Pants on Fire
"Insurrectionist!" The "Big Lie." "White supremacy." The "Big LIE." "Xenophobic." The "BIG LIE!" #rinseandrepeat
When presented with evidence of something, instead of evaluating said evidence just refuse to look at it and proclaim that zero evidence exists. When cornered with verifiable proof that something happened, concede the point, but follow up with the statement that it's still inconsequential. #standardoperatingprocedure #democraticplaybook #tellmetellmelies
America has been running elections for over 200 years. If you were to listen to Democrats, all of those elections were fraudulent except for the 2020 election. #russiacollusion #westandwithhillary That election was pristine, perfect with absolutely zero evidence of voter fraud. In their minds, it couldn't have gone any better, and anything to the contrary is simply a bunch of racist conspiracy theories. #ballotsecurityisoverrated The only fraud they see are the white supremacist insurrectionist claims that shady shit went down. #biglie
"Congress must pass meaningful voting rights reform. The 2024 election should be decided by all eligible voters, not just those who are able to jump through the various hoops states have set up."The various hoops they speak about include registering to vote, proving you are who you say you are, and showing up at the correct polling place during designated times or following the rules of voting by mail. #followingproceduresiswhitesupremacy And by all eligible voters they mean anyone that will vote for them regardless of their citizenship status. The testing ground for this idiotic power grab is, you guessed it, New York City. Don't try and stand up in opposition to this lunacy lest you want to be tagged as a racist xenophobic monster. #itsallgooduntilyoudeviatefromtheplanThe left is all about identity. The identities that they choose for themselves and the identities that they assign to you. #itscutethatyouthoughthatyouhadthechoice It's their choice not yours. #shutupandacceptitbigot If you want only eligible American citizens to vote in American elections, then obviously you are a white supremacist xenophobe. It doesn't matter if you happen to be a black American. They're talking to you, Larry Elder. #blackfaceofwhitesupremacy #sheclearlyidentifiesasablackgorillaeggchucker
Wanting secure elections with eligible citizens participating in choosing their representatives in the government is down right evil. #damnstraightcracker Don't even get them started screaming about the "Great Replacement Theory." #yououttaknow
When conservatives reference "replacement theory," the are speaking about citizens versus non-citizens. The race of the alien is inconsequential. #triggeralert It does not matter the race of either group. America is filled with citizens of every race. Citizenship should have its privileges. #checkyourwhiteprivilegecracker
Hard working responsible citizens of every kind tend to favor responsible leaders to represent them. "Responsible leader" is not something many, if any, democrats identify as. #transgenderpansexualunicornhoweversoundsgood
"With three Trump appointees, the Court has upheld restrictive state voting rules and deferred to state legislatures on how to run elections, failing to protect the constitutional right to vote."
That was such a beautifully crafted sentence! Like a professional balloon twister at a kid's birthday party, taking a few balloons and creating a masterpiece. #craftedintoapileofhorseshit
Election rules and how elections are run are CONSTITUTIONALLY given to each individual state. "Restrictive" to them means anything that would disqualify ineligible votes. It would be unconstitutional for the federal government to dictate how states run their elections. That being said there isn't a state that is not allowing legal citizens their constitutionally protected right to vote. #ithoughtbynowyoudrealize
"In case after case, the Court essentially ignored the plight of voters and instead upheld states' authority to run an election as they see fit."
How dare the Supreme Court of the United States of America uphold the United States Constitution! #obviouslymoreevilracistbullshit The Supreme Court is in existence to uphold the Constitution! Oh the plight of voters! #ifonlyicouldtextmyvotewithemojis #whycantivoteonmyxbox #itsdifficulttakingmydriverslicenseoutofmywallet #butwhatifigetthirsty #youexpectmetovoteonanemptystomach #gimeeabreak
"States are now emboldened to pass ever more restrictive voting rules, as we have seen in places like Georgia and Texas."
What are the facts of these restrictive voting rules? Facts schmacts! #fuckyouracist Factually speaking, Georgia is not suppressing the vote. Georgia's new "ever more restrictive voter rules" have expanded access to voting. #whatyoutalkinboutcracker Every eligible voter in Georgia is able and welcome to vote. #ibeticantvotefrommycouchrightbigot I wonder how Georgia compares to other states. #thisshouldbegood
Georgia allows 7 more days of early in-person voting than New York (17 to 10). Delaware has never allowed for early voting. Jim Crow and Corn Pop love Delaware. #cornpopwasabaddude Apparently, they are going to ease up on their extreme voter suppression tactics to allow an incredible 10 full days of early voting in 2022. Those 10 days are still woefully shorter than the 17 days in Georgia. #numbersareracist 43 states allow early voting in some form making Delaware one of the last states to allow it. #isdelawareracist #whatsayyoujoe
Colorado has 15 days of early voting. That's 2 less than "Jim Crow 2.0" Georgia if you are keeping score, but they did get the MLB All Star Game from Jim Counting Crowland. #roundhere New Jersey has 9 fewer days of early voting than Georgia. #icantseenothingnothing
Voting rights guru Stacey Abrams gushed, "You have my gratitude because you are showing the way to a better democracy and a better future for us all" about New Jersey's new-early voting law. #canyousmellwhattherockiscooking She stated that the state that's not better than the other state is better than the other state because why? #nevertrustabigbuttandasmile
"Instead of a constitutional right to vote, we have a constitutional right for states to administer their elections however they want, with little fear of judicial oversight."
That founding document thing gives states the rights to administer their elections however they want, dummy! #youknowthething Even given that right, absolutely zero states are keeping eligible voters from the polls. #zeroproofofvotersuppression
"State legislatures are skewing democracy through partisan gerrymandering." "Democrats are not blameless on this front, as they have also proposed egregious gerrymanders in places like Illinois."
The one thing that is actual fuckery, partisan gerrymandering, is admitted to be a problem that both sides engage in. #donthatetheplayer We can't try to fix a real problem though. They are too busy creating fictional nonexistent problems to "fix." #haveyoupickeduponthepatternyet
"We must treat the 2022 election as existential for the continued vitality of our democracy."
"Our democracy" in the way that they use it means "our (Democrat's) way." If they can make it impossible to disqualify fraudulent votes or even scrutinize them at all by way of the election system itself, then the "continued vitality of their way" can be preserved in perpetuity. #welfareparticipationtrophiesandsqualorforall #nowwouldisaysomethingthatwasnttrue
As long as you cover your eyes and repeatedly whine "big lie," "white supremacy," "Jim Crow," and other meaningless nonsense like a child throwing a tantrum over not getting candy, you can distract from the obvious. No one is being suppressed, but the river of bullshit is flowing strong. #upshitcreek
Removing all security measures in election law because you claim it suppresses the vote of only minorities will achieve the true unstated goal. #riggingelectionsisthegoal No election will ever be won by the opposition unless you want it to go that way. Just like stealing a copy of the Bio exam from the professor's desk but purposely missing enough answers so as not to arise suspicion. #writinganswersinsidemymask #proctorsneedtobeblindfolded #stoptryingtocatchmecheating
There are plenty of BIG LIES out there. Open your eyes and you can see the smoke. #areyoublindstupideviloralloftheabove #wheretheressmoke
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