Which Garbage Bag Full of Shit Do You Choose?

Even if you are a hardcore Democrat loyalist #eyesclosednoseheld, you have to admit that Joe Biden is an over-the-hill leaking garbage bag full of various animal and human feces, foreign money, broken Jim Crow relics dripping with ineptitude, stolen classified documents, and several sprinkles of dementia.  #donthavetoadmitshitracist  #heftyheftyhefty  #wimpywimpywimpy  "Uh oh, overflow, population, common food.  It'll do.  Save yourself.  Serve yourself."   No one tasked with the job of hiring for any company big or small would select Joey B. to manage anything.  #notevenakioskatamall  #notevenaswapmeet  #notevenayardsale 

You'd be hard pressed to find any establishment, successful or otherwise, looking to stay in business that would hire him even temporarily for a part-time minimum wage seasonal job.  If someone was inept enough #joebidenlevelstupid  to hire him, he would soon be fired for dereliction of duties no matter how simple those duties were.  #comeonman

Joey is a proven and admitted pathological liar.  His two previous attempts at becoming president were torpedoed by his stupid fucking lies.  Sunk his campaigns like the Titanic.  Seriously, how insanely moronic do you have to be to tell essentially the world loads and loads of verifiable horseshit and expect to get away with it.  #hegivesyouhiswordasabidenasshole  The best part is that he has resumed telling the same lies that he admitted were lies years ago.  #thatsgoodolejoeforya  #thepartofjoeyplayedbyleodicap  #hishairwasneverthatgood

He has a history of racist tendencies and affiliations.  #slightindianaccent  One of his politician mentors was a former high ranking upper decker turd in the Ku Klux Klan.  #hegavehiseulogy  #exaltedcyclops  In his prime, he was at best below average in intelligence.  It's safe to say that no one would accuse Joe Biden of being a smart guy.  He cheated his way through college and public life.  Plagiarizing papers and speeches left and right.  #gotthemostvotesinworldhistorycracker

He was and is a typical dumb arrogant prick who makes up stories about fictional accomplishments, so he can pad his inflated ego.  I'd bet that in grade school he told stories of all the sex he was having with his hot Canadian model girlfriend.  If he goes to a black church, he will tout his nonexistent accomplishments in the civil rights movement.  Don't get him started on getting arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela.  If he goes to a factory and sees a big rig, he will talk about when he was a truck driver.  Don't get him started about his buddy the Bandit.  "A tournament, a tournament, a tournament of lies."   #probablyhasneverdrivenapickuptruck  #eastboundanddown  #leavegoodolejoealoneprick

Enough about his shortcomings of which they are infinite,  #toinfinityandbeyond  let's discuss his strengths.  #thesilenceisdeafening  Do you need more time?  #hellodarknessmyoldfriend  Can you come up with anything?  "World serves its own needs.  Listen to your heart bleed."  When the fat orange Satan was in office, they questioned that obese demon's cognitive abilities based on walking down a slippery ramp.  How would you say Joey the quarterback stud compares with his gazellelike gait?  #itwasawindydayyoufuckingasshole  #stairscanbetricky

Unfortunately, Captain Crapped Underpants (Craptain Underpants) is front and center as the "leader" of the "Free World."  Tell me loyal Democrat, "do you think POTUS Joe is running this country?"  #ofcourseheisasshole  Let's pretend for a moment that Joey is actually making decisions and not the lizards in the shadows.  How do you think he's doing?  #howyoudoin  #alotbetterthanthelastguy  #orangemanbad  #workingclassjoe

The Jewish Dems seem to think that good ole Scranton Joe is kicking ass!  I guess spending money that America doesn't have is a sign of strength for these critical thinkers.  #fuckoffantisemite  Aren't Jewish people stereotyped as being good with money?  Since when is opposing making America great a good thing for America?  Having a leader whose agenda makes America weaker globally, more financially unstable, and more dysfunctional across the board seems demonstrably bad.  #theadultsarenowinchargebigot  #therichneedtopaytheirfairshare

It brings up the age-old question from the brilliant philosopher Dr. Janet Jackson #missjacksonifyourenasty, "What have you done for me lately?"  What have the Dems and the Corn Pop Conquistador done for America?  #hehasbroughtawealthofforeignaffairsexperienceinsurrectionist Spending money on pet projects that line the pockets of democratic donors and sending off plane loads of cash and military supplies to foreign countries helps America how exactly?  #gottaspendmoneytomakemoneyasshole  #thatdoesntmakesense  #westandwithukrainexenophobe

Paying Big Pharma billions, and then forcing individuals to get an unapproved vaccine in order to keep their jobs helps America how?  Telling Americans that there are zero long term side effects to a brand-new vaccine that has had zero long term studies and doing everything possible to get that concoction into all kids who are not at all threatened by an obviously evil, completely natural virus that definitely didn't come from the lab in Wuhan, China that was funded and overseen by America is not an accomplishment to put on your resume.  #keeprunninrunninkeeprunninrunnin  #runonmuch  #letsgetitstartedinhere  #letsgetretardedinhere   #covidcamefromnatureconspiracyfucktard

"And if you're somewhere out there passed out on the floor.  Oh Joey, I'm not angry anymore."  Speak for yourself Concrete Blonde.  #morelikedumbasconcrete  Anyone with his/her eyes open can see plenty to be angry about.  Ignorance, senility, and dementia are not acceptable excuses for being the figure head/suppository for an agenda transitioning to the New World Order.  #shoveitupyourownass #unityrules  #weareallinthistogether  

"Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I decline." Mainstream propaganda tells us daily that guns and white supremacy are evil existential threats to our sacred democracy.  "White supremacy" is a leftist dog whistle for someone who sees through their bullshit.  Their playbook states that if someone disagrees with "their truth" just accuse them of being a white supremacist to get them to back down.  #fuckyouhonkycrackerassracistbitch  #kkkissmyass

"Democracy" is code for unobstructed leftist control.  "Your body, your choice" when it comes to killing babies, but it's their choice when it comes to vaccines and such.  Say whatever you want as long as it falls in line with "democracy."  What do you think the vaccine's long-term effects on fertility are? #whatarethevegasoddsondepopulation  #letitride  #alwaysbetonblack  #byblackimeanpopulationcollapse

The cat shit is out of the litter box.  You are damned if you do and damned if you don't.  #bagofshitoneorbagofshittwo  According to the rulers, conservative American values are white supremacist, authoritarian, fascist, and autocratic.  Whereas forced leftist only policies are anti-autocratic, anti-fascist, anti-racist, democratic keys to utopia.  "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fi.."  FUCKED, FUCKED, FUCKED!  #thirdworldherewecome  #isthiscardboardboxtaken #iheardcatfoodisntthatbad  #howdoyoufeelnowmichael


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