Number One Problem in America
It's obviously white people and their standards and practices. #yup #bunchofcrackerassbitches
What happens if you hear someone telling a lie? Does your life fall apart? Do you feel pain? Suffer from nausea, heart burn, indigestion, upset stomach, or diarrhea? Untreated disinformation may cause cancer. I'm sure Phizer or Biontech will soon have a completely safe and completely effective disinformation vaccine to protect us. #betterwearafaceshieldforprotectioninthemeantime
If some prick calls you a nasty name, after you pick yourself up off of the ground and the puddle of your own urine and tears before you drown can you call the police and get them arrested? #wordscanbeassaultviolentextremist Considering that people are committing actual crimes and not being punished, I don't think anyone is going to be arrested for calling someone a 'fuckface pile of shit,' at least not yet. #iknowyouarebutwhatami
Contrast what is being allowed with what is verboten, the dreaded hate speech. Let's be crystal clear here. 'Hate speech' is an ever-changing amorphous number of things that the ruling class hates for you to say. It has nothing to do with the ambiguous 'hate speech' moniker. According to Oxford Languages Dictionary, hate speech is abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation. #whitechristianheterosexualsapparentlydontcount
Based on Oxford's definition, the entirety of the Biden administration is guilty of hate speech. From inauguration day on, they have been very threatening to the racially specific apparently very large group of Caucasian criminals terrorizing the American homeland daily Purge style. This is an existential threat to our sacred democracy. A democracy created by asshole white supremacists that we don't want to even think about. #thosethatshallnotbenamed #nomoreraciststatuesMerrick Garland has stated many times the severity of the domestic terror threat of white supremacy. Others with functioning brains question about the threats from gangs and everyday criminals including Antifa and BLM groups. #crickets Those questions are rejected Shaquille O'Neal style by the non-partisan news outlet Yahoo!news. #getthatshitouttamyface
Antifa is a loosely organized network of leftist radicals that is not widely considered a threat to national security. Did you like the subtlety of that description? The radicals aren't far left, but anything on the right is far right. When you consistently play games with words, a ridiculous statement like that can almost be molded into truth. For non-partisan Yahoo!news, "national security" means leftist power. #keepupwiththevernacularhillbilly
Maybe this is due to the fact that most leftists are pathetic at pretty much everything in life especially anything requiring a backbone or involving the use of a functioning prefrontal cortex. #justasktheirashamedparents #antifaisanideanotanorganizationinsurrectionist Being organized is a sign of white supremacy. #howaboutyouorganizemyfistinyourfacecracker
According to the data driven Yahoo!news, research has shown that most of the summer of 2020's Black Lives Matter inspired protests were peaceful. They concede that some violence may have occurred, but outlets like Fox News may have provided a distorted image of those protests. #whoprovidedthedistortedimage
So, for the sake of context, let's say that there were 200 BLM inspired protests. If only 50 of them escalated into riots, looting, and the burning of buildings, most of them were in fact peaceful. #ojhadamostlypeacefulinteractionwithnicolethenighthenearlycutherheadofftoo The more than 19 people that died and the billions of dollars in damage shouldn't even be considered given that the protests were mostly peaceful. #nojusticenopeacepeckerwood #sorrynotsorry #apparentlythose19deathswerenotcreditedtothefarleft #moreviolentwhitesupremacyobviously
Garland has stated, "The top domestic violence extremist threat we face comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocate for the superiority of the white race." Seriously, who are these multitudes of honkies who advocate for the superiority of the white race? I can defeat that hypothetical argument with 3 names. Your honor, I submit into evidence Joe Biden, John Fetterman, and Admiral Rachel Levine. I rest my case. #thesupremacyofwhitesdestroyed #helooksveryaggressiveanddangerous #igonnagetyou #heyyouguys
I couldn't find a picture with all 3 together. They probably will never all 3 be in the same place because of national security. #designatedsurvivor Dumbfuckistan surely would fall if we lost all 3 of these exceptional examples of white superiority in some kind of white supremacist terror attack against these pillars of human exceptionalism. #makesperfectsenseifyouhavenosense
How come the Admiral always looks lost? Adam Levine would make a better Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services. Come to think of it, he probably makes a better fake woman, too. #hesgotthemoveslikejagger
Okay, here's a shot out of a cannon. Biden, Fetterman, and Admiral Levine, you gotta fuck one, marry one, kill one. Go! #ithinkwearedonehere #ithinkimightbeabletohelpwiththispanpamdilemma
It would be interesting to know the data behind the claim that white supremacists are at the top of the terror leaderboard. I would think that inner-city gangs outpace the yearly murder output of "white supremacists" in a few weekends. You can easily use statistics to lie about a topic. Garland has mastered the art of lying about a topic without bothering to cite statistics. He is a master debater! #youdontwarranttheuseofstatisticshonky #shutupandfolloworders
According to the far-right extreme website, the following is a list of the deadliest US cities. You can see that white supremacy has taken hold of these fine cities to devastating effect. Those white mayors are probably members of the KKK. #whattheyrenotwhite
1. St. Louis #2020homicidemapbelow 2. Baltimore 3. Birmingham 4. Detroit 5. Dayton 6. Baton Rouge 7. New Orleans 8. Kansas City 9. Memphis 10. Cleveland DISHONORABLE MENTION for 13. Our nation's capitol city, Washington D.C.
