Welcome to the Gun Show
When are all these fucking white supremacist, insurrectionist, machine gun toting, orange skin worshipping, Rambo fucktards going to realize that legally purchasing many guns or even one gun for self-defense, target shooting, or hunting is frowned upon in Dumbfuckistan? #noneedforagunrack
It is common knowledge that if you arbitrarily give sport or hunting rifles scary names it means that you shouldn't be able to own them. #johnramboworshippedjimcrow #firearmsareobviouslyracist
Assault weapons are scary and evil. "ASSAULT," hello? We all know that. #whowantstobeassaulted #thankscaptainwhitesupremacistobvious Assault weapons are defined as semi-automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns that are able to accept detachable magazines and possess one or more other features. Notice that description puts most of all the handguns on the market under the category of "assault weapons." But get your hands on a single shot pistol like Christian Bale's character in the Prestige used for his bullet catch, you are all good. #untilyoushootyourfingersoff
However, if you use any gun Christian Bale's characters have used in every other film he has been in except maybe the westerns, you are in trouble. #youfuckingamericanpsychocracker
Here's where is gets even more stupider. #somemightsaystupidest Assault rifles are automatic weapons. No semi-automatic rifles qualify as an assault rifle, but they are referred to as assault weapons. #gotit Geniuses on daytime and late-night talk shows like to talk about AR-15 style rifles as assault rifles (AR equals assault rifle). Obviously, these virtue-signaling idealogue jackasses don't know their asses from holes in the ground when it comes to firearms. The AR stands for Armalite Rifle, the company that first developed the weapon over 60 years ago. #moreracistdisinformation #jimcrowwastheceo
"Do you realize the bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun, five times lighter and can pierce Kevlar?" #itsscienceracist Actually, no one realizes that jackass, because it is utter bullshit! #imnotjokingfolks #hesreallygoodwithnumbersandstatistics #dontbelievemecheckhismanybankaccounts
Assault weapons are apparently virtually identical to sentient robots that have time traveled from the future to eliminate all the pathetic flesh bag humans. Everyone realizes that humans don't kill humans with guns. Guns alone kill humans. #fuckyouasshole
As if we didn't have enough existential threats to humanity. #itsabouttimethatyouacknowledgetheclimatecrisisasshole #clothmasksnotcoveringyournosearepointlessleo #hopbackonyourprivatejetandgosavetheworldwithgreta
You might be thinking that it depends on the person actually possessing the weapon, right? Actually, you couldn't be more fucking wrong! #suchafuckingidiot Just the mere existence of guns is a code-level orange threat to humanity. #asevidencedbyallthewhitesupremacistmurderousrampages #thewhitegorillarepresentswhitesupremacy
So, it is clear that the only way to save humanity from this rapidly escalating extinction level event is to confiscate and destroy all guns and rifles in existence. #fulleradication #weareatcriticalmass Obviously, the first step would be to eliminate the manufacturing of any new guns. They are doing that, right? #umwellno But at least the guns in existence are being confiscated/bought back and destroyed? #negatory. Maybe not destroyed, but they will be upcycling them into electric cars, right? #nope
Well, gun wielding criminals are being arrested, prosecuted harshly, and locked away for good, at least? Wait a minute, criminals are being set free, and new criminals are not even being charged? #murderpalooza #thecriminaljusticesytemissystemicallyracistcracker #morelikecriminalinjusticesystemamiright
It doesn't seem like anyone is taking this evil gun threat seriously. #thedemocratsarecracker You say that democrats are trying to pass legislation, but the white supremacist insurrectionist republicans are blocking it? #fuckingmurderhappyracists I wonder what this well thought out democrat plan to save humanity is? Are they wanting to start by addressing the exorbitant amount of gun violence in the inner cities across America? #whatinnercitygunviolencebigot Oh, I'm so sorry for that obviously racist common-sense question based on the pandemic of violence in the inner cities. #seewhatididthere #doesphizermakeavaccineforbullets
Then, they must be focusing on the nationwide problem of gangs and their affinity for spraying bullets haphazardly throughout their neighborhoods. #pipedownhonky This seems like a joke. #blacklivesmatter
What is this group of highly intelligent, definitely not narcissistic, super caring, not at all power-hungry, benevolent, philanthropic, humanitarian souls focusing on in regard to these murderous "bang bang" things? #sarcasmalert #iamontheedgeofmyseat They are locked and loaded on eliminating certain types of firearms (eventually all firearms) and making it more difficult for law abiding citizens to purchase legal firearms. #youredamnrighthonky #theyretoocloseformissilestheyreswitchingtoguns
Please forgive my ignorance, but how does that address the issue of violent criminals and murderers killing people with guns? #explainittomelikeyouwouldathreeyearold Limiting weapons from law abiding citizens that aren't committing crimes or murders helps end the pandemic of mass shootings how exactly? #gunsarebadyoudumbcracker
Is the argument that "law abiding" citizens are "breaking bad" and becoming illegal arms dealers to the massive gang population and supposedly out-of-control number of mass shooters by selling them their legally purchased AR-15's without a waiting period and extensive background checks? #fuckingwhitepriviligedracists #ibettheyarentevenchargingsalestax #iamtheonewhoknocks
These are the same "Mensa geniuses" that claim to have created the most secure and legitimate election this planet has ever seen by redesigning the voting system by removing all security protocols. Mind you, they do have hindsight on their side. The career politician and his diverse sidekick that got more votes than anyone else in World history #guinnesbookofworldrecords has transformed this former superpower that now identifies as a third-world country while existing in some sort of disfunctionally, braindead, walking/stumbling/falling, coma state. #idiocracytrophyachieved #whatsnextpresidentfetterman #howdareyouhesaninspiration
When the figurehead of your organization is a tragically incompetent, dishonest, soulless buffoon and the results of his administration are demonstrably destructive, dangerous, and simply RUH-TARDED, as an organization you have proven yourself to be unworthy of benevolent leadership or any leadership for that matter. #hopeandchange When a proven power-hungry government wants to take away it's citizens' ability to defend themselves while simultaneously creating a society with rampant crime, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to connect the dots. #figureitoutlinda #whatadick
Did the founding fathers specifically write the Second Amendment to the Constitution so that mass shooting events could be facilitated? #whitesupremacistpatriarchicalfucks Any reasonable person realizes that he/she must have the ability to protect his/herself and family. #whataboutothergenderstransphobe #stfustupid Giving up the ability to protect yourself because a career politician with armed security says that you don't deserve nor need it is, shall I say, "FUCKING IDIOTIC" or in the parlance of our times "very Bidenesque." #hituswiththeknowledgebenjamin
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