Knock Knock...

Who's there?


Dee who?

Dee Scrimination.

This just in!  Every non-felon adult American citizen has the right to vote.  No systemic suppression has been found anywhere in modern day America.  #jimcrowdoesnotexist  #dontbelievethehype  That being said, in order to vote, you must register to vote and correctly follow the procedures set forth in the voting process to have your vote count.  #whitesupremacistfineprint  Are election security measures discriminatory?  #gettingtiredofyourracistquestionscracker

There are steps that a responsible adult must complete that allows him/her/supercalifragilisticexpialidocious/+ to exercise his/her/supercalifragilisticexpialidocious/+  right to vote.  These steps are the same for every American citizen.  No state has put forth any laws that only apply to certain races/religions/minority groups except for #waitforit ...the dreaded...unvaccinated. #somethingquiteatrocious   

In the Cloud Cuckoo Land that we now live in, any commonsense procedures to instill election integrity are being called suppression.  #youwillnotvotejackass  At a time when our country is being systematically flooded with non citizens, all procedures to safeguard our election process are being vilified. #evilwhitesupremacistbigots  #soundslikeaperfectrecipeforvoterfraud

Not allowing every ballot that is filled out to be counted is suppression.  Trying to match a ballot with a registered voter is suppression.  Disqualifying a ballot for any reason is suppression.  Saying anything that undermines a wide-open security free voting procedure is suppression. #dirtyrottenjimcrowbastards #beingforelectionintegrityissuppressionobviously  And all of this suppression is quite obviously white supremacy.  #allevilintheworldcanbetracedtowhitesupremacy

Even worse if you are calling for procedures to protect the security of our elections which in turn protects the sanctity of our democracy, you are called evil. #whyyougottasuppressthefraud   Any opposition to their propaganda is racist, transphobic, insurrectionist white supremacy.  #hillbilliesgonewild

This "good guy/gal/human/questioning/furry/butterfly/clueless/braindead/victim group" of freedom fighters must "dilute the poison that Republicans have allowed to seep into our elections."  #nevertrustabigbuttandasmile  #boyz2menabcbbdtheeastcoastfamily

Integrity equals poison.  #itsdrivingmeouttamymind  Please introduce me to one of these suppressed voters.  I'll clear my schedule.  #unicornsinthemist

Should everyone be allowed to drive a car?  Children, the blind, Toonces, Rainman?

Should everyone get a high school diploma? We have gone from required achievement for recognition to just participation for the award to no participation required.  #getitdoneorgetthefuckout  #coderedbatshitcrazy

Should everyone be allowed to fly planes?  #noexperiencerequired  #easierthanridingabike

Should everyone be allowed to work with children?  #registeredsexoffenders  #pederast

Should everyone be allowed to work in the nuclear power plant?  #whatcouldgowrong  #justlikeflippingburgers

Should everyone be allowed to work in the pharmacy?  #experienceinaddictiononresume #nopharmaceuticaltrainingnecessary

Should everyone be allowed to talk on television as a career and get paid millions to do it?  #shovelingshitforaliving  #antifatorangerhetoricpropagandaforthebraindead

This "fictional world where highly qualified people are being shut out of this systemically evil country based on how they look" is idiotic and offensive.  No one is being asked to do additional things based on appearance.  #extrahoopstojumpthrough  Unless you talk to this oppressed, multimillionaire, nonwhite "assigned at birth female" who gets paid for disseminating the propaganda. #igetspaidtodothewildthang

In life there are prerequisites (things that are required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist).  Prerequisites are discriminatory!  Yes, yes they are.  They distinguish people from each other based on qualifications.  People need to be told apart based on voter eligibility.  Some individuals in this country don't meet the requirements to vote. #getoverit  #iseedeadpeoplevoting

Discrimination is not a bad word (discriminate v.- distinguish from something else or each other, observe or mark the differences between).  If you use your brain and senses to observe the difference between things in the world you are discriminating.  Poll workers need to discriminate the ballots and eliminate the fraudulent ones. #pointlessfaceshielddork

Now, if you make hiring decisions solely based on the skin color of the applicants that would be racial discrimination.  Racial discrimination is stupid and wrong.  #obviously  Basing any discriminatory practice on race is evil.  #criticalracisttheory   Any employer not hiring based on qualifications and benefit to the business he runs is an idiot. #whytheemployergottabeahe  #mysoginistandortransphobe #womencanbeevilracialdisccriminatorstoo

In order to take Algebra 2, you must have taken and passed Algebra 1 or a test to show that you have the required knowledge of Algebra 1.  #howyoulikedemapples

The prerequisite to attending graduate school to earn your master's degree is earning your bachelor's degree.  #gottawalkbeforeyoucanrun

You must be at least 16 years old to get a driver's license.  #specificskincolorisnotarequirement

You must have a valid passport to visit another country. #exceptamericaapparently  #wearyourwatershoes

You must be at least 48 inches tall to ride Twisted Colossus at Magic Mountain.  #heightrequirementsdisproportionatelyaffectleprachauns

You have to be at least 17 years old to buy an M rated video game. #nograndtheftautoforyoupunk

You need a high school diploma to enlist in the Air Force.  You can enlist with a GED, but there are additional requirements that you must meet (18 years old, qualifying ASVAB score, college credit).  To be a Navy pilot you need even more (between the ages of 19 and 35, US citizen, a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution). #topgundreamsdestroyed  #norequirementsforpicnicvolleyball

To be president of the United States of America you must be a natural born citizen, at least 35 years old and have been a resident of the United States for at least 14 years.  Based on our current leader, it appears that 81.2 million voters weren't discriminating enough when casting their ballots.  #whisperingintoamicrophone  #fallingupstairs  #inabilitytoread  #notallowedtotakequestions  #repeatedlycoughingintohand  #cornucopiaofineptitude  #silenceatthednc  #hesgotahandleonthecrimateclisisthough

This guy got more votes than any other president in history! #thisguy


  1. Your points are clear, but our elites have moved on. They have the money. They can indulge their fantasies. It is what it is.


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