weallknewthatbastardwasaracistthemomenthecameoutasarepublican  #beforethathewascoolasfuck

Calling a mentally ill person mentally ill is not offensive.  It's true and necessary in a compassionate society.  One can't solve a problem until it is identified.  Affirming a mentally ill person's delusions is offensive.  Further, pushing children to be delusional and mutilate themselves isn't just offensive but evil.  But that's just me an apparent fucking transphobe.  #damnrightevilcracker  #dystopiansciencefictiontrophyachieved

In all of human existence, the leader that only allows his version of reality is the bad guy.  #fuckingmisogynist  #womencanbeevilleaderstoo  #heyassholeswhataboutnonbinaryevilfucks  That version is nearly always self-serving.  No one man or one group knows everything.  #stoplyingasshole  #youblasphemousprick 

It used to be safe to say that people with mental problems need mental help.  Nowadays, the ruling class claims that the only acceptable way of dealing with mental health issues is by affirming them.  #itsokaytonotbeokay  Then, lifelong prescriptions for expensive drugs and even more expensive body mutilating surgical procedures become necessary.  Any idea who benefits from that?  #whereisyourlineinthesand  #thesemenarecowardsdonnie  #howdareyouassumetheirgendersbigot  #didyouaskfortheirpronouns  


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