Sorry little kids, but I'ma kill some clowns today
Seriously, where do Huffpost and MSNBC get their writers. I understand that critical thinking is not a requirement for employment in their propaganda factories, but come on! #comeonman I came across the following video, an epic rap battle. #snipes The bad ass rapper in the video is to rapping as Huffpost writers are to writing. Click the link and watch the video. #razorsharpobject #lungsinyourneck
On your mark. Get set. Everyone throw a tantrum! Those oh so meanie mean, evil, bad, everythingphobic, dickhead Florida Republicans and their "Don't say gay" bill. #iwin #callthewaaaaahhhhmbulance
Kindergarten, first, second, and third graders need to be taught about the important stuff. Fuck learning to read, writing, and counting. #allwhitesupremacistbullshit These youngins need to know all about the infinite genders in the world before they even have any concept of what infinite means. #mommywhatarenumbers Let's think about this for a moment. Why do parents send their children to school? #freedaycare #selldrugs #buydrugs #freelunch
If you thought it was for an actual education, then you had better check your white privilege and beg for forgiveness. #bowdowncracker School is becoming the Keystone XL Pipeline of leftist propaganda. Facts and meaning are Ku Klux Klan talking points. Objective truths are conservative cisgender conspiracy theories. #noteveryoneisluckyenoughtobebornwhitehonky
For competent parents, children are sent to school to get an education. Of all the things to learn, where does sexual orientation rank on that list? #notonthelistatall Teaching very young children about anything involving sex is inappropriate. #bringapornstartoschoolday Forever it has been the norm to not teach sex-related things to children. #hotforteacher
Kindergarten, first, second, and third graders need to be taught about the important stuff. Fuck learning to read, writing, and counting. #allwhitesupremacistbullshit These youngins need to know all about the infinite genders in the world before they even have any concept of what infinite means. #mommywhatarenumbers Let's think about this for a moment. Why do parents send their children to school? #freedaycare #selldrugs #buydrugs #freelunch
If you thought it was for an actual education, then you had better check your white privilege and beg for forgiveness. #bowdowncracker School is becoming the Keystone XL Pipeline of leftist propaganda. Facts and meaning are Ku Klux Klan talking points. Objective truths are conservative cisgender conspiracy theories. #noteveryoneisluckyenoughtobebornwhitehonky
For competent parents, children are sent to school to get an education. Of all the things to learn, where does sexual orientation rank on that list? #notonthelistatall Teaching very young children about anything involving sex is inappropriate. #bringapornstartoschoolday Forever it has been the norm to not teach sex-related things to children. #hotforteacher
Suddenly, we need to advertise dysfunction and mental illness to impressionable minds when they are inappropriately young. #moldingfuturedeviants Restating the obvious, teaching anything sexually related to third graders and younger is inappropriate and wicked. #wickedawesome #nowickedevil This is not a "transphobe" issue or an "anti-LGBTQ+WXYZ" issue. This is a "not sexualizing our children" issue. #handsoffmykiddemon
"Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards." #thosebigottedhatefulfucks
How dare they suppress this important information that my six year old needs to know. #getthefuckouttahere We can all see that it is clearly transphobic and evil to not want very young children taught about sexual issues that they are not mature enough for. #dontforgetaboutwhitekidsbeingevil
Fuck the ABCs! The leftist propaganda masters of education care more about making your children aware of the LGBTQIA+NAACPBIPOCMAGAISRACISTs. #youfragilewhitemuthafucka Straight white kids are the enemy. If you are straight, not white, but you think like a cisgender honky then you are a cis-uncle Tom enemy. #fallinlineorsufferourwrath
Before a child is even thinking about sex, he or she must be made aware that he or she is not necessarily a he or she. #confusingyoubetcha He or she may be something completely unique to the universe. #trigendermolluskfromanothergalaxy It is perfectly ok for a teacher to tell students that he is a they or a she. #buttheyispluralandyouaresingular #sitdownandshutuptransphobe Instead of teaching the meanings of words in our language, the left is eliminating meaning. Makes sense, right? #itsanillusion #yeahitsconfusing #thankyou
Schools must go in to detail about penises and vaginas and how they don't really mean anything as far as who you are. #youunderstandrightkids You can be a girl with a penis or a boy with a vagina. #cancelkindergartencop #damntransphobicpropaganda You can be a heterosexual trans-boy that is in a relationship with a homosexual girl. It's not gay if the dude you are penetrating during anal sex says that he's a girl. #dontlethercockfoolyou #onlythingsthatcomefromcaliforniaaresteersandqueers #idontseeanyhorns #loveliftusupwherewebelong
