Identification Please

Isn't it interesting how democrats generally don't have a clue about God, logic, or what facts are; but they self-identify as omniscient beings that need to determine how the world works.  They seem to be allergic to reasonable pragmatic public policy.  When it comes to living life, they are like Jeopardy contestants trying to answer questions in the sports category.

Facts are racist.  Reality is fluid.  Actual science is white supremacist and evil.  Their version, "the science," is the self-determined unquestionable gospel.  Consistent reasoning is Jim Crow hogwash.  This is how you get into a position where you can argue for the encouragement of mental illness.  #itsokaytonotbeokay  The goal is to increase the number of mentally ill people in the population.  This is what makes the ruling class happy.  #druggedoutzombiesdontfightthepower

Why would you want to help a person recover from drug addiction and become self-sufficient when you could just provide him with drugs and be his God?  Why would you want to help a person become mentally healthy when you could encourage and exacerbate her mental health issues and provide her with drugs and/or unnecessary surgeries?  #lifeissickerthanfiction

Usually, when looking for the "approved view" on anything involving the trans community, one would look to MSNBC transgender superstar Katelyn Burns.  If you were looking for the "approved view" on anything involving racism or white supremacy, you would look to MSNBC BIPOC superstar Hayes Brown.  #plottwist  This week's transgender outrage comes from Hayes Brown.  #heidentifiesasavictimsavior

Hayes was very upset that some Daily Wire honky, Michael Knowles, told a CPAC audience that "there can be no middle way in dealing with transgenderism.  It is all or nothing.  For the good of society, and especially for the good of the poor people who have fallen prey to this confusion, transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely - the whole preposterous ideology."  #fuckingcrackerbigot

Hayes firmly believes that "trans Americans deserve the simple courtesy of being seen for who they are, deserve access to the medical care that allows them to see themselves clearly in the mirror."  #dotheyneedlasiktoo  In typical leftist jibber jabber, Hayes completely changes the meanings of words.  "Seen for who they are" means seen for who they pretend to be or to put simply "seen for who they aren't."  #ifyouseeapenisinthemirroryouareaman

Hayes is part of the mainstream along with Disney, Netflix, etc. that creates the social contagion of the LGBTQIA+ification of Dumbfuckistan.  These confused individuals do deserve access to medical care. The care that they need is of the mental health variety.  Another way to give them some perspective is to prescribe the viewing of the 1990 cinematic classic "Kindergarten Cop."  Two clear sentences from one of the kindergarteners will clear up any confusion.  #littletransphobicbastard

Since when did mutilation become "medical care?"  Children who identify as pirates now need lower leg amputations and eye removal surgery?  #shivermetimbers  Children who identify as mermaids now need their legs sliced open and sewn together along with metatarsal bone reconstruction to form their feet into fins?  #soundsbarbaric  People (politicians primarily) believing that they are snakes need double arm amputations in addition to either a one leg amputation or the mermaidification procedure with their legs?  #wakeywakeyhandsoffsnakey  Those identifying as rattlesnakes must also undergo an additional procedure to get the end of their new "tail" modified with a rattle.  #youheartherattleyoubetterrun

There is no limit to what you can be.  #recordscratch  "Hold up cracker!  Your honky ass can't be black!"  #soundsaggressive  "Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination."  #singitgene

Authors Braden Hill, and Stevie Lane claim that race and gender are not built the same.  "Gender is our internal sense of self, whether that be man, woman, neither or both."  According to these two geniuses you can't inherit your gender, but you do inherit the social construct of race.  #imasoulman

Race isn't a social construct and neither is biological sex.  Everyone is born as a male (boy) or female (girl).  You are also the racial mix corresponding to the racial makeup of your biological parents.  For those scientifically challenged, the biological parents include the man that provided the sperm and the woman that provided the egg for the conception of the child.  #soundslikewhiteprivilegebigot

These two "journalists" take offense to anyone with the audacity to claim that his/her/zi/zer/ding/dang/willa/wella/bing/bang/+ authentic self is a different race than he/she/whateverthefuck was born with.  According to them, "It is racist to think someone can pick and choose parts of a race or culture they like, then distance themselves from that culture when it suits them.  There is a difference between affirming your gender as a trans person, which doesn't harm anyone else, and choosing to live and appropriate another culture."  #racismiseverywhere  #damnstraightcracker  #someonecannotbeathey  #theonekindagivesitaway  #onecannotbemorethanone

How about I concede the point that everything white and American is racist and we get back to the transgender topic at hand?  #gofuckyomomma  Hayes seems to think that the constant affirmation and celebration of the LGBTQIA+?$LIBNONSENSE community has nothing to do with grooming and pedophilia.  #recruitmentanyone  

