There's gonna have to be a different man
"Time may change me, but I can't trace time."
Why are certain people pushing for Operation Warp Speed 2- Electric Boogaloo? This sequel is regarding quickly and permanently capitalizing on confusion to fuck up future generations. There are three phases to this evil plan. Step one is to create confusion. Step two is to use that confusion as a pretense to permanently mutilate children. The final step is to actually do the child mutilation but call it health care, more specifically 'gender affirming care.' #howcananyonebeagainsthealthcare
How are they creating confusion? They push bullshit propaganda as early as possible in a child's development. Children should not be exposed to ridiculously INAPPROPRIATE SHIT. Drugs, alcohol, violence, porn, etc. etc. Anything sexual qualifies. #seemsprettyreasonableforoncehonky
Can anyone explain the rationale of needing to provide sexual information as quickly as possible to children? #canthecricketspleasebequietsoicanhearallofthepeopleeagertoexplainthisbullshit
Who wants Ron Jeremy giving a Power Point presentation detailing the techniques of self felatio to elementary school children? #ewwwww
Show of hands, who wants Cristy Mack professing the nuances of gagging or violent sex fetishes to adolescents? #thewhat
I know that I'm not interested in my kids watching a documentary on John Holmes. #nowyouarejustbeingstupid
I can also safely say that there is no place for Cardi B's masterclass on the arts of stripping, naked twerking, or pole dancing. #itscalledexoticdancingracist
Hey professional victims, are you getting the picture? Clearly, you don't, so I'll spell it out for you. Don't say a word or teach about anything sexual to children. Why are you so determined to sexualize children? #groomer
Some families still care about the health and morals of their children. #soundslikewhiteprivilegecracker So, having a mother and father in the home loving and raising their children is white privilege? #damnstraightwhitey True parents who care and love their children do not care for sexual topics like "rusty trombones" and "dirty Sanchez's" and believe that they have no place in a child's curriculum. #wedecidecracker
It sounds pretty racist to say that certain races of people are incapable of having functioning family units. #soundslikethedefinitionofracism Parents who don't want their children corrupted by inappropriate topics are frowned upon by the ruling class. Loving mothers and fathers in the home are white privilege? Functioning family units isn't a white thing. It's a human responsibility thing. #saywhatcracker If you have a child and don't fulfill your responsibilities as a parent, you are a low-class piece of shit, white, brown, black, or whatever color of the rainbow you identify as. #butwhatdoesjessiedanielsthink
The modern left power structure hates anything to do with responsibility. They also obviously hate whitey. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and the large majority of democrats in power apparently identify as BIPOC. So, even though there are a shit ton of irresponsible white pieces of shit littering our country, the Leftrix deems "responsibility" a bad thing and therefore a white thing. #youknowitstruecracker #aintnuthinbutawhitethangbaby
They want you to be a deadbeat waste of oxygen and resources. If you present yourself as a helpless and pathetic victim, they can drive up in their van and offer you candy. Every responsibility that you shirk ultimately gives them more power. #whosyourdaddy
Those in power don't want you to be a responsible upstanding productive citizen. This is plainly obvious by their policies. We are all eggs for their omelet. They want to break us all. If we can't be broken, then we are a problem instead of a resource. #quitwithyouromeletdenialinsurrectionist #ifyouarenotpartofthesolutionyouarepartoftheproblem
The traditional nuclear family is an evil election denying white supremacist relic from Jim Crow, and it causes deadly radiation. #nodummynotthatkindofnuclear #funfact The term 'nuclear family' comes from the word 'nucleus' referring to the core of something. This family unit is the core of the basis of all family structures. #wikkiwikkiwikkiwikkishutup #threewordstothewhackstepyourselfback #newcleus
Those that lust for power don't like that dynamic. Any core that doesn't involve them is problematic. When children know, love, and respect their mothers and fathers, they generally grow up to be responsible productive citizens that aren't looking for hand outs. #fuckingwhiteprivilegeagain This type of person can be a threat to the overlords. #weakstupidandcluelessarevirtues
What is the best way to corrupt a child? Bad or no parenting, emotional abuse, physical abuse, drug use, sexual abuse and sexualizing at a young age are a few ways to ruin a kid. Some radical parents out there actually believe that their children shouldn't have sex until marriage. #fuckingprudes #obviouslymorewhitefragility
"Sexual education" is a different topic. In the past, parents would be informed and permission slips were signed and the general overview of sexual reproduction in humans was taught in about 30 minutes. Who the fuck knows how it works in the new Dumbfuckistan. Maybe now we get an Andy Dick seminar on how to suck dick on day one of a weeklong symposium. #mindthestepchildren
You notice what I haven't mentioned up until this point? Affirming delusion, pushing chemical castration, and trying to convince you of the benefits of physical mutilation. The new world order is promoting these things non-stop. #healthcare
To use the parlance of our times, 'biology denialism' is common sense. To make sure the horse is dead, we need to layer on some 'delusion affirmation.' I think, therefore I am what ever I think I am. #oohiwannabeaunicorn #yourefeminineenoughyoureprettyenoughanddoggoneitpeoplewillbelieveyouareawoman
We are a few short years away from living out what used to be an unrealistic future dystopian science fiction film. This is the type of film that was so outrageous it wasn't to be taken seriously. With today's World, the ridiculous movies would be a better option. #niceshoulderpads
I wonder why there hasn't been ad campaigns promoting marriage, exalting good parents, and being heterosexual. Mainstream culture hits you with a constant barrage of the opposite in true weapons-of-war style. #fullyautomatic #balenciaga Fuck anyone you can find, and if you happen to match up old fashioned style (biological man with biological woman) and the one with the uterus gets implanted with an unwanted clump of cells, you have about 9 months to take care of that shit, no rush. #mybodymychoice #fuckthatclumpofcellsthaticreatedwithmyirresponsibility
Why are certain individuals/groups so adamant about "enlightening" the children? One's underaged irreversible body mutilation is another's gender affirming care. Children (humans under 18 years of age) can't choose to get a bitchin' tattoo of anything legally, but there is no issue with chopping off little Mikey's dick or drugging Cindy's body into irreversible dysfunction. #evilisasevildoes
The agenda seems pretty clear. They first start with normalizing abnormality. Phase two is targeting the resulting confused children. At some point in everyone's life, everyone questions things and may become confused as one's body goes through ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. #turnandfacethestrange This is a point for reflection, education, and contemplation not du-du-du-du-drugs and irreversible body mutilation, but maybe I just don't get it.
The resulting population becomes less and less functional, less and less stable, and far less sustainable. Our civilization is on the decline. This decline is purposeful and very much planned by those with the power. #packitup #wehadadecentrun #hastalavistaassholes
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