Katelyn is at it again. #nottalkingaboutjenner No, I'm not talking about continuing to not be attractive in any way shape or form. #thatsamanman This homo sapien is spouting its trans victimhood argument, yet again. If my mind was as dysfunctional as Katelyn's, I would have to denounce its writings as dangerous and heterophobic. #stopheterohate #apologiesforthefollowingverydisturbingimage
What is so complicated about parents not wanting their children to be sexualized at very young ages. I would guess that a huge majority of Americans DGAF if you are L, G, B, T, Q, or any of the other delusions you want to come up with ad infitum. After getting the Chinese Wuhan Bat Coronavirus, someone might begin to identify as a bat. #makessense #iidentifyasavampire
That doesn't mean I get to start terrorizing children, confuse them, and give them nightmares. Keep your personal shit to yourself, and keep it the fuck away from children. This isn't discriminatory towards your precious LGBTQIA+ community. Normal people don't want any young children exposed to heterosexual shit either. Quit with the narcissistic, playing the victim, "stop marginalizing me" bullshit! #noonewantstohearaboutyourtwistedsexlife
According to this person, "Queer and trans people just want to be left alone to have a shot at a happy life, just like anyone else." #girlsjustwannahavefun #theyjustwannatheyjustwannaaaah
Yet this so called desire to "be left alone" is manifesting itself in outlandish counterintuitive ways. If you wanted to be left alone, then shut the fuck up! #stfu If I want to be left alone, I don't scream, cry, and throw a tantrum. Acknowledge me! Acknowledge me! We see you, and we want you to shut the fuck up! #sayingthequietpartoutloudnowyoutransphobicbigot
This isn't a phobic issue. This isn't an irrational fear. This isn't a hatred towards gays, straights, transes, or whatever the fucks. This is about protecting young children from adult and other inappropriate content. Prior to puberty everything sexual is over the line. #markitzero It is the parents' job to teach this content to their children when they deem it age appropriate. #commonsenseregardingsexualissuesistransphobic
Human Burns is also not happy with Elon Musk's purchase of twitter. Why? Of course, it's transphobia. Musk tweeted, "And authenticate all real humans." This was about eliminating all bots from Twitter. According to Burnsy, this was yet another attack on them (all of the various creatures that exist in their ever growing, ever changing, and very fluid community). #lgbtqia+bots
"Authentication of users would likely force trans people to use their legal names on Twitter." Being forced to use your legal name is unacceptable! #wakeupbigots It makes it more difficult for delusional users to pretend that they are something that they are not. #nomorecatfishing #stillfreetochooseanyusernameyouwant #dealwithit
Free speech used to be the norm. It is one of the founding principles of our democracy. I wonder what the American Civil Liberties Union ACLU thinks about ACLU member Elon's acquisition of Twitter. "We should be worried about any powerful central actor, whether it's a government or any wealthy individual - even if it's an ACLU member - having so much control over the boundaries of our political speech online." #nowtheyareworried #thattrainhassailed #thatshiphasalreadyleftthestation
His stated goal is to remove the boundaries that currently exist. #nomorewalls #lyingcheatingfucks It's pretty clear that they are fans of boundaries. #notphysicalboundariesofcourse Well, they are clearly against physical boundaries that protect American sovereignty. #sonomorewalls #notsofastbuddy "Walls around the Capitol to protect our power from the people is good. Walls around the country to protect the US from invaders is bad." #gotthepicturecracker #stopdemonizingfentanyl It's a labyrinth of contradictions that you must navigate to try and understand the mind of an idiot. #bythepowerofnumbskull
Boundaries that keep dissent out is what they crave. Sound beliefs and logic can withstand any scrutiny, and that scrutiny is welcomed. Bullshit lies and cons fall apart under scrutiny, so questioners must be silenced. Facts must be disallowed and/or disavowed. #poet #objectionyourhonorthetruthrefutesmylies #doesnotsoundlikedemocracytome
I didn't hear many ACLU complaints about the many boundaries Twitter has placed on conservative political speech over the last few years. According to their website, "The ACLU has worked since 1920 to ensure that freedom of speech is protected for everyone." This must be yet another case where the meanings of well known words have been changed. #payattention #definitionfluidwords #youthoughtyouknewdefinitions #websterwasatransphobe #youdontknowshitaboutfuck