More than just sex, we have to teach the white kids how inherently evil they are. Individuals can not exist outside of the box that their race puts them in. #damnrightcrackeritsscience Early Colonist Americans were white and owned slaves, so you are an evil white supremacist dick if you are white. #themoreyoudenythemoreracistyouare Content of your character, integrity, and all that horse shit be damned, if you are white, you are evil. "dealwithitcracker
Negative stereotypes and generalizations based on centuries old transgressions are fine and dandy as long as it involves the vilification of the white supremacist insurrectionist homophobes. Any comments, conclusions, or generalities based in fact or opinion from el blanco lucifero #whitedevil are obviously hate speech unless they are parroting the correct agenda. #yourleftyourleftyourleftleftleft
White conservative equals oppressor, white supremacist, insurrectionist son of a bitch. White leftist equals the gold standard in a human being and superhero savior of the oppressed. #democratpoliticians #thankgoodnesswehavethem
The left wants children to know early on that they are either an oppressor or a victim based on how they are born. Born white obviously equals oppressor. #fuckyourprivilege Born BIPOC clearly equals victim. Victims need saviors. #thankyoublm Inherently, corrupt politicians are all about conning you into thinking that they will save you. Have you been saved? Travel down to any poor inner city in America and see how many people feel "saved" by their political representatives. #bysavedtheymeantheirsavingsaccountsarefat
The democrats will tell you that they love diversity when it pertains to getting them more power. Responsible citizens of all races don't need nor want corrupt power hungry fools to have more power over them. Their voting base is a very diverse group of irresponsible gullible non-thinkers, #governmentsaveme those looking for hand outs, as well as those that think hand outs actually work. Another way to diversify their reach on the population is to create more victims. #jointheclubeveryoneisdoingit #drivingawayfromthehomelessshelterinarollsroyce
One way to cut into that big evil cracker majority is to convert as many of those white scumbags as possible into brothers/sisters/sea monkeys/rhubarb stalks/gender fluid unicorns/non-binary garden hoses/+ etc. that are not only allies but official members of Team Victim. #mypreferredadjectivesaresadandpathetic The more people that can be converted to victim status, the easier it is to convince them that they are being oppressed. #iidentifyasavictim #whereismycookie
They want you questioning objective reality, identifying as a victim, being generally confused, and unable to think for yourself. Don't worry they are your super heroes. Not only will they defend you from the evil villainous scum and give you free stuff, but they will do all the difficult thinking for you. #dontworryyourprettylittlehead
Getting you to identify as a victim while believing their opponents are the oppressors is an ingenious way to secure their power. Making up bullshit about "trickle down economics" while filling their tanks, buying more tanks to fill, filling those additional tanks, and starting to research for more efficient ways than cumbersome tanks for the overflow while throwing a drop or two your way to justify their "hero" status. #theircupsrunnethover #staythirstymyfriends
A weak minded, confused, ignorant, lazy, mentally unstable, dysfunctional, divided electorate is what they need to more easily achieve their objectives. #thoseobjectivesbeingsecuringwealthandpower Does anyone really think that these politicians are patriotic? #onlythosethatworetheirmasks
Confusing children instead of educating them. #knowledgeisoverrated
Dividing diverse children instead of uniting them. #enemiesenemieseverywhere #whitestrangerdanger
Virtue signaling instead of actually having virtue. #fuckingfakers
None of this is difficult to see if you actually open your eyes. #nowremoveyourhands Doing demonic shit while whining about how evil the other people are can be a successful strategy when dealing with morons. #evillivesmatter Calling someone an transphobic bigot while you loot a liquor store (or support those that do) does not make that person a transphobic bigot. It does, however, make you a piece of shit, though. #thatsaninsulttoshit #isincerelyapologizetoshit
Fuck the ABCs! The leftist propaganda masters of education care more about making your children aware of the LGBTQIA+NAACPBIPOCMAGAISRACISTs. #youfragilewhitemuthafucka Straight white kids are the enemy. If you are straight, not white, but you think like a cisgender honky then you are a cis-uncle Tom enemy. #fallinlineorsufferourwrath
Before a child is even thinking about sex, he or she must be made aware that he or she is not necessarily a he or she. #confusingyoubetcha He or she may be something completely unique to the universe. #trigendermolluskfromanothergalaxy It is perfectly ok for a teacher to tell students that he is a they or a she. #buttheyispluralandyouaresingular #sitdownandshutuptransphobe Instead of teaching the meanings of words in our language, the left is eliminating meaning. Makes sense, right? #itsanillusion #yeahitsconfusing #thankyou