Let's play a little game, shall we? What do all of these deadly cities have in common? If you answered large concentrations of white supremacists, go ahead and hit yourself in the head with Paul Pelosi's hammer. #gethammered With the exception of Detroit and Memphis, they are all run by supposedly non-white supremacist African-Americans. #butbutbutslavery
After looking at some hate crime stats Garland's claims of white supremacy as the preeminent terror threat to the country seem, shall we say, inaccurate. I wish there was readily available information to be able to easily and accurately assess this existential terror threat. The common factor for every city in the top 10 is ...? If you know that they are all run by Democrats, give yourself a prize. #thepartyofslavery #makessense
The unbiased Southern Poverty Law Center is so unbiased that it's hate group map includes a sprinkling of white hating groups. #sicarii1715 It's nearly impossible to come away from reading a mainstream article without thinking "What the FUCK?" Every conservative viewpoint apparently embraces white supremacist ideas and violent conspiracy theories. #wakeupandsmelltheracismcracker
Not just conspiracy theories, mind you, VIOLENT CONSPIRACY THEORIES. If you dare to think that you should have any say in your child's education, you are a far-right violent extremist. #luckilybidenhasastrategy
Let's dig in to "violent conspiracy theories." What a wonderful slice of bullshit. According to Merriam-Webster a conspiracy theory is a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators. Theory in this context is an idea or speculation. So, the question is, "How is an idea violent?" #obviouslyqisviolentdumbasscracker
Answer, "It obviously isn't and can't be violent." You can be a violent person. #gunexpertalecbaldwin You can watch a violent movie. #hollywoodlovesviolence You can have thoughts about violence. #rachelmaddowviewers Someone please explain how a person's speculation about what really occurred from a past event is violent? #ohtheresthatstutteragain Trying to convince the world that January 6 was a violent insurrection orchestrated by Donald Trump is a conspiracy theory. By their own words. I guess it would be a "violent conspiracy theory." #stopquestioningourtruthbigot
To help you navigate the new and everchanging rules in Dumbfuckistan, I will detail some helpful hints when trying to decipher the riddles and conundrums formerly know as English words.
Silence is violence. #justkeepblatheringonaboutgenderbullshittobreakthesilence
Speech is violence unless it pushes the preapproved mainstream talking points. #justbemuteracist
Racism is a white thing and is obviously violence. #justdontbewhitecracker
Not being racist is still violence. If you are white and claim that you are not racist, you are a more sinister version of a racist. #youwhiteyouracistyoudig
Being anti-racist (racism aimed at crackers) is not violence. Anything involving whites towards BIPOC is racist/violent. Anything BIPOC towards whites including violence is not violent. #gofigure
Jokes are violence unless those jokes are about white people especially Donald Trump. #fatorangeguysarefairgame
Drawings are violence unless they promote the correct agenda. #dontmakefunofjoeoryougonnagetyourasskickedbigot
Memes are violence except when mocking straight white honkies. #weallknowthatnothinginthisworldisfree
White existence is violence unless you violently oppose anything white. You must further prove your anti-whiteness by being against anything conservative. Founders of the country are white, so FUCK 'EM! You obviously also have to be for anything pro-discrimation against whites. The most hateful racist people on the planet are telling you to stop existing. Maybe just put on a mask, join the herd, and start whispering or better yet stop speaking altogether. #walkingdeadreference #theleftarenotthegoodguys
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