Empathy Con 2022

We care a lot,  #itsadirtyjobbutsomeonesgottodoit  but not about you.  #asamatteroffactwecouldnotcareless

Responsibility is a taboo subject these days.  One side (the good guys) is never responsible for anything untoward.  #thesaurus  It's always the other side's fault.  #andtheyracist  The other side (the bad guys) is never responsible for anything positive.  #andtheytransphobic  Responsible citizens don't need/nor want the government telling them what to do.  #myofuckingb

When you know how to bowl, you don't need bumpers to keep your ball out of the gutter. #bowlingrules  #bowlingreferenceforthewin

#imthrowingrockstonight  #youguysaredeadinthewater

Personal responsibility is another thing altogether.  One side allows you to be an immature dysfunctional child until you die as long as you pledge your life to keeping them in power.  #benevolentrulers  Your overlords will give you free stuff and defend your ineptitude by using the standard victim ideology logic model.  It's not your fault.  #itsoksweetie  It's the responsible hard workers that are keeping you down, especially the evil white ones.  #whiteprivelegedbigots  #rememberwearetheonesthatcareaboutyou

Morals and ethics are extinct with most politicians and a large portion of people these days.  That doesn't stop them from their claims that they are caring and empathetic.  #haveitoldyoulatelythatiloveequity  Here's a dollar to prove that I care.  #buythevote

#yesiknowitsavanmorrisonsong  #youcantfuckwithrodthough

Each of these political standouts is the perfect example of a shitty magician.  Anyone who isn't covering his/her/clown/lizard/demon/+ eyes, hates the show and sees how all of the tricks are done.  #nameacardfuckyou   All parts of the trick, the pledge, the turn, and the prestige are all a complete Woodstock port-a-potty inside a dumpster fire that you paid hard-earned money to see.  #refundplease

THE PLEDGE- I care about the disenfranchised/LGBTQIAWKRP+@-!% community/suffering/immigrants/climate change/BIPOC community/the poor/mental health/homeless/public health/etc. etc.  #caringisanillusion

THE TURN-  We need to enact this plan/spending/law/revocation of your rights/etc. etc. to solve this problem.  #hereicometosavetheday

THE PRESTIGE-  Government gets bigger to address the issue.  The issue is not helped in any significant way by the new more expensive and more expansive government.  Ta Daaaah!  Government has more power.  Government requires more money.  You are worse off (less money and less freedom) unless you are a part of their club. #andyourenot  #payingmoreforless

If you disagree with the left, then you must be in favor of an evil authoritarian that loves Cheetos, insurrection, Russia, #orangeface, and anything else orange.  The problem with the folks that routinely label those that disagree with them as an authoritarian is the meaning of the word itself.  Any examination of the word reveals the hypocrisy inherent in nearly everything in their agenda. #shutupanddowhatwesay

Authoritarianism- principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action.  In government, authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people.  #soundlikeanypoliticalpartyyouknow

"The oldest and simplest justification of government is as protector: protecting citizens from violence."

#captainprotector  #politiciansarerealsuperheroes  #saidbynooneever  #whythefictionalsuperherogottabewhitecracker

With that in mind, how are the people doing in the famous cities of Memphis, Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland, and Milwaukee just to name a few?  Who do you think runs those cities?  #ohbutracismyousay  Shouldn't they be held responsible for the safety in those cities?  #soundslikemorewhitesupremacy

Anyone of the eighty plus million that voted for Biden please explain to me George Soros.  No one  voted for this "Jabba the Shitpile" to have any political power in our country, but he seems to be running things.  #moneycantbuymelove  #butitcanbuyinjusticeapparently  

He throws stacks of money at specific "district attorneys" and politicians around the country to help them win elections.  Once in power they become district criminal liberators refusing to prosecute criminals while simultaneously allowing convicted criminals back onto the streets.  #injusticeforall  #morecrimelesspunishment  #lawlessnessanddisorder

Imagine voting in a Fire Master General for your city.  #masterhasbeencanceledcracker  Once in office, that person decides that fires are victims that need to be set free from systemic oppression. #waterisracisttofires  Instead of putting out fires, the pro-fire-human lets them burn out of control.  #fireequity  Do you think the now charcoal that used to be people in the city wanted to burn alive?  Prioritizing violent criminals over their victims is simply evil.  #wakethefuckupdummies

