Run of the Mill(ey) Idiot

Look out Hayes Brown, Michael A. Cohen is posing a serious threat to your MSNBC title of most clueless idiot columnist.  #moronicslanderousnonsensebycunts

The following is the secondary headline to his article.  "Military intervention between Trump and China wasn't exactly legal, but it ultimately prevented nuclear war."  Makes about as much sense as "the amorous couple didn't end up having sex, but luckily the condom ultimately prevented an unwanted pregnancy."  #iguessanyonecanwriteformsnbc

General Milley being the latex dick wrapper in the analogy.  #stoppingimaginarynuclearspermonefuckatatime

Milley is not only the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but apparently he is a highly skilled psychiatrist/psychologist or at the very least an expert of the human mind while being white and simultaneously being very interested in "white rage."  I would prefer that he be interested in military operations, strategy, or simply wanting to be good at leading the military. #lackingexpertisebutatleastheisterriblyincompetent

On top of all of those qualifications, he also lives in fear of a Trump induced nuclear holocaust. "He was legitimately concerned that Trump was mentally unstable, in serious decline and might do something incredibly stupid or tragic."  "Stupid or tragic?"  Was he worried that Trump was going to drone strike civilians?   #expertonstupid  #admittedlyneedstoknowmoreaboutwhiterageandheswhite   #veryinterestedincrc

"It's also possible that Milley may have inflated the risks of nuclear strike"  #youthink  #possibilitiesareendless  #wowwheredyougetthatjacket  #apparentlynoneofthosebarsareforintelligence  #loweringthebar

"and exaggerated his own role in averting that possibility." 
#nofuckingduh   #fillingitwithairdoesntmakeyourdickbigger  #ironicallyitmakesyouabiggerdick

"Some commentators argue the onus is on the American people to never again elect a president as unstable and unqualified as Trump." 
This was published today (Sept. 23, 2021 took me a while to get this one done).  This commentator argues that those commentators and the commentator writing about those commentators are complete and total fucking partisan morons.  #lifeislikeaboxofdumbfucks

Our current "elected" president almost couldn't be more unstable.  #aslightbreezecanputhimdown  #stairmasterofceremonies   As for qualifications, I'm still waiting for someone to inform me of one.  #failureateverystep  #almostliterallyandtotallyfiguratively

"No general or military officer should ever be placed in the position of deciding between doing their duty and preventing the launch of a war by a mentally unstable president."  #nolaunchattempted  #dronestrikingciviliansaftercompletefailureisrighteousthough

It's interesting that they drone on about people of color this, people of color that, we care, we empathize, we are breaking down the systemic systems of systemically racist systemia.  All while they are "pedal to the metal" hating on an orange guy.  #orangeisstillacolorright  Once again a situation where no one gives a fuck about the rules if its their dick, or cunt if you prefer, that's breaking them.  #cisgenderbigot  #doesanyonegiveafuckabouttherules

Hopefully everyone is aware that this is the same idiot that "righteously" eliminated 10 civilians (including 7 children) with a drone strike!  #oopsmybadsorryguys #uninclusivetransphobicmysogynistsupremacist   #oopsmybadsorryforypingguys  #creatingvictimsonewordatatime  #maybeineedtolearnmoreaboutwhiterage

Everyone gets to claim some sort of victim status except for white conservatives, obviously.  Actually, any BIPOC conservative is also disavowed from the amorphous victim group.  #conservativeswouldbedevilsiftheleftbelievedingod  #fuckittheyaredevilsregardless  It's interesting how everything is about race to the "so called anti-racists" while the "racists" only care about the content of one's character.  #plottwist  #mlkwouldbeconsideredracisttodaybywokeideology  #donttrytothinkoutsideoftheirbox  

More cutting edge commentary from Michael at MSNBC.  "It should almost go without saying that civilian control of the military is a fundamental and essential attribute of representative democracy.  But so too is avoiding nuclear holocoaust."  #planetearthyourefired  #literally  #gotaproblemtrumpdidit

"It's not realistic or wise to expect a military officer of Milley's rank and stature to allow a presidential order to be carried out if it's issued by a president who he believes is not in full possession of their faculties."  #professionalwriter  #indesperateneedofaneditor  #respecthispronouns  #onemanisnotplural  #trumpisaman  #trumpisdaman  

Do you mean "respect OUR pronouns?"  Don't even get me started.  #toolate  

It's not transphobic to not give a fuck about what delusions you have about yourself.  #wedecidewhatistransphobicbigot   #complyorbedestroyed  Make up whatever you want about everything including basic understanding of biology.  #iguesswearenolongerfromjustmarsandvenus  That being said, whoever you are you are still only one person.  Next you're gonna say that "one" means "two."  #mathisracist  #attributingmeaningtowordsiswhiteness  #expectingwhitenessiswhitesupremacy  #whitesupremacyisanexistentialthreat  #slavery #reparations #killwhitey 

Big foot is one being.  #niceass

Andre the Giant was one man.  #anybodywannapeanut

Demi Lovato is one what ever the fuck it thinks it is.  #ithinkijusttransitionedintoaunicorn  #stillnonbinarythough

"They" and "their" are plural pronouns that refer to two or more people regardless of what each one in the group thinks that he/she/blip/blop/bleep/ting/zing/ming/na/wen/xyz/+ is.   #languageisfluidandmeaninglessapparently

2 girls are "they."  2 guys are "they."  2 girls, 3 trans-female unicorns  #pretransition #stillwithdick, 2 non-binary leprechauns, and a big fat orange guy are "they."  #unicornparty  Unless you chop off an appendage, and it grows into another life, or you clone yourself, no one is a "they."  #wordsdohavemeaning  #notforlongbigot  #whocaresabouteffectivecommunicationanyway  #fuckenglish

In closing, General Milley is one disingenuous ineffective dumb ass sum bitch!  #nottomentionidiot  And, Michael A. Cohen is probably just as dumb if not dumber.  #rereadreviseandedit  #inyourcasestopwriting  There are millions of jobs available because of the current president's "effectiveness."  Grab yourself a pen and start filling out applications.  #tacobellishiring  While you're at it, call up General Milley and have him do the same.  #callingthisaclownshowisaninsulttoclowns 


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