There is more of an effort to turn your kid gay or trans than to get your kid to serve this racist ass country, but if he/she/salamander/cumquat/etc. is gay or trans and wants to be in the army then he/she/blah/blah/etc. must be immediately promoted to 4 star general or admiral or some shit.  #iwasbornthisway  The entire mainstream culture/media is the Indeed for the gay/trans agenda.  #itisnotanagendatransphobe  #indeeditis

Instead of creating confusion, manipulating the confused, and pushing them in the wrong direction, healthy caring individuals look to actually help eliminate the confusion.  By creating standards that defy common sense and basic facts, impressionable people can more easily be molded into the preference of those in control.  "There's too many men, too many people making too many problems with not much love to go around.  Can't you see this is a land of confusion?"  #soundsratherphobicphil

Aside from intersex people, everyone is either born a boy or a girl and then grow up to be a man or a woman.  This is an indisputable fact!  Facts are not our friends according to those in power. Remember, we don't live in Narnia or someone's imagination.  #speakforyourselftransphobicasshole

Let's dig into our feelings for a bit.  It's completely reasonable for a person to feel happy, sad, sick, or tired among many other things.  All of those feelings are based on the experience of actually being happy, sad, sick, or tired.  There is an inner knowledge, a frame of reference, if you will.  #thankscaptainobvious

To say that I feel like a unicorn is completely nonsensical.  Aside from the fact that unicorns don't exist, how in the fuck would I know what a unicorn feels like?  What if I like lapping milk from a bowl and shitting in a box of sand in the corner of my room, could I say that I feel like a cat?  #soundsfelineophobic

Let's try a thought experiment.  Whatever you are, man or woman, think about what it feels like to be what you are.  #whatifiambothorneither  Now, really focus on your feelings.  If you are a man, can you have any idea of what it feels like to be a woman?  If you are a woman, do you have the slightest inclination of what a man feels like?  The answer to both questions is "no."  #speakforyourselfwhitesupremacist

This isn't a question of gender roles or sexual preferences.  You can be a man and like taking bubble baths (theoretically) and playing the skin flute.  You can be a woman and like working on cars and munching rugs.  Your likes or dislikes don't define your sex; your biology does.  If you are confused about your sex, then check what's between your legs.  #mysterysolved  #ironcrotch

Let's go back to the thought experiment.  No one can say what it feels like to be something that they are not.  #noframeofreference  #shutthefuckupdonny  A man doesn't know what it feels like to be a woman and vice versa.  So, stop trying to claim that transgender women are women.  If you are confused, grab your crotch like Michael Jackson.  #heehee

A man who pretends to be a woman is a man.  A girl who pretends to be a mermaid is a girl.  A woman who pretends to be a man is a woman.  A boy who pretends to be a frog is a boy.  Pretend to be whatever you want.  Go wild!  It doesn't change what you are.  #fuckingpretendophobe  #everythingophobe

The best part is claiming that gender is different than sex.  Then, creating a fantasy island where there are infinite genders.  #welcometofantasyisland  The World Health Organization states that gender interacts with but is different from sex.  Gender and sex are related to but different from gender identity.  Finally, you pull a "bait and switch" and claim biological status is based on your gender identity.  "Transwomen are women."  We all know that a man is a man, a woman is a woman, and one can't be the other even if you pretend otherwise.  #canyouidentifyasretarded  #fartoomanypeopledo  #fuckingableist #tattoowasapimp

Once again you are a man or a woman.  To further delegitimize ourselves as a country, Dumbfuckistan will now allow you to have an X on your passport.  What's even worse is that you can select M, F, or X at your own personal whim.  You don't need medical documentation or biological reality to support the "truth" of what you are.  So, this official government document is now rendered meaningless.  I would hope that officials from other countries around the world would disallow individuals from entering their country with the bullshit "X" or fraudulent "M" or "F" markings.  #turnedawayattheborder

So, let's do a final review of Dumbfuckistan's rules and regulations for self-identification.  First and foremost, you can pretend to be whatever the fuck you want to be with regard to species, sex, and sexual preference.  Secondly and just as important, you can not pretend to be a race or ethnic identity different than your genetic reality.  For example, if you were born a white male, you can identify as a lesbian female honey badger as long as you are clearly a honky honey badger.  #nocornrows  #pullupyourpants

Are the rules now clear?  You white supremacist transphobic pile of Trump shit!  Sex appropriation is good.  Species appropriation is good.  Racial/cultural appropriation is the greatest evil since the armed and deadly insurrection on January 6th.  Liking an ethnicity so much that you want to become that ethnicity is so fucking racist!  How dare you white bitches braid your hair like Beyonce!  #culturevultures

Also, how dare you white bitches have your hair unbraided like Beyonce!  #getalifehonkybitches  #fuckwhitey  #youdownwithlgbtquia+  


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