Something smells fishy!

There is reality, and then there's "the narrative."  There is science, and then there's "the science."  It all comes down to how you want to live your life.  #livingmytruth  #pansexualnonbinaryshapeshiftingunicorn

We are all sheep.  #metaphoricallyspeaking  The important question is, "who is your shepherd?"  #masterofmydomain

You either believe in God, a greater power than yourself, or you think that you are God.  #maygodhavemercyonyoursoul  Maybe you think that you are an elusive hybrid creature that is both sheep and shepherd.  #speciesfluid   Or for the really arrogant, you're not a sheep at all, full shepherd motherfucker!  #cockymisguidedfool  #toeachhisown

You can look to a higher power to try and live a righteous life, or you deem yourself the higher power and live as you please.  So, you either recognize a higher power, yourself as the higher power, or some other sheep as the higher power.  Whichever camp you place your tent, you still need to determine what side of the following fence you pay your rent.  #poetanddidntknowit  #dontquityourdayjob

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

The origins of this quote can be debated elsewhere.  The quote speaks to one's basic philosophy of philanthropy which in turn drives how one comports oneself in society.  It isn't a question of whether you are a professional eater specializing in sashimi or a person who doesn't consume seafood.  #fisharegross  It also isn't speaking about being a "Deadliest Catch" fisherman, being part of a Japanese whaling fleet or working at an Impossible Meat factory.  Replace fish with anything, food, resources, money, etc.  #thehavesandhavenots

It's a given that the quote is speaking from a position of self-reliance.  I have fish to eat, and I know how to fish.  #itsallgoodman   But, what about someone not in this enviable position?  What should a responsible self-reliant person do if he comes across a person who has no fish and no skills to acquire fish?  #lookaway  #walkontheothersideofthestreet

He's hungry.  Your belly is full.  You have an abundance of fish.  He has none.  How about you help a brother or sister out with some fish?  You are a caring person.  You don't like to see suffering, so what is the best way to alleviate this suffering?  #afivershoulddothetrick  #somesituationsarebeyondrepair

You don't know what your beneficiary is going to do with any potential gifted fish.  You are hoping he would nourish himself with it.  Hopefully, he doesn't trade the fish for a crack rock.  It's also possible that he takes the fish and puts it in his BMW parked behind the liquor store and drives back to his house for dinner. #neverunderestimateaconman

The dichotomy is one of self-reliance and dependence.  Obviously, the larger the amount of functioning self-reliant individuals in a society the stronger that society is.  The stronger a society is makes it less reliant on government.  Being confined to the realms of reality, every society will have individuals that are not self-reliant. #sanfrancisco #losangeles #newyorkcity  Public policy must at the very least minimize the impact on society.  Any policies that fail to effectively address the problem or in many cases make it worse need to be stopped.  #wateronagreasefire

The trillion gazillion hundred thousand billion dollar question is "How should a society deal with this issue?"  Luckily for all of us pawns, our elected representatives (kings and queens) are taking care of it.  #alotofinsandoutsandwhathaveyous  The party of empathy, the super carers, are in power.  The House, Senate, and the President are all very very very caring according to them.  #howisthatworkingoutforus  #theworldisinsafehands

Politicians, our real life super heroes, are not only going to make good decisions that will deal with the pressing problems by eliminating them,  #nonono  they will make great decisions that take humanity to the next level.  #wemovingup  #nameoneproblemthattheyhaveeliminated  #canthinkofjustone  #snapbacktoreality

No matter what team you attribute your identity to or if you if you consider yourself a free agent, it matters tremendously how you view the fish quote.  #decisionsdecisions  The first step is identifying that there is a problem.  The second step is coming up with a workable solution.  If your elected representative doesn't care about the problems that you care about, do you think those problems will be addressed?  #problemnotenoughvotes  #solutioncreatemorevotes

How should our government address the issue of these fishless fucks?  Why aren't they fishing?  This isn't the point where we make up excuses for people not fishing based on what they look like.  #fishareracist  Or, claiming that some are incapable of fishing and expecting them to fish is another form of white supremacy.  This is a question of what is best for everyone in society.  Is stealing from the rich to give to the poor really a workable solution?  #itworkedforrobinhoodcracker

But my ancestors were prohibited from fishing, so now my fishing ability is lacking.  I was deprived of generational fishing knowledge.  My dad wasn't around, so I don't know how to fish.  #neitherdoeshe  I wasn't born with a fishing pole in my crib like you were.  #fishingprivilege  Anytime I go near a body of water, the fishermen give me dirty looks and are mean to me.  Fishermen are mysogynistic and transphobic. #respectmypronouns  #excusesexcuses

One group expects every adult to fish for themselves, and those who legitimately can't will be provided for.  The other group claims that some shouldn't be expected to fish and should be supplied with fish by those that do.  One side prioritizes self reliance and responsibility while the other side focuses on hand outs for victims supposedly created by the system itself.  #thesystemwillfixthesystemcreatedproblem  
Ironically, this hand out system creates the need for more handouts.  #causeandeffect  Instead of incentivizing personal responsibility, a welfare country encourages people to do nothing.  #sitbackrelaxwegotyou   Strangely enough when you subsidize laziness, you get more laziness.  #whosyourdaddy  When you pay people not to work, they don't work.  #notrocketscience

