The Female Athlete GOAT
“But what they’re really doing is reinforcing the patriarchal assumption that men are inherently born physically superior to women,” Katelyn Burns.
This expert contends that not allowing biological men to compete against biological women is wrong, because it reinforces a patriarchal assumption. That “assumption” is that men are born physically superior to women. #whenyouassumeyoumakeanassoutofuandme
This MSNBC writer must not have found any evidence of men being physically superior to women during her extensive research or the time she has been living on this planet. Maybe no evidence exists. Patriarchal assumption or scientific fact? #yourenotmyfather
Either way, there is a perfect solution. This solution will obliterate this discriminatory patriarchal assumption while simultaneously eliminating the gender pay disparity in sports. All we have to do is have “all inclusive” sports leagues for every sport. Megan Rapinoe get ready for a pay raise. What are we waiting for? #econ101
No more men’s or women’s soccer, we’ll just have soccer. No more men’s or women’s football, we’ll just have football. No more men’s or women’s mma, we’ll just have mma. Alexander Volkanovski versus Amanda Nunes for the All Gender Featherweight Championship of the World. I wonder who would win. #istandagainstdomesticviolence
As an example, let’s correct professional basketball. Watch how easy it is. There is no need for the WNBA, because 1) it’s not inclusive of M (men) and 2) WNBA players earn far less because significantly less people watch it for some reason(s). #inclusivity
When it comes to professional basketball, we could have the AGNBA (All Gender National Basketball Association). Owners of AGNBA teams will no longer be restricted to only drafting cisgender men who are really good at basketball. Those “Gender Jim/Jessica Crow” times are over. #jimcrowwasabaddude
No gender identity cards will be required to play. They won’t even ask. In the AGNBA their motto is, “We don’t give a fuck about your gender identity as long as you can slam!” or alternatively, “We don’t care if you have balls as long as you can ball!” Gender freedom finally! #wedontcarewhatyourepacking
At the AGNBA, we respect your feelings. We will even allow you to have your chosen pronouns displayed on your jersey. For example if I was on a team, xy jersey would say “UNICORN” and underneath “XIM, XERXES.” It affirms xy* truth and is also informative to those who are required to address xe* properly. (*I don’t identify with the words my or me either, because the letter ‘m’ can be very sexist!) #xytruth
In the AGNBA, players will be paid based on how good they are at the sport of basketball with absolutely no regard to gender. This can’t be stated more firmly “Genders will not be considered when calculating a player’s salary,” because we all can agree that that is very wrong. Zero gender bias! #thebestplayerswillstillgetpaidafucktonmorethanthescrubs
All arenas will make available locker rooms based on each player’s chosen gender. If we have to take out some fan seating to create enough locker rooms, we’ll do it! “Fuck financial responsibility and our shareholders, we are all about inclusion and social justice no matter the cost to our profit line!” #allgendersmatter
Gone are the times of discrimination based on gender. At the AGNBA, we only discriminate based on talent just like all of the other successful businesses in the history of the world. 15 players per team times 30 professional teams equals 450 players. If you are one of the top 450 players in the world, then welcome to the AGNBA. #stillameritocracy #weonlywantthebest
Now just to be clear, if transgender expert Katelyn Burns and anyone who thinks as she does is incorrect, and men are physically superior to women, this new program will all but eliminate women in professional sports. Let’s hope that they are following “the science.” #girlsrule
So moving forward, we must make sure that we are basing our decisions on the facts, science if you prefer. Destroying women’s sports to push a false narrative to unfairly benefit a really tiny percentage of the population seems objectively unfair to the girls/women of the world. We still do care about girls/women, right? #yougogirl #istandwithwomen
I would love to become aware of the scientific evidence that disproves what is being labeled as a patriarchal assumption. Ignorance is bad! Throughout documented history men have been shown to be physically superior to women in specific athletic events. Obviously, this statement is comparing the best men athletes in a specific sport with the best women athletes in that same sport. All sports data supports this. Is there some secret more valid evidence that supports the contrary? #fuckignorance #factsrule
The entire reason for having specific men’s and specific women’s sports leagues is for fairness. Gender discrimination is not a reason that you don’t find women competing in men’s sports. Women don’t compete in men’s sports, because when competing against men women generally won’t make the team. In the case of combat sports, it is very dangerous. #safetyfirst #fairnessalsofirst
It’s readily apparent why the science of men and women is currently being denounced by transgender activists. In order for a man who now identifies as a woman to compete against women who are actual women and it be fair, there must be no physical advantage of men over women. If you are a man that now claims to be a woman, does your body magically transform into that of a woman? Do feelings change biologic reality? #mytruthisallthatmatters #canireallybeaunicorn
Creating a victim by saying that a trans person is not being allowed to compete in sports is disingenuous. Transgender girls can compete in the boys division of any sport if they are good enough to make the team. No one is barring transgender athletes from competing in sports. Their talent or lack thereof will determine if they make the team just like everyone else. #gobigorgohome
Many people like to quote “the science.” You need to follow “the science.” Many times when this mantra is chanted, “the science” isn’t settled and one can find scientists on both sides of the argument. Is that the case here? If we look at the 100 meter dash statistics for high school boys and girls in America, are they more or less the same? #statisticsrock
Biology and human anatomy are also sciences. The physical differences between men and women are known scientific facts (bone density, muscle mass, etc.). These quantifiable differences are not conspiracy theories. Visual evidence, statistical evidence, and common sense all point to the obvious. Is this a case of misogyny or implicit male bias? #checkyourbiasatthedoor #ifyouareamanthatnowthinksheisawomandoyoustillhaveimplicitmalebias
For the sake of argument, let’s dismiss this so-called “patriarchal assumption that men are physically superior to women.” This now affords us the opportunity to allow transgender girls to compete in girls sports. Transgender girls need to compete against girls because they have no unfair physical advantages, and it is cruel to not allow them to compete. They are girls! If we don’t let them compete against girls, they will feel bad. Feelings matter! #feelingsoverfacts #stopbeingatransphobe
At the same time, this revelation removes the necessity to have gendered sports at all. “Men are not physically superior to women.” Gendered sports can be eliminated universally, because the reason for their inception has been debunked by this new group of gender scientists. If men and women are physically equal, then there is no need for 2 professional leagues in every sport. Each all gender sports league will take in more revenue since there are no other leagues to dilute the fan base. Win, win! #kuhchingkuhching #debunkhate
Are we the same or are we different? You can’t have it both ways. #dilemma
Unfortunately, those that don’t care about true fairness and equality don’t want to hear about science, logic, or reason. Current times seem to be inundated with the “I want,” “my truth,” and “stop oppressing me” generation’s ideology. A group of immature “victims” that will throw tantrums until they get what they want. #scienceisoppressingme
When your truth is in direct contradiction to the truth, you are living a lie. Of which you have every right to do, but no one else should suffer because of it. Any individual’s or group’s feelings that contradict reality should not initiate fundamental changes in anything. #mporyp #soundslikeayp
Men/boys should compete against men/boys. Women/girls should compete against women/girls. Science determines your man/woman status. The reason to separate men and women when competing in sports is obvious. If your argument is that there are no physical differences between men and women, then eliminate gendered sports. How do you think that will affect women competing in sports? #wherehaveallthecowgirlsgone
So, we’re either the same or we’re different. For the entirety of our existence, we have been different without argument. What is different now, that now makes us the same? #thetruthmatters
One last thing, Caitlyn Jenner is the greatest female athlete of all time! Prove me wrong. #notaverygooddriverthough
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