In this edition of "It's not lying if we choose to redefine words to make our lies into truths," we will decode ACLU speak. In the previous quote, you might have assumed that the word "everyone" actually meant "each and every one person." #youjustmadeanassoutofuandme #soyouhavenoframeofreferenceheredonny
Actually in the ACLUniverse, "everyone" means only those that are on the correct team. #yourleftyourleftyourleftleftleft "Everyone" is inclusive of those that are speaking their "truths," those "truths" that affirm the correct positions, the "truths" that publicize "the science," the "truths" that support the "narrative," and most importantly the "truths" that are critical of any opposition especially the orange ones. #fatorangemanbad #thetruthiswhateverwewantittobewhitecisgenderheterosexualsupremacist
Let me try and state this clearly. "Gender-affirming" medical care to prepubescent children is child abuse. #periodfullstop Luckily, not everyone is fucking batshit crazy. #imbatman
Arizona lawmakers are stepping up and protecting children. SB 1138 limits the kinds of medical treatments trans youth can receive. Arizona Governor Ducey described the law as "common sense." He believes the law will "ensure that individuals undergoing irreversible gender reassignment surgery are of adult age." #whataheartlesspieceoftransphobicshit #theduceisloose Children must be allowed to make terrible life-altering decisions that can't be undone. #saidbynosanepersonever
"Although surgical interventions for trans youth are relatively rare, many families worry the statute could prevent children who do need these lifesaving procedures from getting treatment." Many families are worried about not being able to have these "lifesaving procedures?" Many families are for chemical castrations, double mastectomies, cockandballsecotmies, and what ever else insane body mutilation necessary? Many is not very specific is it? #lyingwithoutstatistics #iwonderhowmanymanyis
Getting a double mastectomy because of breast cancer is a lifesaving procedure, obviously. I'll take "Evil Nonsensical Leftist Bullshit" for $500, Alex. And the answer is, "Getting a severe medical procedure done because you don't want breasts is lifesaving." #whatisaperfectexampleofbullshittranspropagandaalex
Would chopping off your arm because you now identify as a slot machine also be identity affirming care? Is it lifesaving? #watchyourselfpal #itwasacaraccidentasshole
What if you fancy yourself a mermaid? Would elective surgery to fuse your legs together qualify as lifesaving? #whatsayyou #areyouamermaphobe
The Duce also signed SB 1165 into law as well. This law bars trans girls from participating on sports teams in alignment with their gender identity at all public and private schools, including college. Governor Transphobe claimed the law would "protect participation and fairness for female athletes." The good old ACLU called both bills "harmful and discriminatory." #theworldmustcatertotheextremesofsociety #normsareracistandeveryphobic
It's incredible that so many biologists are in the ACLU. I've heard that you can't determine a man from woman unless you are a biologist. Understanding those subtle scientific differences must be difficult. #isthereascientistinthehouse Beyond that, determining that those differences do not point to a clear physical advantage for males over females seems impossible. #theleftwhereimpossibleispossible #shutthefuckupjkyouarenotabiologist
This is covered territory. Male and female sports leagues exist for the very purpose of giving females a fair playing field. The MVP of the WNBA wouldn't make the practice squad of an NBA team. If males didn't have physical advantages the WNBA wouldn't exist. There isn't a sport in existence where the best player is female. #fuckyoumysogynist
Trying to pretend that males aren't physically superior to females while pretending that a man is a woman as we watch that "woman" kick the shit out of every woman he competes against is evidence that the only ones being harmed are the real women. #threwsandinoureyesanddescendedlikeflies
Who wins in a fight between 55 year old Mike Tyson and 44 year old Laila Ali? #breakingnewsmiketysonarrestedformurder What group is being discriminated against when men are allowed to compete against women? #catgotyourtongue
I'll save you current and future embarrassment. It is perfectly alright to stay quiet especially when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about even more especially when you know that you are lying your ass off to justify your bullshit point of view. Whenever you slip up and start talking remember the following simple "rule of thumb." SHUT THE FUCK UP. #pspleaseidentifyasthegenderyouarenotandgofuckyourself
An argued rant has value, but read more from "good" sources.