The War on Democrat-cy

Anything that threatens the glorious power of a certain cabal of politicians and shadow rulers is an existential threat to "our democracy."  It's either a play on words or an outright lie to preserve their power.  Just like claiming the other guy who pushed freedom is an autocrat while the current guy tries to mandate everything.  #howmanymandatesdidthefatorangeautocratdo

Oh, and don't forget that if you aren't following the mainstream's dissemination of approved ideas and talking points to the fullest, you are a racist regardless of your race.  #mywayorthehighwaybigot  

If you care about crime and punishment, then you are obviously a racist Ku Klux Klan level white supremacist.  #policeareracist

If you care about election integrity, you are an election denying Jim Crow white supremacist insurrectionist.  #identificationiswhiteprivilege

If you think freedom of speech is important, then you are just a lying disinforming hate speeching white supremacist.  #youhavetherighttoshutthefuckup  #stfu  #diagramsneverlie

If you care about limiting and/or eliminating the amount of lives ended before birth (a significant number of BIPOC lives, by the way), then you are a misogynistic white supremacist patriarch.  #butwhataboutrapeandincest

If you think that you have the right to legally own a firearm to protect yourself, then you are obviously a criminal murderous white supremacist son of a bitch that needs to relinquish all legally owned firearms so that the criminals will stop committing crimes with guns.  #itreallyisquitelogicalwhenyouthinkaboutit  #maybeifyouareonacid

If you refuse to take the government forced unapproved vaccinations, then you are a grandma killing selfish white supremacist.  #takethejabandyouwontgetsick  #untrue  #correction  #takethejabandyouwontspreadit  #untrue  #correction  #takethejabanditwilllessentheseverity  #dataunavailable

If you refuse to drive an electric car, you are a climate killing climate change denying white supremacist.  #getreadyforwaterworld

If you are against men competing against women in any sport or competition, then you are a transphobic "the science" denying white supremacist piece of shit.  #hatedontlivehere  

If you are against unintelligent brain damaged individuals being nominated and running for positions of power where a functioning brain and the ability to communicate are the only real prerequisites, then you are an ableist white supremacist asshole.  #goodnighteverybodyisthenewnormalgreeting  #twofer

If you are against men that are pretending to be women sexually dancing in front of children with inappropriate music, topics, and language, then you are a close-minded transphobic cisgendered white supremacist.  #itsrainingmenhallelujah

If you are against your children being taught that all the evil in the world is because of the whites, then you are a bad parenting white supremacist that suffers from a severe case of white fragility. #callcpsstat

The bottom line is that "white is not alright."  #finallygotsomethingrightcracker  This is coming from the "empathetic caring anti-racist" party.  #whiteistheessenceofevil

Isn't it odd that the party of science claims that there is no difference between a man and a woman.  While at the same time goes out of its way to create as many different warring factions of Americans as possible to create division.  Their favorite of course is dividing us up by race, because of course, they are against racism.  Men and women are one in the same whereas whites and blacks have nothing in common.  #singitalanis

Can one of the more articulate sheep please explain to me how there are zero qualified BIPOC senatorial candidates in Pennsylvania?  #mybaaaaaaaaad  What does it say about diversity, equity, and inclusion when a party showcases and puts millions of dollars behind a middle-aged brain damaged white guy who was unqualified in his prime (whenever that was but definitely not now) for a senate race?  I don't know about you, but that seems absolutely fucking racist by any standard but especially by theirs.  #thebestpennsylvaniablackpersoncantholdacandletojohnfetterman  #dncplaybook

You might have thought that democracy is a way of governing that depends on the will of the people.  #youstudpidsonofabitch This "new normal" democracy is a way of governing decided by the will of those on the left that are in power.  If you threaten their power, you are an existential threat to DEMOCRACY.  #youfuckinginsurrectionistautocrat

You need to know and understand that the new democracy is very much on the side of mutilation based on delusion, totally in favor of open borders for America but nowhere else, all about climate issues at your expense but not theirs, on board with unqualified representation in everything as long as they are represented, pro men/anti women of course, pro white demonization, pro white fragility, totally down with depopulation,  #youdownwitdpop  #youknowme  

pro freedom for criminals, pro forced experimental vaccinations that don't work, and against everyone that created this democracy and everything that it stands for.  #fuckwhitey  

The "Bait and Switch" con is on.  The sacred democracy that they want you to think that they are talking about is the one created by a bunch of slave owning cracker ass racists!  But once again, that is not the democracy that they are referring to when they tout "democracy."  That real democracy that was created by flawed honkeys is something to be proud of and something to protect.  #weareallflawedbytheway  

Their "democracy" is yet another con perpetrated on blind sheep with personality defects and self-esteem issues.  Describe to me the benefits of your political ideology without telling lies about the other side.  #catgotyourtongue  

Keep the fat orange man outcha muthafuckin mouff!

Most if not all politicians are corrupt port-a-potties overflowing with concentrated evil!  They say one thing but do another.  Politicians are supposed to be representatives of the people that voted them into power, their constituents.  The actual will of the people is not being represented in Washington DC (Dumbfuckistan Central).  Whose will is being represented?  #coulditbe...


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