I need to apply for Asylum from Fuckery

Before you even say it.  I'll admit it.  I'm a Hayesist.  Hayes Brown is a disgrace to journalism and common sense.  He is so deep in victim ideology that it is impossible for him to recognize reality.  #hethinkshisshitdontstink  I know that this is one person's opinion.  Unfortunately, his voice echoes the platform of propaganda on the left.  #livinghistruth  

Let me save you some time by summarizing this recent piece.  #pos   Everything conservative and Republican is racist.  He's not referring to lighthearted prime time network television Archie Bunker racism.  Full evil Nazi racism is what he's talking about.  #finallywillingtoadmititcracker  Also, title 42 is bullshit, and/or we don't need to worry about COVID anymore.  #prettysurehedidnotintendtomakethatpoint  #logicallychallenged

Before digging deeper, we must define some terms.  The confusing idea of asylum seekers is a good start.  True asylum seekers must establish eligibility for asylum or refugee status under U.S. law by proving that they are either a victim of past persecution or they have a well-founded fear of future persecution.  Persecution: the act or practice of persecuting (being subject to hostility and ill-treatment) especially those who differ in origin, religion, or social outlook.  #justlikeyesterday  #thenillgetonmykneesandpray  #wontgetfooledagain

NEWS FLASH-  Mexican drug cartels and their human smuggling operations are not legal avenues to determine refugee status.   Screw all that paperwork and legal mumbo jumbo.  #hoponthebusgustavo  #dontneedtodiscussmuch

All we need to do is get you to the river.  #hopeyoucanswim  #readyornothereicome 

Does wanting to go to another country because it is "better" and wanting to get all the free hand outs satisfy the eligibility requirements for asylum?  #yourquestioningiswhitesupremacybigot  The simple answer is "clearly it does not."  #oncewearetherewecangotoinnout  #thosearegoodburgerswalter

Title 42 is a public emergency health order enacted during the dastardly orange bastard's regime and continued under the feeble bumbling bag of decrepit shit's administration.  The order is supposed to turn away migrants at the border to prevent the spread of communicable diseases including the "threat of a lifetime" COVID-19 pandemic.  Official statistics and the naked eye show that not many migrants if any are being "turned away."  #morelikeescortedin  Mind you, we are talking about illegal border crossers.  #yesitisillegal

According to MSNBC's resident genius, Republicans love Title 42 "despite no evidence that it has had a major impact on the course of the pandemic."  You got that?  Shut up! Mask up! Vax up, or lose your job!  #whereistheevidencethatmaskinghasamajorimpact  But, unmasked unvaccinated illegal migrants are not a problem.  #illegalimmigrantsdisproportionatelyhurtamericantaxpayers

Simply do what you're told while we usher in a bunch of noncitizens that don't need to do any of that shit!  You complaining about wearing pointless cloth masks is fueling this raging pandemic, but allowing infected illegal immigrants in and releasing them across the country has no effect.  #noquarantinenecessary  #itssciencebigot

It is estimated that 8,000 migrants per day are currently crossing the southern border.  With Title 42 in place, they claim that 4,000 migrants seeking asylum are turned back every day.  So, why are the 8,000 being let in?  Why aren't all of them being turned back?  #seemslikefuckerytome

After being fear mongered for two years about a deadly virus that "definitely wasn't created in a Wuhan laboratory funded by American tax dollars," the argument has now changed with regard to illegal immigrants.  There's no more fear of the scary variants they continue to dangle in front of our faces.  Indoor dining was closed, but the country was wide open.  #welcometoparadise  #dontmindallthesystemicracism

White supremacy racism is far more deadly than COVID variants imported via this planned illegal immigrant invasion.  #surgetheborder  #conspiracytheoristwhitesupremacistmuthafucka  Obviously, these conservative lawmaking bigots are trying to use COVID as cover for their racism.  #callhomelandsecuritystat  Only hateful bigots are for borders.  Passports and Visas are clearly relics from Jim Crow.  #thatdoesnotsoundaccurate  #usedbyeverycountry  #whatafoolbelieves  #hesees

They're no strangers to love (of power).  They know the rules, and so do I.  They know the game, and they're gonna play it.  Don't tell me you're too blind to see.  #nevergonnagiveyouup  #rickrolled

COVID is really bad, scary, and deadly.  If you don't do what we say, you are an unpatriotic murderer.  #maskupcracker  Don't try and use "our science," our fear propaganda, and established law to justify mitigating the spread of the same super deadly virus we have been trying to paralyze you with fear with for the last 2 years.  #justshutupandobey  #thecovidboogeymanisgonnagetyou

We have been repeatedly told, over an over that white supremacy is the number one threat to the homeland.  We have also been told that wanting to have a country with secure borders is white supremacy.  Having a mansion in North Shores or Martha's Vineyard with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fencing to keep out the riff raff is not white supremacy though.  #richsupremacy  #hypocriticalfuckeryatthehighestlevel

So to sum up today's lesson in fuckery,  COVID is still super bad and scary when it is convenient to the agenda.  There are new more highly transmissible variants dropping every day.   #covidjordanonevariant

Having national borders is evil and white supremacist.  #obviously  #evenfornonwhitecountries #exceptukraine  #shutupbigot

White supremacy is the paramount threat to the homeland.  Considering that there are probably more foreign extremists currently in this country than white nationalists, this seems untrue.  #dontquestionusinsurrectionist   #yourenotanexpertcracker  #thismuppetis

Altogether now, trying to secure our national borders to minimize the threat of illegal migrants that will aid in the spread of a super bad virus is clearly evil white supremacy fueled by disinformation.  #youpaytheprophetstojustifyyourreasons  #nononotorious

Worse than being evil, white supremacists don't seem to understand that they are the only ones capable of COVID transmission.  #superspreaders  BLM rioters and illegal migrants don't move the COVID needle one bit.  #longstoryshort  #fuckwhitey  #ifyouhaveaproblemfiguringoutwhotovoteforthenyouaintblack  #democratsthecolorofskinparty


  1. The inconsistencies of our moment bedevil us. Full tribal. You must support whatever is said. Pointing out logic issues; should prompt change, not doubling-down.


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