So it's back to the question, "how should this fundamental issue be addressed?"  Most everyone does not want to see suffering.  Furthermore, most are interested in alleviating that suffering, ending it when at all possible.  There is a difference between those who can't and those who won't.  #andthereisthedistinction

Leftist democrats are like most kids running for school president.  Their platforms involve promising candy or soda machines for the students.  They usually win because children love sugar.  #obviously #whowantstoeatchiminichangasanyway

When they get all grown up, they're campaigns don't really change.  They now promise free stuff to adult children.  It's harder work for everyone involved to get everyone working.  The easy way is to tout empathy and promise free stuff to those that don't want to work.  #welfareforall

The true caring people of the world definitely don't want the problem to increase.  Those same caring people don't want/need credit for helping.  True philanthropy isn't done for recognition or to gain power.  Those interested in truly helping tread lightly into other's lives only when it is necessary to provide actual help.  #virtueversusvirtuesignaling  #dotheyhavethosesignsinfrontoftheirhomes

When someone is overstepping at every turn to appear virtuous, it seems clear that helping isn't the goal.  When those "virtuous" strategies to "help" are proven to not help at all and actually worsens the problem, shouldn't those that "care so much" want to course correct immediately?  #dontfuckwithmyhandoutscracker  

Welfare has all but destroyed family units in low income areas.  That decimation of the 2-parent household creates more burden on the society as a whole.  #nuclearfamiliesarewhitesupremacy  Are those #ittakesavillage children better off?  #rhetoricalquestion  However, it's awesome for those handing out the "free" candy.  #remembertovoteforme

A strong society is made up of responsible adults that instill responsibility in their children, so that they can become responsible adults as well.  In the good old days, this was referred to as maturity.  #maturityiswhitesupremacycracker  

Is it better to prioritize lessons to teach a child how to do things correctly and to not make mistakes (mistakes will still happen #obviously) or teach them to do whatever and then maybe teach them ways to deal with all the mistakes they make?  By teach it's a given that shitty parents don't actively teach anything.  They prefer the less demanding teach by example.  #teachbyabsence

Here's a quiz.  Each is a binary choice of what you think that a parent should teach a child.  #whatifiamnonbinarytransphobe

1.  A) Honesty is a virtue, and lying is wrong.  B)  Strategies of how to lie effectively or what to do if you get caught in a lie.

2.  A) Common decency, manners, and integrity.  B)  How to step on and use people to get to the top.

3.  A)  Proper diet and an active lifestyle promote good health.  B)  Junk food, smoking, alcohol, drugs and video games are where it's at.

4.  A)  Character matters.  B)  Race matters.

5.  A) Responsibility and work ethic.  B)  The ins and outs of how to work the system to get things for free.

6.  A) Create a positive social environment.  B)  Employ strategies to divide people into antagonistic groups of oppressors and victims.

7.  A) The importance of honesty in intimate relationships and when it is appropriate to engage in such relationships  B)  Do what you want anytime you want to with whomever you want to do it with as much as possible regardless of anything.  #pipedownwhorephobe

8.  A) Self discipline and delayed gratification  B)  No limits.  Do what you want whenever you want to do it.

9.  A) Murder is wrong.  B) Tips and techniques of the best ways to dispose of a dead body without getting caught.

10.  A)  Stealing is wrong  B)  Take what you can get.  If someone is weak enough to get their shit stolen, then they don't deserve to have it.

11.  A)  There is good and evil in the world.  Be good.   B)  Get what you can get by any means necessary before you die, because you can't take it with you.

Sometimes the correct course of action is the difficult path.  Following rules, laws, standards, and codes of conduct might be less fun than doing whatever the fuck you want whenever the fuck you want to do it.  #allthatshitisracistbigot  That is the price you pay for living in a society with other people.  #notwhenitisallaboutmeasshole

There is good and evil in the world.  Pretending that those who assault, loot, rob, shoot, and kill people are good and their victims are bad is insane!  Criminals need to be punished.  But, he grew up without a father.  #dontgiveafuck  But, he wanted new shoes.  #getajob  But, he was a bully and ended up joining a gang, because he has low self esteem.  #soundslikeshittyparenting  But, he can't get a job because of his drug addiction and the fact that he dropped out of high school.  #rulesofsocietystillapply

You can care about those less fortunate or you couldn't care less.  It's your choice.  Those that actively don't care are at least being honest about it.  Those that create and use the less fortunate to gain and keep power with their caring facade are despicable scumbags that should be ejected from society.  #onadildorocket

Rules, laws, standards, and codes of conduct are not traits of whiteness.  They are traits of good people.  Claiming that positive character traits only apply to white people is the definition of racism.  #fuckyourwhitefragility  Good people are found everywhere.  Unfortunately, bad people are also found everywhere as well.  #especiallyinwashingtondc

I'd bet you go over to any one of the many mansions of Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Obama, or the Clintons and you'll smell the distinct odor of dead fish.  #rememberthattheyreallyreallyreallycarethough


  1. Best post. You may want to add "trader" vs "raider" situations to break through the problems.

  2. You cove everything. Nothing to say.


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