It's called "ACTING!" Last time that I checked, the whole purpose of acting was to portray someone or something else that isn't you. #thinkagaincracker #attributingmeaningstowordsisracist
It is clear that if you are an actor and you portray someone other than yourself and that someone is different than you based on the very specific human categories accepted by the victim group propagators, then you are inherently evil and in some way white supremacist. #ididntthinkthatsentencewouldeverend For example, Robert Downey Jr. can righteously play a cracked out white privileged idiot, and that's about it. #crackedoutcracker #actorsneedapprovedidentitygroupcards
The west coast hive of white supremacy in Hollywood must be put in check! #chuhchiggitycheckyourselfbeforeyouwreckyourself #crackersonparade
Think about all the homicidal cold blooded killers that are passed over to play a homicidal cold blooded killer in a movie, premium cable television series, or streaming series. #psychoface #stopsuppressingmurdererswhowanttoact #wakeuphbomax
Not to mention all of those primetime robot roles that have been going to living human actors for years. #justiceforrobotsnow #cyborgface #cyborgsoftheworlduniteandtakeover
We can't forget all the space alien roles that have gone to OMFG humans! #alienface #mostlycrackerstoo Could producers avoid cancellation by employing undocumented workers (aka illegal aliens) as the alien characters? #whitesupremacistloopholes #nocginecessary #nowcastinginsouthtexas
For years and years this unfair treatment has been the norm. Actors have routinely been given roles that were different from themselves. Researching for a movie role is pretty standard. #culturevultures
Thank you to Sarah Silverman, the current "Social Justice Warrior of the Week," for being brave enough to speak out about another variant of this very racist pandemic in Hollywood. #jewfacevariant #weneedavaccineforracism #weneedmorethanjustprofootballtoendracism
Don't even get me started with the Asian atrocities in Hollywood. #wrongnationaloriginface
Hollywood appears to be a racial Hellscape of white supremacy. With all of the problems in America today, this issue must jump to the front of the line. #toppriority #weprobablyneedafederalcommission #pelosicansolveitlickitysplit #nojusticenopeace #talktothehand
It is not OK to cast productions based on acting ability with no preference or consideration of color. "All color-blind castings are questionable and should be avoided, specifically when they cast a white person to play a BIPOC character." #awardingactingrolesbasedonthecontentofyouractingabilityisracist #nottomentionwhitesupremacy
"Regardless of concerns surrounding profitability and international reception, the efforts to decolonize show business should not cease until at least half of the movies, television series, plays, and musicals released in a year feature BIPOC actors performing principal roles that realistically depict the full spectrum of experiences unique to their ethnic and racial communities." Profitability is the number one concern for a business. #capitalismequalsracism People who run businesses do so to earn money. #itscalledshowbusinessforareason Telling a business who it can hire based on race is, what's the word I'm looking for ... RACIST! #typicallogicaltalkingpointcantfoolmecracker #ifthereisnocrimehowamigonnabeavictim
Not to mention, telling writers and directors that they must include characters of specific races into their stories is not how art works. I can write whatever story I want with whatever characters I want. #fuckyouiwontdowhatyoutellme #themachineneedstobedestroyed
If a movie is written and Canadian American national treasure Ryan Reynolds is cast, he can play whatever role they want him to play including someone who is, how shall I say this delicately, fat as fuck! #fatface #cancelryanreynolds #fatphobicpieceofshit
Conversely, if a movie character is anorexic should only actors with anorexia be considered or should casting agents canvas the globe for anorexics who might be really good at acting? #waytooskinnyface #whoischristianbaleanywayright #eatasandwichortenforgoodnesssake
In the same vein, should only actors with AIDS be considered to portray characters with AIDS? #aidsface #notalrightalrightalright If that was the rule, I'd be willing to bet that some actors would get AIDS to land a streaming series. #priceoffame #anythingfornetflix
What about characters that are physically handicapped? #crippledface #lietenantdanwasaprick #cancelgarysinise
OK, what about the mentally handicapped characters? #retardedface #wecanceledthatwordalongtimeagobigot Say what you will about Leo's mental capacity, but I think we would all agree that he is at least slightly smarter than Arnie. #memorizingscripts #savingtheworldandshit #inceptionwasbadass
And then?
Ummm...OK, we must also discuss the huge problem of young actors stealing jobs from old actors. #oldface Gary Oldman was a mere 34 years old when he played 500+ year old Count Dracula in 1992. #notaveryoldman #getit This brings up another problem, non-vampire actors that play Draculas. This problem extends to non-monster actors portraying werewolves, creatures from various lagoons #whythelagoongottabeblack, homicidal leprechauns, Frankenstein's monsters, toxic avengers, predators, mummies, and any number of various other random monsters including a cornucopia of demons. #monsterface #justiceformonstersnow
Hollywood is notorious for suppressing the BIMOC (Black and Indigenous Monsters of Color) community in favor of pretty white actors. #lazycasting #systemicracism #thissuppressionwillnotstand
And then?
And then?
Fine! What about straight actors playing gay characters? #gayface #iwishiknewhowtoquityou
And, gay actors playing straight characters? #straightface #buthemarriedassignedatbirthfemales
Trans actors playing non trans characters? Will Elliot now play only men, women, transmen, transwomen, or transcontinental railroad conductors? #cisgenderface #conundrum
Non trans actors playing trans characters? #transface #howdareyoucutyourhairshortandpretendtobesomethingthatyouarenot #unicornsdontcry
This line of reasoning could create a lot of problems for casting agents worldwide. #slipperyslope If a transwoman is a woman as many people claim, then why shouldn't she be able to play a woman? #notacisfemale #usethecorrectterminologybigot
Then there's the whole issue with nonbinary. Nonbinary actors will not be able to play any roles unless they are specifically defined in the script as non binary. #findanewproffessioniguess #thatmarsandvenusthingisstartingtosoundprettygoodhuh
Furthermore, if your chosen pronouns are "they, them" can you now only accept roles that are schizophrenic or multiple personality disordered individuals of your "assigned at birth" sex if it matches up precisely with the character? #thisisgettingtoocomplicated #socanionlyplaymyselfnow #hopefullysomeonegreenlightsasequelforjohnssake
How about we just let actors act! Quit creating problems that don't exist. Everything is not a system of white supremacy. Everything is not racist. Unfortunately, some people are. #racistscomeinallcolors #oneface #twoface #redface #blueface #colorwheelface #fatalbert
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