Affirming my ass
If gender identity is independent of physical characteristics and objective biological facts, why are certain people medically trying to change their physical characteristics. #conundrum
When the "official narrative" is that personal delusion takes precedence over reality, there is no need to try and change reality. Right? If your schlong is getting in the way of you feeling like a woman, how do you feel like a woman exactly? Speak slowly as if you are talking to an imbecile. #pleaseexplain
#battleofthebulge #loosefittingpantsbeforecastrationmaybe
If your fun bags are getting in the way of feeling like a man, how do you feel like a man exactly? Pretend that I'm special needs when it comes to everything, and use simple words enunciating them precisely. #metotallydontunderstand
As if anyone male or female could define what it feels like to be either regardless of what you are biologically. Maybe some of my feelings equate to what a female duckbilled platypus feels like. There is absolutely no way for me to know that, given that I am not a female duckbilled platypus. But for the sake of argument, let's say that I think that I feel like a female duckbilled platypus, would I need to identify as a female duckbilled platypus? Should everyone else now be required to recognize my new gender and species? #youhadbetteraffirmmyplatypussy #donteventhinkaboutdeadspeciesingme
Human beings are born male or female. In some rare instances, humans are born with biological and/or genetic characteristics of both sexes. Those anomalies are not the question. Exceptions don't disprove the rule. For the overwhelming majority of human beings on this planet, you are either male or female. Man or woman. Boy or girl. #notransphobeihappentobeneither #sometimesboth #neverjustone #occasionallyinfinte
Speak to anyone of the males and ask them what it means to be a man. All "old school" normal people will state some version of the objective fact that men have twigs and berries. #yeahbabyyeah
Ask anyone of the females about what it means to be a woman. All of the female dinosaurs will state some version of the biological realities that women have beavers or penis fly traps, if you prefer. #wetbeaver
Obvious biological differences are all that is necessary for delivery room doctors to determine the sex of a newborn baby. #sexassignedatbirth #morelike #sexassignedbygod #hasanyoneconfirmedwithdoctorjillbiden
Until recently the definitions of man and woman were straightforward easy responses that anyone of speaking age could give even troglodyte morons such as myself. #melikecomputers
Nowadays, we have supreme court justices that can't tell you the answer. More like they refuse to tell you the answer, because it contradicts their current programmed gender propaganda. #upisdown #leftisright #dudedoesnotlooklikealady
Some want perversion of reality to become the norm. #whyisthatiwonder If you don't want them to be able to medically alter your child without your permission, you are the problem. Wake up and smell the agenda, transphobe! I wonder why they are trying to divide us into so many victim groups? #divideandconquer #strangethingsareafoot
So to be clear, you must be kind and affirming to everyone especially those with mental health challenges. #itsokaytonotbeokay #however #itsnotokaytobenotokaywithusmakingeverythingnotokay
So if random naked guy shooting drugs on the sidewalk thinks he's the director of the CDC, you must show him the respect a man in his position deserves. #followhiseverydecree #staysixfeetawaywhiledoublemasked
If the overweight female with her ass hanging out #bodyshamingpieceofshit and overly weathered skin on the corner asking for money thinks she's a police officer, you'd better pull your car over and show your license and registration if she asks. #youmustaffirm #youpieceofshit
If a confused young boy thinks he is a girl, you must treat this boy as a girl. #damnrighttransphobe #stopdeadgendering How many girls need puberty blockers? #crickets I'll help you out on this one, ZERO. So, we must treat the "girl" like a girl. That would mean that we would never give this "girl" puberty blockers or chemically castrate "her," because that is not how we treat girls. Treating girls this way would be like some futuristic dystopian horror movie. #sawthirteenjigsawthegenderaffirmingsurgeon It's clearly medical malpractice on top of the obvious child abuse. #yeahwelluhyoureawhitesupremacist
If a confused young girl thinks she is a boy, you must treat this "boy" as a boy. #uhyesthatiscorrectithink How many young boys are prescribed testosterone and get double mastectomies? #isthisthingon #helloanybodyoutthere I'll help you out again. The answer is ZERO. So, we must treat the "young gentleman" like a boy. No testosterone or top surgeries for you little boy, because we don't treat boys like that. #stopviolencingmewithlogic
Affirming delusions doesn't help the delusional. Lying to people doesn't change the truth. #thatsthefactjack #cornpopwasabaddude Denying reality can be fatal.
If you were at the top of the Grand Canyon with your family and/or friends, when your best friend, Kamala, decides she wants to catch a unicorn. #seeminglyharmlessscenario Everyone is looking over the railing marveling at the depth of the canyon, when Kamala sees the unicorn that she wants to catch. She grabs your hand and asks for your help in the unicorn's capture. Do you help your best friend? #seemslikeatrapbigot #idontliketheseconfusingriddles
Kamala needs you to help her catch the flying unicorn just beyond the Grand Canyon railing. She begins climbing the railing and is about to jump on the back of the flying unicorn. Being the caring and compassionate person that you are, what do you do? #makesureyouareaffirming #truthisracistandunwelcome #yourhairlooksbeautifulinthewind
Disanalogous you say? #ofcourseyouevilracisttransphobe Affirming delusions to the point of death and or dismemberment is pretty "spot on." More people have been harmed by gender affirming surgery than were harmed at that "deadly" armed insurrection in January by a factor of infinity. #howmanypeoplediedagain
Did these two receive healthcare, as well? Body modification specialists are now performing healthcare? #wakeupandsmellthestenchofyourstupidity #thatisifyoustillhaveafunctioningnose #whatnightmaresaremadeof
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