Schools must go in to detail about penises and vaginas and how they don't really mean anything as far as who you are. #youunderstandrightkids You can be a girl with a penis or a boy with a vagina. #cancelkindergartencop #damntransphobicpropaganda You can be a heterosexual trans-boy that is in a relationship with a homosexual girl. It's not gay if the dude you are penetrating during anal sex says that he's a girl. #dontlethercockfoolyou #onlythingsthatcomefromcaliforniaaresteersandqueers #idontseeanyhorns #loveliftusupwherewebelong
More than just sex, we have to teach the white kids how inherently evil they are. Individuals can not exist outside of the box that their race puts them in. #damnrightcrackeritsscience Early Colonist Americans were white and owned slaves, so you are an evil white supremacist dick if you are white. #themoreyoudenythemoreracistyouare Content of your character, integrity, and all that horse shit be damned, if you are white, you are evil. "dealwithitcracker
Negative stereotypes and generalizations based on centuries old transgressions are fine and dandy as long as it involves the vilification of the white supremacist insurrectionist homophobes. Any comments, conclusions, or generalities based in fact or opinion from el blanco lucifero #whitedevil are obviously hate speech unless they are parroting the correct agenda. #yourleftyourleftyourleftleftleft
White conservative equals oppressor, white supremacist, insurrectionist son of a bitch. White leftist equals the gold standard in a human being and superhero savior of the oppressed. #democratpoliticians #thankgoodnesswehavethem
The left wants children to know early on that they are either an oppressor or a victim based on how they are born. Born white obviously equals oppressor. #fuckyourprivilege Born BIPOC clearly equals victim. Victims need saviors. #thankyoublm Inherently, corrupt politicians are all about conning you into thinking that they will save you. Have you been saved? Travel down to any poor inner city in America and see how many people feel "saved" by their political representatives. #bysavedtheymeantheirsavingsaccountsarefat
The democrats will tell you that they love diversity when it pertains to getting them more power. Responsible citizens of all races don't need nor want corrupt power hungry fools to have more power over them. Their voting base is a very diverse group of irresponsible gullible non-thinkers, #governmentsaveme those looking for hand outs, as well as those that think hand outs actually work. Another way to diversify their reach on the population is to create more victims. #jointheclubeveryoneisdoingit #drivingawayfromthehomelessshelterinarollsroyce
One way to cut into that big evil cracker majority is to convert as many of those white scumbags as possible into brothers/sisters/sea monkeys/rhubarb stalks/gender fluid unicorns/non-binary garden hoses/+ etc. that are not only allies but official members of Team Victim. #mypreferredadjectivesaresadandpathetic The more people that can be converted to victim status, the easier it is to convince them that they are being oppressed. #iidentifyasavictim #whereismycookie
Creating more dysfunctional citizens to garner power seems like a bad thing for any country. #icouldbewrong The more mentally weak a person is the easier he/she/whateverthefuckitistoday is to control. Ignorant dumb fucks will believe almost anything. Immature broken children without a stable home life are perfect cannon fodder for the leftist fascist's war against personal autonomy. I wonder where one could find these individuals. #anydemocratruncity
They want you questioning objective reality, identifying as a victim, being generally confused, and unable to think for yourself. Don't worry they are your super heroes. Not only will they defend you from the evil villainous scum and give you free stuff, but they will do all the difficult thinking for you. #dontworryyourprettylittlehead
Getting you to identify as a victim while believing their opponents are the oppressors is an ingenious way to secure their power. Making up bullshit about "trickle down economics" while filling their tanks, buying more tanks to fill, filling those additional tanks, and starting to research for more efficient ways than cumbersome tanks for the overflow while throwing a drop or two your way to justify their "hero" status. #theircupsrunnethover #staythirstymyfriends
A weak minded, confused, ignorant, lazy, mentally unstable, dysfunctional, divided electorate is what they need to more easily achieve their objectives. #thoseobjectivesbeingsecuringwealthandpower Does anyone really think that these politicians are patriotic? #onlythosethatworetheirmasks
Confusing children instead of educating them. #knowledgeisoverrated
Dividing diverse children instead of uniting them. #enemiesenemieseverywhere #whitestrangerdanger
Virtue signaling instead of actually having virtue. #fuckingfakers
None of this is difficult to see if you actually open your eyes. #nowremoveyourhands Doing demonic shit while whining about how evil the other people are can be a successful strategy when dealing with morons. #evillivesmatter Calling someone an transphobic bigot while you loot a liquor store (or support those that do) does not make that person a transphobic bigot. It does, however, make you a piece of shit, though. #thatsaninsulttoshit #isincerelyapologizetoshit
Another masterpiece