One Conservative Racist Stone
According to the media, the white supremacists in America (i.e. conservatives) are now exporting their evil hate to the rest of the world. Apparently, the American-born white supremacist ideology is more contagious than the current most contagionest COVID variant currently filling up hospitals around the world. #getboosted
According to MSNBC Opinion Columnist Noor Noman, "the Conservative Party is stoking fears of fraud to block the Scottish trans bill - a familiar tool used by the U.S. Republican Party to suppress voting rights." Once again, the tired old trope that voter integrity procedures are voter suppression tactics that only effect minorities who are mostly democrats. #thecalleverythingsuperwhitesupremacisttactic #doublingup #doubledipping #twoforone #bogo
As has been previously covered ad nauseum, voter integrity measures are not racist. #ofcourseyoudsaythatbigot Calling standards and procedures to ensure a fair election minority-suppressing is the thing that is racist. Conservatives believe that everyone including minorities is capable of following defined procedures to vote. Strict standards and procedures for voting are fraud-suppressing. #thelongerweliethetrueritbecomescracker
Oh, you want fair and accurate elections? Of course you do you racist pile of shit! Remember fraud doesn't exist. All those security measures and election norms of the past were undercover, white supremacist, super-secret Jim Crow tactics to keep blacks and Hispanics from voting. #itsafricanamericanracist #itslatinxtransphobe
Fraud is obviously a conservative conspiracy theory used to justify the suppression of democratic voters who for some reason #askademocrattoexplain can't follow the same rules and procedures as every other voter. Except of course when conservatives win and then it's because of election fraud. #russiarussiarussia But, I digress. The topic at hand currently involves Scotland's adoption of supposed American styled white supremacist conservative tactics to fuck over the trans community. #hateapparentlylivestheretoo
Scottish Trans manager Vic Valentine said, "The bill as passed would introduce a simpler and fairer way for trans men and women to be legally recognized as who they truly are, allowing them to live with the dignity we all deserve." Noor mostly agrees except for the exclusion of "nonbinary" as a gender option. So, in order to correctly update your leftist lunacy bingo card, remember that men can be women, women can be men, or either can be neither. #whatifibelievethatiamtrulygod #wouldyoulegallyrecognizemeasgod #yourstupidfuckingnonthinkingkindafallsapartdoesntit
So apparently, not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder, but truth is in the mind of the delusional. #seriouslyfuckallthewayoff
Any serious person knows that you don't create public policy based on the desires of a small minority definitely not their delusions. The conservative party secretary of state for Scotland, Alister Jack, #fuckingscottishwhitesupremacisttransphobe argues that this bill will undermine the Equality Act of 2010 by having two different sets of laws. Noor whines back that this is a tactic used by the political right to falsely claim that the boogeyman of fraud is a reason to not create laws that affirm and respect the glorious bravery of trans people everywhere. #absolutelyamazingandbraveandheroic
In the UK Penny Mordaunt claimed, "Many trans people feel that this [current] process is overly intrusive, humiliating and administratively burdensome." "Further they argue that by requiring a diagnostic psychiatric report, the process perpetuates the outdated and false assumption that being trans is a mental illness." #itshouldbeeasytolivealie
So, Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) is a mental illness (mental health condition). Believing that you are more than one person is an illness, #makessense #notheythemforyoudumbfuck but believing that you are a woman when you are clearly a man is not a mental illness? #livingmytruthyoufuckingtransphobe
Many mental illnesses involve hallucinations or breaks from reality. Psychosis is often described as a "loss of reality" or "break from reality" because you experience or believe things that aren't real. Psychosis might involve hearing or seeing things that other people cannot see or hear (hallucinations) and believing things that are not actually true (delusions). #truthisobviouslytransphobicyoubigot
A man believing that he is a woman is delusional dialed up to 11. #thesegotoeleven Same goes for a woman believing that she is a man. The medical community likes to play word games in today's dysfunctional world. A lot of times "mental illness" is now described as a "mental health condition." Just like, that guy living on the street isn't "homeless." He is unhoused. #whitehomepriviligedasshole #stophomeshamingyouwhitepriviligedprick
A current mantra is that, "It's okay to not be okay." But apparently, It's not okay to say that someone is not okay even though being not okay is okay. So, moving forward always remember, being not okay is okay, but identifying someone as not okay is not okay. Okay? #fuckingnotokayphobe Delusions are now reality. Professional liars are proclaiming that lies don't exist anymore for them or the various victim groups that they support. Is it hard to understand who that benefits? #liarphobebigotNoor further resents the patronizing requirements by the state, which places an enormous burden on trans people to prove who they are (I think she meant prove who they aren't.) - rather than trusting them, as adults are trusted to make their own decisions of practically every other legal walk of life. #notadecisiontomake
Functional adults don't claim to be something that they are not. For delusional people, gender may be an infinite spectrum, but you are either a man or a woman. No wishing is going to change that fact of life. #afactoflifeforever "You take the good. You take the bad. You take them all and there you have THE FACTS OF LIFE, THE FACTS OF LIFE." #notenoughdiversity #nolatinx #mrsgarrettwasobviouslyawhitesupremacist
Noor also super totally resents the psychological evaluations necessary for some steps of the transition, which pathologize transgenderism. Pathologize is to regard or treat (someone or something) as psychologically abnormal or unhealthy. #pathologizingismean #iguessbeingfatwashealthyuntildoctorspathologizedit
No matter what side of this issue you stand, it is common sense that transgenderism is abnormal (deviating from what is normal or usual). Further one could easily argue that it is unhealthy to drug and/or mutilate a person based on a psychological disorder. #youfuckingtransphobeonsteroids
In closing, when lying about your enemies, always try to double up lies #killtwobirdswithonestone, and don't forget that conservatives are homophobes, xenophopes, transphobes, basically everythingophobes, and bigots trying to hinder the rights of everyone that isn't cisgender, heterosexual, and white. #howdareyou #animalhatingbigot
And obviously, they are ultra Ku Klux Klan, white supremacist, climate change denying, voter suppressing, pro police brutality, systemic racism upholding, antidemocratic, pro-Putin #russiarussiarussia, Jim Crow loving insurrectionists. "Operator, oh, could you help me place this call?" #jimcrownotjimcrocedumbass #jimcrocewasaracisttoocracker #talkinshitaboutleroybrown #anythingwhiteisnotalright
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