This picture is a perfect example of how much the left overlords care about you.  #apictureisworthathousandpounds   School children who are at near zero risk of major illness from COVID (the common flu is far more deadly) are required to wear face coverings to be able to attend school.  #coveryourfaceandshutup  The bureaucrats in charge of "the science" have now admitted that cloth face coverings are pointless.  Even when El Supremo Fauci did his 180 and claimed masks were effective, he was clear that it wasn't to protect the wearer.  It was claimed to only protect others from the wearer. #whydoesntshecare

It has been known from the beginning that obesity is a significant comorbidity with COVID and  life in general.  #stopeatingandtakeawalk   The children who are zero threat/zero risk must wear face diapers while the obese BIPOC who presents as a woman and is at significant risk and is a significant threat is free from the mask responsibility.  #wearingamaskispatriotic

So, the fat "lady" obviously doesn't care about the kids.  She also doesn't seem to have any fear of COVID.   #eithershedontwatchcnnorshedontbelievedatshit  #weknowshewatchescnn  #fatshamingracistpieceofshit  #obesityseesnocolor

In a democracy, politicians are elected by citizens to represent those citizens (representative democracy).  When elected politicians disregard their constituents and only care about themselves, it's no longer a democracy.  Flooding the country with noncitizens, forcing you to stay home out of fear, and paying you not to work just to name a few political games are not because of the caring hearts of empathetic politicians.  #thewillofthepolitician

Who is good old Nan representing?  Who does she care about?  #doingitforthechildren  #bychildrenshemeansbankaccount  #malfunctioninganimatronicskeleton

What about Mad Maxine?  How is she helping her district where she refuses to live?  How much is her empathy helping California's 43rd District?   #welcometothunderdome  If she's a hero, #wedontneedanotherhero sing it Tina.


Who wants to claim or admit that they voted for this weirdo?  Bonus points if you know who this is.  Tell me what he has done for his constituents.  #otherthancauseshameandridicule  #getawigorshaveit

And this demon, what has Chuckie done for anyone but himself?  #opentheborder   I'd bet that he has gates, on-call security, multiple locks, and a security system at his multi-million dollar home. #micasanoessucasacabron #stayoffmylawnpeasants

What about this guy?  Does anyone know who this is?  He might look familiar to you.  I'll give you a hint in the form of a question.  "What do Weekend at Bernie's and the Wizard of Oz have in common?"

The answer to the hint question is that both movies had someone pulling the strings on an inanimate object (the fake Wizard and Bernie's corpse).  Meet Ron Klain.  He is pulling the strings for Joe Biden.  He also reminds me a lot of Chet from Weird Science. #yourestewedbuttwad  #youseeitnowtooright  Do you think he cares about you?  #helltothenonono

American politicians advocating against American citizens and against the enforcement of American laws while championing illegal immigration and freedom for criminals seems anti-American to me.  #seemsliketheoppositeofpatriotism  #doesntsoundverysafe  I didn't think the percentage of criminals and noncitizens of the 80 plus million voters was so high!  #mandatefromthepeople  #votingfreeforall

When the government gives the taxpayer money to people that are now in need "through no fault of their own," how could you oppose that?  #heartlessonofabitchracist  You are not supposed to say anything when unemployment is forced on Americans by the politicians.  #kickbackandchillwegotyou  Then, you are supposed to be happy when they benevolently offer you some relief money.  #youdeservethisyoureallydo  You are also supposed to cheer like your team just won the Super Bowl when they advertise the amazing number of jobs that they "created" when they start letting people go back to work.  #anothershittymagictrick  #unfortunatelytoomanypeoplearefooled


Pay no attention to all the shuttered small businesses across America #familiesdevastated  as long as Jeff Bezos #yippeekiyaymotherfucker

 and the Zuckleberry Finn Robot #freedomofspeechdoesnotcompute

are absolutely killing it, they don't give a shit!  #keepsleepingdumbfucks  #enjoyyourpennies  #thanksforyoursupport  #unicornlivesmatter  Join us at this year's Empathycon2022.  Keep us in power.  We care a lot about it.  #ifdemonsarereal


  1. A sense of shame, a sense of self-reflection and an understanding of the old Christian view: I'm third matters. First, God. Second, other people. Third, me. Virtue signaling isn't virtuous.


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